The teacher that changed my life

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Today after coming back from work, I'm not sure what has gotten into me but I feel like I want to clean the toilet.

And it made me remember one person who had changed my life. A lot of people made me became a better person but this person was the first one. 

It was my tuition teacher, the late Cikgu Jamil (I swear I cried writing his name now).

When I was in primary school I was so bad at many subjects especially Maths. I never got an A or B from standard 4 onwards. Some more I was lazy. I'm still lazy now, but I was even lazier before.

Before I entered standard 6, my parents send me to Cikgu Jamil's tuition class. They way he taught us was different. He wanted us to understand but he made us believe in ourselves too. Of course he scolded me many times and he always challenged me to do better. He said I was the eldest child, I have to set a good example to my siblings. He knew my father always cook for my family, so he said "your father cook everyday for you, send you here and your mom also a teacher, so you have to be a good child to them. One day you have to repay what they've did to you. 

As a 12 years old of course that simple advice inspired me. I studied Maths so hard after that. Not only that, I spend time learning other subjects too. I also aimed to go to boarding schools because he always tell us his students who went there received amazing opportunities. 

And I did achieved all that. He was so proud of me. The first person who came to my mind when I got 5As for UPSR after my parents, was him. Since then, I never got anything lesser than A for Maths or even Add Maths. It was because my basic foundation was strong, thanks to him.

I did meet him a few times after primary school and secondary school. But I always feel shy to go see him alone. The last time I met him was my early days in university. He was proud of me, for making it this far. He said he knew I'll be successful one day.

One day, my mom told me he was sick. When I went back to Kedah, I really wanted to see him but I didn't. And it was the last time I heard about him before I got the news he passed away. I really regret not going to see him for the last time. If you want to see anyone, don't delay, just go because you'll never know when is the last time you'll see them.

So back to my cleaning the toilet story tonight, my dear Cikgu Jamil once said, when you feel bad about yourself, go to the toilet & scrub the whole toilet especially the toilet bowl like you're cleaning your heart. Imagine you're cleaning the mess in yourself. You'll feel better after that. Solve your problems after that. You'll make it through. And tonight, I remembered him while cleaning the toilet.

He was an amazing teacher who gave impacts in so many of his students life. If he was here today, I'll go see him and tell him I didn't become a doctor like I wanted, but I'm now selling medicine to doctors. I'll treat him amazing food because he's a food hunter too and share stories of my journey. He'll be so proud of me. He'll said, "Go repay what your parents have done for you" and he'll tell me I did a good job.

But he's no longer here. It's just my unfulfilled dream. He's now at a better place eating as many seafood as he want without worrying about getting gout. He's happy in the afterlife for all the good deeds he did in life.

May Allah grant you the highest place in Jannah, my dear late Cikgu Jamil.


Till then,


2022: The busiest January 💪

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Remember when they said January was always the longest month of the year? This year NOOOO! Mine was definitely super duper fast! As usual, I'll keep track my monthly life update here because I know I'll forget the small details if I don't.

It started with me going back to KL after a long break. On the first week, I got busy with work as it was the beginning of the year. During weekend, I went out with someone on Saturday & planning to get some rest on Sunday. But me being me, I had last minute plan which was going to my Mom's cousin house to pass some stuffs & ended up spending time with them for the whole day. I borrowed some of their books too because they're booknerds like me! 

The following week also same I got fully occupied with work. On weekend, I was planning to rest, but again, I made a last minute plan going to my sister's house to spend time with her before she got married. We went to Nipah restaurant@EQ Hotel because my sister have been craving to eat fresh oysters there (will blog about it later). On Sunday, we went to my sister's friend's wedding. We hang out with her colleagues. It was my first time meeting them but we had a good time. 

The 3rd week was my favourite because I had my first experience for National Sales Meeting. I felt so small in a room of amazing & outstanding people from all over Malaysia. The top management, product managers and marketing team shared the performance for 2021 as well as strategies for 2022. I gained a lot of knowledge from everyone here. The more I learn, the more I fell in love with my work & this company. I still have long wayy to go, but I'll get there someday in shaa Allah. 2021 had been a great journey, I hope we reach for the best, unlock all the opportunities & rewards in 2022! Let's Bring it On! #bringiton770 (the tagline for this year as we target to achieve RM770 million for company this year). 

On the final week of January, I went back to my hometown for my sister's wedding. Alhamdulillah she finally married to the love of her life. We ended our month by going for a vacation in Penang. I'll share about the wedding and vacation in different posts. 

So that's a wrap for my January! Let's welcome February, the shortest month of the year. May it will be filled with lots of love, sweet surprises, endless success & healthy lifestyle ❤️

Ps: I always wanted to upload pictures, but it's time consuming so let's just read for now. Maybe I'll share them later 😜 

Till then, 


2019: The Ramadhan I'll never forget

Assaalamualaikum and Hi,

Let's flashback to the year 2019, on May & June where it was the best Ramadhan in my entire life.

Inspired by Hlovate's writings in Contengan Jalanan about "masjid hopping", I always wanted to do one too. Back then in 2019, I was just started working in Kelana Jaya & Husna's house still have no tenants. Husna became my partner for masjid hopping. As both places were near to LRT stations, it was just nice for us to do this thing. 

Everyday after work I'd be rushing here and there (by walking, taking LRT and grab) just to beribadah more in Ramadhan. I'd go to KL when I finished work early. Our favourite places to go would be going to Surau Tabung Haji or Masjid KLCC. Whenever I was tired, I'd go to the surau near my office. We always had nice food for breaking fast (free food were the nicest!). If we arrived earlier, we read Al Quran before breaking fast. Then, we stayed there until after tarawih prayers. There were times we went to few other mosques with Along and met Farhana few times at Masjid KLCC. 

On the last night of Ramadhan, I was left in tears. I could've done better but I've done my best, putting all my efforts to juggle between work, gym and beribadah. I missed everything about Ramadhan. Although at that time not my goals were achieved, I could proudly say that was my best Ramadhan so far. For the past 2 years after 2019, I spent my Ramadhan at home, which were amazing too, but I really miss going to mosque like back 2019. Hopefully this year will be given opportunity to meet and do better than any Ramadhan we'd ever had before. 

Every time I stopped by any mosque, my heart & mind will always remember the moments of Ramadhan 2019. It will always be something I will treasure forever 😊

Tonight will be 1st Rejab (the trio holy month: Rejab, Sya’aban & Ramadhan). Let's use these 3 months to gain as many pahala as we can by doing a lot of quality good deeds & to be a better person in every way ❤️

Till then, 