Random grateful

I always feel that I'm not pretty, fat and bla bla bla.
But when I take random selfies, suddenly I realize I have such beautiful big giant eyes. Thanks to my parents for the genetics but most importantly, thanks to Allah to everything He gave me. I feel so wonderful right now.

Okay back to the assignments!

self service

Assalamualaikum and hi,

Yesterday i went to eat KFC with my housemates, and we were talking about self service.

In Malaysia we have a lot of fast food restaurants and we usually eat there (which is must be avoided if you want to stay healthy, but once in a while it's fine). Fast foods restaurant do not have service tax, and they do not have enough workers which is why we implement the self service system.

So, when we finish eating, we must take all the plastics, cups, and other rubbish into the dustbin or place provided by the restaurants to throw away this things. This is to make other people who gonna use the table after us will feel comfortable because it is clean. But this thing only works in countries like Japan, the UK and US.

And not in Malaysia. We usually give excuse like, "we paid for them la so they have to clean everything". My friend said that her mom teach her to clear the table before leaving, because you will make it easy for others, which makes me think for a while. Yeah it's true. And when you make it easy for others, you will gain pahala. As simple as that. Nice, right?

Simple things like that can be the reasons why you will earn pahala and enter Jannah easily. And it is not hard to istiqamah because you eat everyday, whether in restaurants or at home, just make it clean and clear. Easy pizzy.
For the sincerity and beautiful heart, we will gain Jannah, insha Allah :)

So nice that i always remember this everytime i eat outside especially. Thank you for those who keep reminding me :)

False hope

Assalamualaikum and hi,
Few days ago (maybe few weeks ago hehe), i was talking to my friend while we were on our way to school. Then in the radio, ikim fm, there was a talk by an ustaz (i dont know his name), talking about hope, hope by syaitan.
He said that, syaitan will give us hope, but the fake one.
When we are doing good things, they will say "naah dont do that, you should have fun, that is wasting time come on live your life"
When you are doing bad, they will say, "Do it do it do it while you can oyeah"
And when you lose hope and give up in life they will definitely give hopeless hope to you by telling you "give up babe, you wont be success, you wont be happy, you wont have a good life, Allah will surely not love you, so GIVE UP!"
So whenever we are feeling stress or feel hopeless or want to do something bad, remember that syaitan is the one who makes you feel like that, and it is our responsibilities to fight against them. We are the caliph, remember? :)
And as for me who have been making a lot of decisions lately, i hope my intention is pure and comes from my heart, not the syaitan. 
That is all that i can remember, hope it does give benefits to anyone who tend to read this :D