good and bad times :)

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
ive been away fr too long. bcus im to busy with studies, assignment and a lot of other works. so, today im writing this to share about something, that i believe had changed my life.

Lately ive been through a lot of things. ive been facing problems like have to rush to do assigments bcus the due date is soo near, and then have to stdy a lot bcus to enter Monash Uni is aint that easy, ive been to far from my friends (this one i dnt knw y), and the biggest part of my problems is im facing heartbroken. Heartbroken.

Oh well actually facing heartbroken is easy bcus u just hve to let go the person that breaks ur heart, but ive found a quote on Twitter saying that it is hard to let go not bcus of relationship ends, its bcus the trust, the dreams that have been shared just ended like that.

So its really actually very hard to me to face all these especially the heartbroken part. But what's amazing is, actually through all these problems that i have to face, Allah is actually teaching me, and testing me. And there's a lesson that i learn, that make me to come with a theory about life.

through all the good and bad moments that ive been through, ive realised that these moments, either good or bad, both wont last. Its just temporary. Both will end. Bcus in life you will be happy, always do, but at some point, you will face the sadness and sorrow. So, when u have the happiness, enjoy that moment, and when bad times come, be strong enough to face the pain. Remember, both wont last. Being hurt, pain and sad its just a test in life. It is just how u adapt urself to both situation. Its ur choice to keep the happiness and remove all the sadness. If u choose to be angry and sad at life for what uve been through then thats what u have to go through. But if u get up and believe that the rainbow is not always there in the sky bcus rain will comes, but after the rain there will be rainbow..u will move on with life in a way that u never expect. One word to summarize this, is syukur (grateful). For what we have and for what we dont have. For what we gain and for what we lost. Be grateful. For every moment in life that He gave you.

Many events had happened in my life, and the theory is true. Now im holding on to that in order to keep me strong. Its really not easy, but bcus its the best to do for myself, i have to try. Try to enjoy life in a proper way, which will make us happy, always.
And remember, everything that happens in life comes for a reason, which Allah wanna test you, bcus those who believe will always be tested :)

Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested?
(Al-Ankabut 29:2)

Patutkah manusia menyangka bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan dengan hanya berkata: "Kami beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji (dengan sesuatu cubaan)?

P/s: sorry for the bad English


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Macam lama ja aku tak tulis kat sini. Hehe. Sibuk.
Okay lupakan tu.

Hampa pernah  rasa kosong tak? Hmm i mean, rasa mcm something in you is missing, you feel ada benda yang kurang.

Aku tgh rasa mcm tu skrg. Dan aku tgh cari sebabnya.

Mungkin aku jauh dari Tuhan? Aku cuba dekatkan diri dgn Dia dan aku yakin tu bukan sbbnya.
Mungkin hidup aku bosan? Tak, aku cuba isi dgn perkara yg buat aku rasa bahagia.
Mungkin aku homesick? Aku contact ja ngn family aku, lgpun aku dah 6 bulan lebih kt sini tkkn homesick lg.

Bila aku terfikir balik, mungkin aku ada gaduh dgn org, or buat org sakit hati kot?
Mungkin. Hmm mungkin tu sebabnya.
Yeah, aku pasti tu sebab dia.

Kadang2 aku terlalu fikirkan perasaan sendiri sampai tak fikir apa org lain rasa.
Kadang2 aku nak betulkan keadaan tp tak kena cara smpi ada yg terluka.
Kadang2 aku jadi selfish, dan biar ja kt org lain.

Mcm2 yg bpusing dlm kepala aku,
Berperang dgn diri sendiri, dan perasaan aku.

Apa la yg patut aku buat utk betulkan keadaan, dan buat hati ni dh tak rasa kosong lg?
Entah. Aku buntu. Aku harap Dia akan bg aku kekuatan dan tunjukkan jalan utk aku buat baik dgn org.

Aku pun manusia yg ada hati yg rapuh dan sng terluka.
Yg mudah terasa dgn org lain jugak.
Tp hati aku dh immune ngn semua tu.
Mybe dh smpi masa aku mengalah, buat baik dgn org.
Sbb aku fhm erti sakit tu.

p/s: Sesiapa pun yg baca ni, im sorry fr every wound and scars tht ive made in ur heart.