I found hope

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Yesterday I was rejected for one more time. Of course I was sad, terribly sad, crying all night while applying for other jobs. My morning wasn't great as usual. Then, I went to school and began to teach and everything went fine. I felt so happy when students understood what I'm teaching, when they start to ask questions and when they behave of course. It's like they understand I've gone through hard times.

Just like happiness, hard tough times won't last. Like Vivy said, it's all up in the mind. Yes, it's true. As soon as I walked out of the class, I told myself, this is just another rejection. I've faced it so many times already, one couldn't make me give up that easy. What meant to be will never missed me, and what missed me were never meant for me.

There are so many things to be happy and be grateful for. I've think about it so many times, I even listed it. I am a lucky girl, born with so many priviliges. Maybe not as lucky as others, but still better than some. Whatever I'm facing right now, it's just a little bit of what others are facing. Everyone has their own tough times, but my time is now. If I can go through this, I can survive life. If I give up now, I'm a real loser. 

Why choose to be sad if I can be happy everyday? Why choose to think of everything I don't have when I have many to be thankful for? The choice is in my hands, and now I choose to be positive. Life is bad and unfair and whatever negative we can think of, but we are not. So let's move on and be strong. You can do this girl!

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