Mama & Abah

Assalamualaikum and Hi, 

I was supposed to write many many weeks ago when it was my father's birthday, but I've been procrastinating ever since.

Mama & Abah are the most important person in my life. Just like other parents, they raised us with love and sacrificed a lot of things in order to make sure we grew up well. 

I've went through all phases - being good, rebellious, neutral and understanding. I felt sorry for my parents for having to cope with me but I don't want to remember the past. If there's anything I could change, it'll be to always see the world through their point of view. So that I will understand them & the choices they made for me. But I'm young & dumb before so let's just let that go.

I will move forward with lessons I learnt and be the best daughter for them. I love them more than ever now and I will do everything I can to make them happy.

Nevertheless, my parents have taught me many valuable lessons in life. Really a lot. And I'm gonna list down all of them here.

To always be humble - Mama & Abah are both very humble person. They always be friends with everyone from all sorts of backgrounds not only from people of same level. They always support & be nice to everyone.

To help people in need - sometimes when they went to the market, they bought things from the hawker because they wanted to help them, eventhough they don't need the things that was sold

To live within your means - my parents taught me to live with what I can afford & not lavishly. As the saying cut your coat according to your cloth.

To understand there's no black and white in life - I was lucky my parents were both educators. So they knew a lot of things from other peoples' lives. Sometimes they shared stories with my siblings for us to learn. As a person who follow the book, they slowly made me learn that in life there were grey area, one I needed to understand according to situation.

God is the best planner -  Sometimes things will happen differently from what I want. No matter how painful in might be when things didn't go according to my plan, just redha with everything so that your heart will be at peace.

Be closer to Allah and ask everything from Him - the only One who will always be with me every step of the way

Family > everything - when I grew up, I might be at distance from my family, some of us might be successful than others - at that time, never let material things bring us apart. Remember how we were brought my smallest little things back when we have nothing. Always help, guide & love each other sincerely.

To always listen and respect your parents - maybe I will not always agree with everything my parents told me, but take their advices, think thoroughly& talk nicely to them.

To plan your financial - sedekah, give some to parents not because they ask but for their blessings which will later ease everything in mg life.

To always appreciate people in life - because everyone matters.

To have empathy for people by putting yourself in theirs shoes - felt what others felt by imagining what if you're facing what they faced.

Nobody's perfect - People always make mistakes. Never expection perfection from anyone.

To forgive everyone but have boundaries if necessary - everyone made mistakes but never the same mistakes all over again. Always forgive but never forget, especially when people went overboard many many times.

Special things about my parents:

Mama - the kindest soul I've ever met. She would do anything for the people she loved. & will give the best in everything she did.

Abah - the most innocent person I've not. Funny, knowledgable but I always mistaken it because he's not serious most of the time. Looked like a roaring tiger on the outside but he had the softest heart.

I love you Mama & Abah, thank you for being such a wonderful parents to me & my siblings 🥰
Thank you for giving meaning to the lives you've touched.

Till then,


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