
Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Tonight, while I listened to Spotify and scrolled my Instagram, I looked at the pictures of everything I went through in my life for the past few years.

I was blessed. I really am. Very much. I've experience so many good things and met a lot of nice, amazing people in life. Everyone I've met was so kind to me and it made me wonder if I was good for them too.

Some people came and then left. But they left with good memories. And I feel so blessed with memories that keep me strong when I weak.

"Live in the moment", someone used to said this to me. I guess it is true. We don't guarantee to have tomorrow yet and yesterday have left, so we only have today.

Alhamdulillah for the blessings your Allah.

P/s: please pray for those who are affected by flood and Covid19. 2021 begins in hard way 😭

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