Recipe : Good foooooddd I made in uni

Assalamualaikum and hi there!
Hallo today I wanna tell you about the food I cook during last semester and this semester.

I am a person who loves to eat but I want good food with reasonable price. I will seriously get mad if my food is not good and it is pricey.

So I decided to cook. During first year I always cook with my housemates but since everyone has different "selera makan" so we decided to cook on our own. But sometimes we cook together and it will for sure turns out to be super good food! Soooo here are all the good foods hehe.

1. Ayam masak santan goreng - basically ni recipe Husna and Along. Just pressure ayam tu dgn santan daun kunyit tambah garam and all and then stir fry. Masa stir fry tu tambah cheese nnti dia lelehhhh.

2. Simple honey chicken with tomatoes and salad - marinate ayam dgn madu, halia dan garlic pastu pressure then stir fry. Serve with salad and tomatoes. Dapppp

3. Beef patty - basically this is super lazy recipe. Sbb nak makan all nutritions we need in one bite haha. Beef patty ni ada minced beef, tauge, chilies, garlic and bulat2kan dia kecik2 pastu simpan dalam freezer and goreng je when you wanna eat it.

4. Tauhu berlauk with tauge and tomatoes - This is a quite leceh recipe and the taste takde la really good or maybe I dont know how to cook it hahaha. Kat rumah tu ada Noxxa pressure cooker but I dont know how to use for steam option so its a bit hard la. Oh the recipe as what I remember letak tauhu telur, tauhu biasa tu, udang, daun ketumbar and then steam kan dia. Bila nak makan goreng je. 

5. Butter prawn with potatoes and salad - letak butter goreng cili, bawang and then masukkan udang. Goreng ubi jd fries. Serve all with salad.

6. Beef patty with tauge and cheese omelette - beef patty dah cerita now proceed to cheese omelette. Sedaaaaap and easy. Kacau telur with mayonis pastu tuang atas pan after panaskan olive oil. Tp api slow. Then dh nak masak tu letak cheese then gulunggg siap. Tgk video kat youtube tau sbb teknik nak dpt texture yg sedap tu penting.

7. Roti cheese telur - paling senang. Roti celup telur goreng. Yg nak letak cheese tu gulung cheese dulu lepas tu celup telur then goreng.

8. Lontong - ni recipe susah sikit sbb leceh tp I made this with housemates so takde la recipe makanan org bujang mcm recipe lain2. Google je recipe lontong mesti banyak tp I prefer azlitamasammanis punya recipe.

9. Bubur oat - this one is my fav seriously sedaapppp sangat and very quick. Stir fry ayam isi, bawang merah bawah putih dgn cili pastu masukkan cabbage. Dah wangi tu masukkan air, kicap soya, sos ikan, oyster sauce. Masukkan oat and biar air mendidih jap. Nampak oat dh kembang tu stop la then makan. Kalau ada ikan bilis sambal kering lagiii sedapppp!

But above all my fav is this one;

Chicken patty with a lot of sayur inside serve with tomato and spinach kangkung dip

Sedapp sangat I swear so I wanna cerita the recipe once I do it another time sbb nak cerita the exact recipe. 

For me, anyone can cook. Tak perlu perfect asal sedap sudah. Elakkan makan luar selalu kalau nak jimat. Okay tu je lah. Bye for now. Happy cooking.

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