

The semester ended today. Alhamdulillah. I felt so relieved.
Happiness yeah.
Hopefully the result will be good for me and my friends to proceed to the next semester :)

Kpd yg dpt twrn smbg belajar congrats weh!
Pls stay focus sbb uni is not like high school.
Jgn culture shock.
Solat tlg jaga k.
And bawalah Al-Quran ke mana saja anda pergi.
It will guide you nnti :D
Ninety-V. Jom gempakkan dunia, and work hard fr our ummah and society <3

Hee alhamdulillah thank you Allah.

muka nak last paper :)

p/s: makin lama aku makin rasa He has better plan fr me :)

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