The peace from within

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Today after Isya' prayer, I sat on the prayer mat & suddenly I felt so peaceful & positive energy flowing through my body. The water from wudhuk I took before made me felt very cool & calm.

I was not the type of person who's very religious but I tried my very best not to miss 5x prayers every day. & now I was trying to pray on time instead of last minute. But this one was so hard, especially for Isya' because I tend to sleep earlier or do something else.

As for reading Al Quran, back in high school that was easy for me to do as life in boarding school was more organized. Lately, especially last Ramadan, I read Al Quran every single day, with the meaning as well. One day, when I was praying for taraweeh, the Imam cried while reciting surah. & I was clueless why he cried. But there were few words I understood & I knew the surah was about the Judgement day. Since that day, I was curious to understand more about Al Quran but of course it took such a long time for me to act. I tried to read the meaning too whenever I read the Al Quran & slowly memorized some common words. Surprisingly when I did that, I was lead to know more on the elaboration of the Al Quran. Then one day my friend posted about #myqurantime on FB & I was curious what's that about. So I went to social media & digged to find out. From there I learned that #myqurantime was a TV show where each episode they explained one page of the Al Quran. Now I had the feeling of wanting to learn the Arabic languange.

It was pretty amazing how Allah led me to all these. Sometimes when I woke up very early in the morning, read Al Quran, zikir & perform prayers before going to work - my day went so very smooth & easy.

Everytime I get closer to Him, there's powerful energy I felt within me, making me even calmer & redha for everything He gave me; good or bad. It's definitely hard to be consistent, but I hope He will guide me. Getting near to him, every step closer, brought out the peace within me. 

Of course it's not easy, never was. But May Allah guide us every step of the way. He definitely will. Slowly but surely. One step at a time. You'll get there, to the One who made you & give you the peace within.

Till then,

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