Open your heart

Assalamualaikum & Hi!

As a person who have a lot in mind, went through overthinking phase & always multitasking, it's actually hard for me to actually to finish what I should be doing.

For the past few months, I have so so much on my plate, & to actually divide my focus was so so hard. I went through very hard time to actually sort things out.
Nevertheless, there were few things I've tried & worked so well.

1) Focus on one things at a time & remove distractions
I tend to multitask because I wanted to finish everything all at once, but I ended up only partially completed everything. So I made a timeline, "I should do this for 1 hour, & then do another task for an hour". I even went to the extend where I didn't watch any Netflix show while eating, or listening to songs while commuting. As a person who's always on all social media platform, I uninstalled everything & only went back on weekends for short time only. Of course I have social media's withdrawal symptoms, but that got better as time went by too.

I don't know how it works, but I can focus to finish my to do list in the amount of time I needed.

2) Open your heart
This one was a mind game. After I successfully settled number 1, I wanted to enhanced my focus, because as a person with always want to multitask, my mind always think about other things while doing something.

There's one time while studying, I said to myself, "Open your heart, you need to do this". Then it worked! I remembered by heart of what I was reading. So I experimented on other situations as well, like in doing sales. "Just open your heart, talk about this to the doctors" & it went smoothly. I am still trying in other situations but so far all of it works. But everytime I was focusing on something I said, "Clear your mind, open your heart".

The mind game is real. & of course need to add number 3) Endless prayers - from yourself & everybody. I've read somewhere we need to have faith that our prayers will be answered, & despite knowing a lot of things are impossible, I'm training myself to completely trust my prayers will be 100% answered, in shaa Allah. With Ramadan coming soon, let's pray a lot more. 

It's not getting easier, but I'm being more efficient, slowlyy but surely. In January I was definitely super miserable but by March a lot of things seems to be much better.

Till then,


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