Heart disease, Heart crisis :)

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Emm I would like to write something today. Maybe it could help the craziness in me right now :)

Hey. LOVE? Is it complicated? NO. Yes, it didnt. We did. I did. Im not in love with but still, i made it complicated. So let us cure this heart disease together.

Emm well, im gonna sit for SPM this year, the examination that will determine my future. I dont care actually, but i care because my family cares, especially my mother. She always told me,

Its your final year of studying. After you work hard for 11 years, and sacrifice everything for your future, why you want to give up during last minute? Please, its not for me. Its for your own future.

I was speechless. My mother does care about my future, why I didnt? I did excel in every exam, but thats just exam without full format. The real exam with full format that Ive done was Pre Trial. 
And tomorrow, is the day, Academic Day, where teachers will meet the parents. Im so afraid. Very afraid. Im afraid of the result, im afraid of what teachers will say.


Hmm, well, I wonder what will happen tomorrow. Please pray for my success yeah, and yeah please pray that I will take care of my heart and protect it from all those crazy world matters.

for the sake of ur own future, pls forget the lovey dovey mushy bushy things called love. dont let the uncertain feelings make u cant focus in life. do what u need, not what u want. spm is just before the corner. protect the heart :'(

He believe i can, why i didnt believe myself?

Friendship :)

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Friend? How you define it? Someone special? Well here some things about friends ;


Okay. That is friend. So, Im going to tell you about bestfriend or to be specific, girlfriends.

And lastly,

So, bestfriend is someone who is willing to see your dumbness (benduiness), always withstand with your annoying attitude, and they didnt treat you lunch because they ate your lunch.
HAHA. And thats the reason Im here, because I wanna tell the story about my girlfriends :)

So say hi to them, my girlfriends;in the first picture is me and Nur Saffa Hazwani or Wanie. Both of us are classmates. In the second picture where both girls wear spectacles are Fatin Nur Izzati or Izz who is holding the red bag and beside her is Syafiqah Nadiah or Nad. In the last picture, the girl who wear spectacles is Farah Liyana or Falis and the last one is Najihah or Jiah. Now you already know them, here's the story :)
We were friends since we're Form 1, but I couldnt remember how we become girlfriends. We are close to each other since Form 3, but we are girlfriends when we are in Form 5 :)
It feels awesome when you have your girlfriends with you. Yeah, because they will always stay by your side to help you stand. But dont expect them to be perfect. They are humans too, and they are imperfect. So its doesnt matter if you have a quarell with your bestfriends. Because I did. Almost everyday I guess. Oh yes, I feel like want to slap their face haha but come on, the quarell make us become closer.
See, we did fight to defend ourselves, haha but in the end, we end up laughing together. Why? Because we know, not all the time we are right. Sometimes we are wrong and other people are right :)
Haha. Well, another interesting things about having girlfriends is we always celebrate important days together especially birthday. Haa, my birthday, Nad, Falis and Jiah's birthday had already passed. Lets see what we did for the birthday girls;
NAD: We stole her baju sukan and wrote on it. Wanie is the one who design the baju haha. And that night, after giving her the baju, we made her cried and she sulked until the next day. We all slept in her room just to pujuk her back ohh. I slept on the floor with Jiah maa, my back hurts ohh.
JIAH: I was the captain of this mission. HAHA. She was afraid of ballons and I dont know why. So we took a lot of ballons and filled them with water and BOOM them on her head while she was sleeping hahaa pity her but thats your fate dear.
ADLINA: My birthday was on examination day, esok tu exam Agama ohh. I didnt know anything about what they wanna did. All that I know is I want to eat the cake my mum send to me. But as I get into the room after came back from surau with Izz (she was the one who have to make sure  I was in the surau), all the things in my locker are on the floor..and they were arranged to show words, "we love you" or "happy birthday to you" I guessed. But I took the whole night to tidy up everything (tp sepah jugok) and as a result I got B for Agama :P
FALIS: Her birthday was during Pre-trial, and we didnt have time to surprise her. But dont worry dear, we have surprise for you in maktab.
This is our daily activity together, not daily but almost everyday we did this. Haha we will sit near to the feel to cuci mata, gossip (ish3) and story-ing about the day we went through.         Picture beside this is during the last Ramadhan haaha click to read what we talked about.
This is our weekly activity during Friday night. We will read Al-Kahfi together because whoever read Al-Kahfi during Friday night, will be given lights between two Friday. Haa then after finished Al-Kahfi we will rushed to TV room to watched our favourite show, Waris. So best maaa. What we did tighten our relationship actually even it looked so simple.
Haa this picture is to tell you how annoying I am. Haha well its because I always disturb them and want to fight with them and sometimes I kept making annoying face. But they did told be what was wrong with me. They also said that I have the taste of an old lady...:'( Well yeah because I dont like fashion and I like old english songs  :)
Haha these are the girls who I always finished my topup with. while others SMS with their boyfriends,
my topup finished because I text with my girlfriends. Yeah my mum topup for me RM20 but now only RM3 left. HAHA. Why? Because of these girls, Nad and Wanie. As Nad and I always said, "kita mesej dua la ngan wanie, bcus we're girlfriend" haha its sounds like that la. And if we SMS with girlfriends, it was not sinful. Right?
Well having all of them, Nad, Izz, Falis, Jiah and Wanie with me make me feel blessed. Because I was granted with wonderful friends like them. We are very close, but we did make friends with others. We hate racist actually. But, even we make friends with other, we still spend our time together. So, as an advice, find your own bestfriends. Believe me, they lighten up our life. They make us have good memories to be taken along in our long journey. Hee. We've been through a lot of things together, joy and pain, happy and sorrow. One thing you have to know, your friends is not angel. They imperfect. Accept their weaknesses, and youll find that you really love them.
Oh yeah, as a symbolic of our friendship, we bought same tshirt ohh and its not so expensive, only RM7 haha, want it? Try to find at Pantai Merdeka, Sg Petani, Kedah.
               im glad i have you. alhamdulillah.
our beautiful cheap shoes. which foot is mine?

Oh Ninety-V

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
This entry is dedicates for my batchmates who had faced so many difficulties.

Well, my batch name is Ninety-V..,
and our batch is the worst batch ever in my college (thats what the teachers and juniors said), and I know we
are bad but, not all of us. Only some of us that make problems, well even people said that "kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga", they dont even know how we tried to help that problematic students to change. They dont know what problems that we have..all that they care are saying that Ninety-V students are bad and always bad. So Ninety-V students, neglect what they say, we know who we are bcus,


And guys and girls, these are for all of you to motivate, US :)

Well, since Ramadhan has just passed, how was it?
Better or, you got nothing except hungry and thirsty?
Hey friends, never leave your prayer. If you couldnt do the solat sunat, dont left the solat fardhu.
Allah gave us everything, life, air, eyes and a lot more but He only asked us to do our obligation which are so easy .

Believe in Allah. Believe that He will give us the best. Everything that happens, have its own reason. Trust Him. He knows everything. He wont test you with something that you couldnt faced. Thats His promise :)

As what we know, we already faced a lot of problems...its almost like everyday is disaster. Haha. But you have to know the more test we faced, the more sins are reduced. And its not that easy to get success. We have to and we will face lots and lots of difficulties before we get what we want. So, just chillax with the bad things that comes :)

I like this quote so much..to get all people pleased but Allah not, we lost everything. But when Allah is pleased with us, we have everything. Its okay if your friends, teachers and family doesnt like you if you have Allah with you. But its better if everyone and Allah loves you. But we just ordinary human that are not perfect. We cant satisfy everyone. Right? Just be who you are and improves yourself to be better :)

Before we get what we want, just be patient when we have to face things we hate. Yeah because its aint easy to get what we love and what we want. Thats why we called it challenge :)

Theres a quote that Ive read, "things that doesnt kill us make us become stronger :)"

 Do you love something more than our Creator? If yes, then you will feel the pain. If no, you will find the peaceful that is unexplainable. Put Him at first and things will become easier.
Do you have couple from opposite gender? If yes, you should let him/her go, because the relationship is the first betrayal towards Him. Love Him, and He loves you more and life will be easier than you thought :)

You may think that your life is the worst but please know that there are a lot of unlucky people out there. So be grateful for what you have :)

Well, read books for exam, but at the same time, dont forget to read Al-Quran. At least 1 page per day. Read the meanings too :)

Dont just pray without effort. You need both. The prayer and your effort.
He always be with us, until eternity :)
Whatever that people said, they cant judge us. Because only we know what we did :)
I know its hard for us to succeed because people kept praying for bad things. But who knows right?
Its Allah power to make anything happens. Its still a very long way for all of us. Forget all the mushy bushy thingy that disturbing our mind. Dont worry. I hope we will score in our trial MARA and SPM 2012. Goodluck for mock interview too! I hope Im helping for motivating even Im not good at words. 
Lets do Biology together! *to Bios students la*

Kisah Stoking :)

Assalamualaikum and hi,
I just want to share with you a simple story, and I hope it might help you in life especially women.

There's a girl who do not wear socks. She only wear it in her school because it is an obligation to wear socks there. When she was chosen to become a leader in her school, she have to make sure
every girl wear socks no matter where they go in school. Sometimes she finds that it is so hard to ask people to wear socks. The girl and her friend, who was a leader too, feels like giving up.
Day by day passed, and a lot of people still doesnt want to wear socks. The girl never give up even when her friends saw her, they showed their legs and said,
"Hey, I wear socks today''
And sometimes she have to chase her friends just because to make sure they wear socks.
Until one day, the girl's friend got an idea. She told her that they will make a project called,
The OPS STOKING! goes like this. All the girls will gather to be checked whether they wear socks or not. If not they will be punished. And the punishment is,
those who doesnt wear socks, their shoes will be taken away and they have to wrapped their beautiful feet with newspapers.
Cruel isnt? Haha. But the punishment they made make the girl thinks,
if we can punish the students who didnt wear socks to cover their aurat, of course ALLAH CAN PUNISH ME FOR NOT WEARING SOCKS!
She did wear socks, but only in school. She feels that she was being hypocrite. So, she decided to change herself by wearing socks no matter where she are (but not at home lah).
And, Alhamdulillah, until today, she wears socks everyday, to cover her aurat. Its isnt so hard to put socks on your feet. Within one minute, you will cover your feet completely.
And thats the story on how I wear socks copmpletely no matter where I go. I really hope
that youll be the same too :)

Uhibbuki fillah :)

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
Well on this beautiful Friday night, He made me create this blog.
This blog is made to motivate others and myself too.
I'm not really good with words, but ill try my best to write.

I am new here so pls help me yeah :)