2022: The busiest January 💪

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Remember when they said January was always the longest month of the year? This year NOOOO! Mine was definitely super duper fast! As usual, I'll keep track my monthly life update here because I know I'll forget the small details if I don't.

It started with me going back to KL after a long break. On the first week, I got busy with work as it was the beginning of the year. During weekend, I went out with someone on Saturday & planning to get some rest on Sunday. But me being me, I had last minute plan which was going to my Mom's cousin house to pass some stuffs & ended up spending time with them for the whole day. I borrowed some of their books too because they're booknerds like me! 

The following week also same I got fully occupied with work. On weekend, I was planning to rest, but again, I made a last minute plan going to my sister's house to spend time with her before she got married. We went to Nipah restaurant@EQ Hotel because my sister have been craving to eat fresh oysters there (will blog about it later). On Sunday, we went to my sister's friend's wedding. We hang out with her colleagues. It was my first time meeting them but we had a good time. 

The 3rd week was my favourite because I had my first experience for National Sales Meeting. I felt so small in a room of amazing & outstanding people from all over Malaysia. The top management, product managers and marketing team shared the performance for 2021 as well as strategies for 2022. I gained a lot of knowledge from everyone here. The more I learn, the more I fell in love with my work & this company. I still have long wayy to go, but I'll get there someday in shaa Allah. 2021 had been a great journey, I hope we reach for the best, unlock all the opportunities & rewards in 2022! Let's Bring it On! #bringiton770 (the tagline for this year as we target to achieve RM770 million for company this year). 

On the final week of January, I went back to my hometown for my sister's wedding. Alhamdulillah she finally married to the love of her life. We ended our month by going for a vacation in Penang. I'll share about the wedding and vacation in different posts. 

So that's a wrap for my January! Let's welcome February, the shortest month of the year. May it will be filled with lots of love, sweet surprises, endless success & healthy lifestyle ❤️

Ps: I always wanted to upload pictures, but it's time consuming so let's just read for now. Maybe I'll share them later 😜 

Till then, 


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