life is living :)

Assalamualaikum and hi :)

Life has been running smoothly until today. Alhamdulillah :D

And here are some good news :)


Alhamdulillah we space seeders were announced as champion! Ni semua berkat ptolongan ckgu2 n kjasama yg maktab bg kt kami :) thanks evrybody. So the journey to Negeri Sembilan sgt meaningful lah. Thanks to space seeders, pengetua yg friendly,ckgu ada, ckgu zaim the mafia and ckgu sho yg awesome sbb telah buat saya suka bjalan2 and bertapa dlm bas :) love the moments together <3

okay tkmau ckp banyak, nah pictures :)

hari presentation

the presenters :)

the spaceseeders plus uncle jepun

the spaceseeders team version skema :)

haha ni gmbar msa preparation tp style so aku suka. thanks luqman!

award ceremony 

nah abg ikmal pujaan ramai tidur msti peminat dia nk tgk ni haha. btw, congrats dpt interview sime darby!

my picture sleeping with budak sime darby ohh. congrats izz!

pemenang ngn hadiah! woohoo! tp suma tk ckp 20 org ni :(

ckgu sho and ckgu zaim cuba mngubat hati kami yg kcewa tk dpt jalan2 dgn main mafia war haha :) thanks cikgu!

pendek kata space seeds awesome!


hee this is me. simple jaa. 

malam ni best laa tp sdih so kurang best sikit. cuma agak frust sbb tkleh tgkp gmbr satu batch sbb kna balik awl :'(

ohh hat ni awesome sgt heee jap eh!


the girls of NINETY V #sorry guys tk jumpa gambar ramai2 :P

ni la 508 awesome. kelas hat paling senang bg fon tu  :)

ni GORGIRLS and meja jiran sebelah hehe syg depaa. kami geng makan plg banyak haha :)

okay ni yg paling i wanna post sgt2. here we go!

this is my forever girlfriends, dunia akhirat. i really love them so much. they are sahabat that Allah send to me. wlupun hri2 asyik kena marah ngn depa bcus of my bad attitude, tp i know they love me. i really respect them. i am good bcus i have good friends like them..i love you girls..we've been together through thick and thin, and i love you bcus of Allah :)

hee comel tak bunga ats kepala kami? say comel please :) im gonna miss them nnti uhuk uhuk :'(

this is the important picture laa. me and my dad. i am what i am today bcus of him and my mom. thank you! plus sorry sbb terbagi abah merajuk hari tuuu heee i love you abah, and mama too!

and that day, for the first time i talked to him face to face, took picture together. it was an unexplained feeling. entah, tknak ckp lebih mengada sgt aih. for me, if he is a good man and can guide me and my family to Jannah, i hope he's the one to be with me for the rest of my life forever until Jannah.
  if it was destiny, then it will be, let Allah decides, because He knows whats best for both of us.

so, event2 penting kt maktab dh just tinggal SPM jaa. pray that Ninety V will success with flying colours. We need your dua's. hee thank you :)


Dalam sejarah maktab, raya haji form 5 tak boleh balik. tapi thn ni, kami dipaksa balik haha. last time utk kami spend time ngn family before SPM :)

so tahun ni alhamdulillah, tiada aral melintang utk the whole family pergi solat sunat aidiladha, syukur sgt. may Allah bless us forever until Jannah :) syg my family so much!

in a nutshell, i really thanked Allah for this wonderful life, alhamdulillah. and now I will be facing SPM within two weeks, please pray for me and Ninety V. hope all of us will get straight A+ aminn :)

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