i still believe.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Hey, see the picture above? Its NINETY-V..

Here's the story.
We've been through so much challenge and hardship. We've been facing joy and pain together. Now let me share with you something..

Dulu, when our batch start jd teruk, i feel like giving up, habislah klu mcm ni. Mmg yg bt problem sikit. Tapi people anggap that is so teruk and so did i. So, i just follow then flow.


Nowadays, makin dekat dgn SPM, makin banyak dugaan kita dapat. Even waktu solat pun Allah uji kita. People around us pun dh give up ngn kita. Boleh kata, hampir semua org cari silap kita. Kita nak buat apa pun tk boleh. If boleh pun, sangat susah..

Perlu ka hukum kita sbb org lain buat silap?
Perlu ka nak pilih kasih dgn kita?
Perlu ka nak cemerlang akademik ja tp akhlak mcm hapa?
Tak boleh ka forgive us and pray for good results instead of praying that well be the worst batch ever?

Tapi, no matter whatever happens, i can feel that miracle will happen. Sbb after mcm2 yg kita lalui, i know its not our fault. We are ordinary humans and people tak boleh judge or hukum kita mcm tu ja.



Abaikan apa org kata, and lets move on. We are Ninety-V. Yg akan bjaya dunia and akhirat. Amin..

Yes, our rainbow will be huge :)

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