2022: June, the most hectic month

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Hello, it's August already!!!!!! I guess time is moving even faster than light now. We're on the 2nd half of the year already. Seriously I don't know where all the time has gone. This year everything happened so quickly. Luckily I kept my memories here, so I can always read it back when I forget. Let's have a quick recap!

So June started with me going back to hometown! Met my whole family, we went to breakfast together, & then we went to Mama's friend's kenduri. After that I went back to Selangor again with my sister. Arrived at 6am & went to the office sharp at 8am. Work that week was so hectic because we implemented new things so it took time to adapt & it was so tiring. 

On that weekend I went to book fair with Nasuha. Couldn't miss #PBAKL2022 #KLIBF2022 this year because I love books! (Although I still have piles of unread books). Made a last minute plan with Nasuha, went to KLCC for lunch, then to the book fair in PWTC, alhamdulillah she enjoyed it as much as I did.

- Bought the books I wanted - found all the best selling books yang dikatakan habis stock. One of the books I took was the last copy!

- Met Norhafsah Hamid - one of the authors who saved my life through her writing when I was brokenhearted before. I personally thanked her as her book helped me to survive my difficult times.

- was walking around suddenly heard someone was singing & people cheering. Rupanya Ippo Hafiz was performing in one of the rooms. Dapat dengar dia nyanyi 3 lagu, & touched by the last song, Redha.

I couldn't feel my legs as I walked too much, but my heart was so full, being at the book fair & seeing how our society still love books & reading. Alhamdulillah for a memorable day ❤ 

The following day I cleaned my room & assembled new table for me to work from home. Then I had some rest before new week started.

At the end of week 3, I went to KL to meet Husna because I tried to spend  as much time as I can before she get married in few weeks time. We went to KLCC & then went to mamak date which we never had before! Highlight of staying with Husna this time was; we went to KLCC & walked to Bukit Bintang on Monday night just to get our Kunafa Crisp! We took LRT & MRT for freee because RapidKL made it free for 1 month.

On week 4, I went to visit Syida at her house in Setia Alam. Again I took the public transport since it was still free & Kak Yana picked me. We spend time at Syida's house around two hours catching up since all of us haven't gather with each other for 2 years++. Around 4pm I went home but as soon as I reached home, Abang Syamil texted me if I would like to come to his house since they had gathering that day. After Asar prayer, I went back to MRT & went to his house. On the following day, my sister came too & we watched few movies together. Had a really good time with Abang Syamil, Kak Nurul & their family 😄.

The month ended with work from home & I ordered the most delicious lasagna I ever tasted. Ohhh & I paid zakat to my ASB savings because I didn't know we had to, & I felt so light after doing so.

Overall, June was great! In terms of work, it's so hecticcc which was why this post was short as I didn't do much activities! I did overtime on my own will few times. We had violent protest too but my bosses managed it well (because it's for our own good), but at the end of the day, everyone still manage to hit our targets.

July was great too, will write it in another post!

Till then,


1 year as a salesgirl

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

It's been a year I since I became I salesgirl & I still can't believe it because it's the fastest 1 year in my life, ever. & I have been writing my progress here for the past 1 year consistently every 2 or 3 months (you can read it here).

It's been a great 1 year actually, & really a roller coaster ride. Started from the bottom, now we're stable. But the journey doesn't stop there. I thought when you're doing good, you can sit back & relax, but no 😂 you gotta work extra harder now.

Be creative, keep learning & asking for feedback

Sometimes the method you currently using maybe won't last long. If that happened, one need to act fast to get back on track. This has happened so many many times to me. I almost slipped down & fall, but I went to see my supervisors, colleagues & also learning from other sources. You gotta tweak your game in a good ways for you to win.

Good attitude & positivity always

My boss always said, keep up the good attitude, when you're not performing & also when you're doing well. Don't give up too soon when you can't hit & don't be too arrogant when you're on the top. Remember others too. Whether you performing or not, keep giving your best & always be positive. If your negative, nothing good will come to you. But if you're positive, you will surely do something to overcome the negativity.

To prepare for the future when things are right

The last two months has been so difficult to me. Very very difficult. The leadership team has implemented new strategy which focusing more on covering more customers & that is extremely hard. I understood about their point of views (POV) - to sustain, & also on salesperson POV - to have work life balance. 

This week we had our first 4 hours physical monthly meeting. It was a great session & we discussed a lot of things. I'm proud to be in this team, because no matter how hard it is (extremely hard actually), we always work with each other together to close the gap to ensure we can sustain the business.

While I had my disagreements with my bosses & experienced anxiety for the first time, I finally realized what they did actually build me into a more disciplined person (read here for the full story). & in the end it build me to become a better person & managing things well.

If our performance is low, we'll discuss on how to achieve our target.

If our performance is great, we'll focus on areas we're lacking so we can prepare for future.

There's always a room for improvement & there's no time to just relax.

Thank you for having me back

When I was 23 & no company wanted me, this company gave a chance for me to start my career as a SL1M trainee.
When I was 26 & I was at stagnant point of my life, this company welcome me home again for the 2nd time, with endless things to learn, earn & grow, which I never have the chance to do so before.

Therefore, thank you for letting me find my lost self & for saving my life twice ❤️ Most of all, being here has brought the little girl I lost in me & rekindle my unfulfilled dreams.

I know we shouldn't love our workplace so much because anything can change in a split second, but at the moment, I really do enjoy being here.

There's so many ups but also a lot of pressure too, & I'm still learning to manage that one.

God always has His own way for making things work for you. The road I went through was a kind of bumpy, but it's what shaping who I am today especially on being so determined & having perseverance. 

The learning process here is endless. & as a student of life, the satisfaction I gained in learning is always greater than the challenges I faced.

Till then,
