Something to ponder

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This thought has been running through my mind for the past few weeks so I must put it here.

It's about my work of course haha. For the past few months, things just get harder, like so hard. I even complained to my boss but the answer I got was "it's hard so that's why you were paid like that".

Of course I was not satisfied with the answer - Adlina Maisarah is a girl who need to seek validation externally instead of listening to people around me.

Then one day I was sent for a training. During that training I sat with people from other departments. I almost choked when I heard they said they had to do overtime almost everyday & sometimes during weekend too. 

While me, I don't need to do so, I just need to standby if there's any urgency to check & revert back; just through the phone, one click away or in front of laptop, one call away. But I still complained a lot. & for the whole month I worked, only once or twice I will work overtime, that happens only if I still doesn't achieve my target. & I got the flexibility to work from home at least 2 days/week. Most importantly, I have nice colleagues & understanding bosses (trust me no matter how tough it is, I will forever be grateful for my bosses you have no idea what kind of leadership I have to deal before)

Like life, there's no perfect job. Wherever you go, there's always loopholes in your expectations. I still remember a friend told me before I started my new job a year ago; "don't complain/rebel yet. Do it first. Then only you know you can or cannot."

Since I started working here again, life has changed tremendously for me; in terms of everything especially for me as a person. I will forever be grateful for the magic Allah has given me for this one.

P/s: dear bossesss, if you're reading this, thank you for everything & I will always learn, improvise & give my best in everything I do. Please guide meee.

Till then,

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