2020; a year of blessings in disguise

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

2nd post of the year after long hiatus would be about 2020! Well when 2020 came, everyone was so excited.

"This year will finally be the most amazing year"
"Flying cars!"
"We will travel and explore the world!" 
"Life will happen this year" 

On end of January, Covid19 came to Malaysia and government decided to impose lockdown in March. And that's basically end of the year. 

Basically my year went through so fast. I can't believe I'll make it through but I did anyway. 

January - early March : super damn busy with work
March - June : MCO, WFH in Kedah, spending time with family 
June - September - Going out a lot and work work work
Oct - Nov : Brokenhearted, WFH again and spending time with books
Dec : Still WFH and finally can go back to Kedah again

Highlights of the year:
2020. The year of taking a break. Despite my busy schedule since end 2019 until March 2020, MCO gave my busy working life a pause. Very blessed when I'm able to spend those 3 months with my family in Kedah. A very risky but the best decision I've made. 

2020. The year of loss. Losing a very close friend who decided to let us go. Losing time with family due to 2nd and 3rd wave Covid. Losing the freedom to see and travel the world I've been dreaming of. Losing the lover of so many years whom I thought will be my forever. 

2020. The year to reconnect with Allah. For the last few months in 2020, after all the heartbreaks and tough times, I spend most of my time alone reading books and prayed to Allah. I take a break from worldly matter, be closer to Him and reflect back on my life. 

Despite everything that happened, I still have a job that paid me well, a home to live in, food on the table, family that loves me, friends who care and hobbies that keep me occupied. 

2021, may it be a better year for everyone. May all the pain will be removed and replaced will endless happiness and limitless growth. May everything will be eased, may my heart will be healed, hopefully doors to many opportunities will be opened and true love will be found ♥️ and may Allah guide me and stay with me every step of the way. 

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