2022 - A year of fulfilling dreams 😊

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

2022 in summary;

- in career, everything was great! - but can't stay at comfortable so there were times I was mentally & physically drained.
- in relationship - got additional 2 new family & love all them even more! Was surrounded mostly by positive people. Some people broke my heart this year - & the worst one was I got deceived which made me realized how manipulative a person can be. Also I still haven't find the one yet.
- tried to reduce my unnecessary spendings by only buying things I need.
- bought a car, langgar tiang & gave the car to my family for now cus I was not used to being focus while driving.
- the best thing I did this year was doing lasik surgery - HD vision!
- travelled almost every weekend, mostly balik Kedah - took flight once & still hating it after Covid days.
- still into reading & writing but not yet seriously consistent into it.
- my favourite month was Ramadan & fall in love with many mosques this year.
- tried to understand the Quran more & was lead to #myqurantime.
- put on weight quite a lot this year cus can't avoid the eating part & lazy to exercise. I started to exercise end of Nov. Although I'm a little heavier, it's because I'm happierr

Endless busyness the whole year.
Quarter 1: Went to NSM in Melaka, Tuwa got married, went for holiday with the fam & to Baling for Husna's engagement! Got scammed which almost broke me apart but I'm not that foolish girl anymore & got Covid later on.
Q2: went to Grand Hyatt, had the best Ramadan ever with a lot of mosque hopping, celebrated Aidilfitri in Kedah & Penang, received my car earlier & finally driving but I langgar tiang on the 6th day. & got so draineeddd at work in June when new things were implemented almost got sick.
Q3: celebrated Aidiladha, went to NSM in Ipoh, Husna got married! & I travelled the most this quarter. Also got lasik surgery too. & finally adapting to the new adjustment in work
Q4: sales were terrible in October, went to OT first time, Tuwa gave birth, got sponsorship to further study, bought a little of the company shares

Lessons throughout the year;
- learning & improvising in all areas in life
- still passionate & lucky to be in this line of work
- spend a lot of time & have a lot of adventures with my loved ones
- ticking of most of my wishlist & goals in life
- haven't found the one, so I learn to be the one first

2022 was mostly about hustling between work, spending more time with loved ones, travelling & fulfilling my dreams. I pushed myself to the max beyond what I thought could do. It was a great journey & I was the happiest, but along the way; I lost track of time, felt so tired & unhealthy (despite sleeping at 9pm everyday!), lost focus, few times being anxious & overthinking. 

Thus for 2023, as I grow further in life & going for my dreams, I want to focus more on taking care of myself especially in managing my time, health, financial & spiritual.
Because if one wants to change anything, it should start with herself first (& it's something I always always struggle with).

May 2023 will be a great year in all aspects again - 120% above all the way! Allah has given me so much in life till I felt so guilty to ask for more or not being grateful enough. I hope Allah will keep the blessings I have & grant my major wishes I've been praying for a long long time. To a better year in shaa Allah. Happy new year everyone 🎉

Till then,

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