Open your heart

Assalamualaikum & Hi!

As a person who have a lot in mind, went through overthinking phase & always multitasking, it's actually hard for me to actually to finish what I should be doing.

For the past few months, I have so so much on my plate, & to actually divide my focus was so so hard. I went through very hard time to actually sort things out.
Nevertheless, there were few things I've tried & worked so well.

1) Focus on one things at a time & remove distractions
I tend to multitask because I wanted to finish everything all at once, but I ended up only partially completed everything. So I made a timeline, "I should do this for 1 hour, & then do another task for an hour". I even went to the extend where I didn't watch any Netflix show while eating, or listening to songs while commuting. As a person who's always on all social media platform, I uninstalled everything & only went back on weekends for short time only. Of course I have social media's withdrawal symptoms, but that got better as time went by too.

I don't know how it works, but I can focus to finish my to do list in the amount of time I needed.

2) Open your heart
This one was a mind game. After I successfully settled number 1, I wanted to enhanced my focus, because as a person with always want to multitask, my mind always think about other things while doing something.

There's one time while studying, I said to myself, "Open your heart, you need to do this". Then it worked! I remembered by heart of what I was reading. So I experimented on other situations as well, like in doing sales. "Just open your heart, talk about this to the doctors" & it went smoothly. I am still trying in other situations but so far all of it works. But everytime I was focusing on something I said, "Clear your mind, open your heart".

The mind game is real. & of course need to add number 3) Endless prayers - from yourself & everybody. I've read somewhere we need to have faith that our prayers will be answered, & despite knowing a lot of things are impossible, I'm training myself to completely trust my prayers will be 100% answered, in shaa Allah. With Ramadan coming soon, let's pray a lot more. 

It's not getting easier, but I'm being more efficient, slowlyy but surely. In January I was definitely super miserable but by March a lot of things seems to be much better.

Till then,


Another grateful post

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

[Saw this on my note, I think I wanna keep it here]

23:25, Mon 27 Feb 2023

For the past few days, I had experienced a lot of things that made me realized I have more than I wanted, better than what I expected.

Like last week, I went to the annual dinner of the company I worked at. I had few deep conversations, which showed me that if I went through the paths I planned for, it definitely will end up much worst. Allah made it easy for me to go there & went home safely. Despite being brave, I did feel scared to go everywhere on my own.

Today, I was clueless about a lot of things at work, but Allah send me people to help me understand better. After working hours, my sister, brother in law & their little cute baby came. We had dinner at a nice restaurant with good food & affordable price. & we were led to the mosque. The baby behaved, I could read the Quran & we stayed from Maghrib till Isyak. It was nice having quality time within 3 hours. Then they sent me home. I had this thought while I was in shower.

I was blessed beyond measure. Life didn't turned out the way I expected it to be, but better in ways I never imagined. Of course I had dreams I wished to come true, but Allah always knows best.

I still remember days when I was rebellious, questioning Allah on a lot of things, kept wanting Him to give what I wanted. Instead of asking, I was more like forcing Him. & without knowing, I was being someone I never wanted to be. Then, one by one of my blessings were pulled away, especially the peace in my heart.
I was fortunate I had the chance to fix things & return back to Him. & life has been a lot better since then.

Last week when I called my mom, we had a lengthy conversation about life & she said, "Someday you'll know why things happened the way they did. One day when you're older you'll say, 'Ah, that's why Allah has planned my life the way it is, right now'". With everything I had went through, I already have a lot of 'Ah, that's why!'.

There were still days, when there'll problems arised, & my heart just felt I couldn't take anymore. But what He puts me through, was everything I could deal with.

Therefore, I am grateful. & thus, this is enough.
I'll always pray Allah will give me, whatever He thinks best for me. I can set the bar & my own decisions, but ultimately it's up to him. May Allah ease.

Step by step

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Today I came through the statement from one of my favourite authors, Mr James Clear;

I've been on some highs & lows, but mostly being stagnant. Also was trying to figure out a lot of things. & trying to minimize planning to focus more on just doing it, taking step by step, one at a time.

The perfect day came when you least expect it to happen, & from the continuous efforts you've put through high & low. & it was today for me. Some things I've been pushing through just happened work out now,  & I've got answers to many uncertainties.

So people, baby steps, take that slowly & increase the pace over time.

Ps: add in a lot of prayers tooooo, it magically gave me so so much peace to my heart.

Till then,
