#1 "Not everyone is going to like you", she said.

"Not everyone is going to like you", she said. A line that I will remember for the rest of my life.

In life, not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone will agree with you what you do, whether it is good or bad. Some people will support you all the way. Some people will find mistakes in whatever that you did. Some will argue about your character and who you are. Some want you to be yourself, and they are people who want you to be a person they imagined. Some people are honest and sincere, while some hide behind the masks pretending to support you but they actually want you to fall.

Some relationships might not work. Be it with your boyfriends, friends or family. Don't hate anyone, but create a barrier between you and them, so you won't get hurt. Keep the precious one, those who always support you and be there whenever you need them. Ask for their opinions and advices as a guide. Do the same to them too.  However, don't overly attached to them because based on her experience, too attached to someone will hurt you in the end.

She said to me, it depends on yourself, who you choose to believe and listen to. And it also you are the one to decide, what you want to do, without thinking whether everyone likes it or not, as long as you know your boundaries.

As what she had told me, "not everyone is going to like you" and there is nothing wrong with that. It is up to you how you handle and accept it. Just move on, and make sure what you did was right 

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