the classic.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
I watched this movie just now. Aww its so sad, and sweet. Haha. Its not a fairy tale btw. And, it reminds me of high school..,and the letters :)


Assalamualaikum and Hi.

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad kepada kaum Yahudi): "Kalau syurga negeri akhirat itu telah menjadi hak istimewa untuk kamu pada sisi hukum Allah, tidak boleh dicampuri oleh orang-orang lain (seperti yang kamu dakwakan itu), maka cita-citakanlah mati (supaya kamu dimatikan sekarang juga), jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar"
(Al Baqarah : 94)

Orang yang beriman sentiasa rindu akan kematian, kerana dia takut, takut andai dia melakukan kemungkaran.

Ya Allah, pada saat imanku amat teguh kepadaMu, ketika cintaku itu hanya untukMu dan hati ini hanya mengingatiMu sahaja
ambillah nyawaku Ya Allah.
Kerana aku ingin mati dalam kemuliaan, agar dapat bertemuMu di Jannah nanti :'(


Dear self,
I told you already before, the turning point is already here. and its maximum, not mininum

days of uncounted blessings

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
It has been a long time since I've updated this blog. Well, its because I've been busy lately.
So, today I wanna share about being grateful.

In life, sometimes we tend to be sad, stress, and there's also time when you feel like want to commit suicide.
We often say, "Why me have to face this and that?"
And that moment when we feel like that, we should think about what others have been through.
They might have facing a lot of difficulties worse than we do.

do we still can breathe?
do we have enough food to eat?
do we have clothes to wear?
do we have people who love us?
do we have friends?
do we have home?
do we at least pass in examination?

or at least..

We still have Allah, in each heartbeat, every moment in our lives.

If He is testing us, He wanna us to seek help from Him. He misses you. All the problems and happiness He gave you is because He wanted you to remember Him. He loves you.

So, if you feel sad, or even happy,take the sajadah, and pray. He will listen to you. Always :)

Say: "It is He Who has created you (and made you grow), and made for you the faculties of hearing, seeing, feeling and understanding: little thanks it is you give.