Questions to ask myself #5

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
  1. What do you really wish you knew when you were younger?
    People will always change

  2. What songs can you sing that I’ll know after hearing two words from the song?Ronan Keating When you say nothing at all

  3. If you were given $100,000, but it could only be used to upgrade your shower or bathtub what upgrades would you make?
    Bathtub installed with Netflix and Spotify inside 

  4. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

  5. What do you wish you had more time for?
    Time to discover myself

  6. When was the last time you had a gut feeling about something that turned out to be correct? How about a time your gut feeling was wrong?
    September 2020. Usually my gut feeling is never wrong

  7. What would you do if one day you woke up and every person was just gone without a trace?
    I will Googled and do my best to investigate where they went

  8. What’s your “and then it got worse” story?
    I though you're the one and then it got worse

  9. What’s the biggest lie that someone told you?
    That they will never leave

  10. If you could dedicate your life to solving one problem, what problem would you choose?
    To make everyone happy

  11. What jobs exist because people are selfish?

  12. What always lets you down and what never lets you down?
    Expectations always let me down and food never let me down

  13. What’s the weirdest thing you have seen on someone’s phone?
    I haven't seen anything weird yet so far

  14. What’s your favorite way to meet new people?
    Randomly anywhere

  15. What areas in your life do you have high hopes for and what are those high hopes?
    I hope that I will improve a lot as a person in my career and relationships

  16. Who was the most spoiled person you personally have met?
    My cousin

  17. What’s the most pleasing accent to hear your language spoken with?

  18. What website or app has completely changed your life for better or for worse?
    For better Al Quran apps. For worse - Social media apps

  19. How different is the social environment for kids in school now versus 10 or 20 years ago? 
    Not real and adventurous compared to our times.

  20. Most people want to be wealthy for one reason or another. Why do you want to be wealthy? What would be the biggest benefit of being wealthy?
    To live easy life because you will have time for yourself and family
Till then,

26 random advice for 26 y/o me


Today I turned 26 years a lot. There's a lot of things on my mind and I guess the best thing to do is to write them down.

  1. Do not worry too much
  2. Things won't get easier but you will be stronger
  3. Take care of your health
  4. Drink enough water
  5. Have a good walk once in a while when it's too overwhelming
  6. Breathe when you feel it's so much to take
  7. Cry when you're sad and be stronger after that
  8. Go shower whenever you feel sleepy or lazy
  9. Stop procrastinating. Do it now!
  10. Never wait in uncertainty
  11. Change is a good thing
  12. Believe in yourself - you have gone through a lot
  13. Let go of your past
  14. Don't be afraid to fall in love again
  15. Write when you overthink
  16. Read when you can't think
  17. Reflect on yourself
  18. Pray to Allah all the time for everything and about anything
  19. Appreciate everyone in your life
  20. Less talking, more listening
  21. Forgive yourself
  22. Look presentable
  23. Save and invest money
  24. Start my day early
  25. Live life happily
  26. And always be grateful for every single thing in life
Happy 26th birthday Adlina Maisarah.
I'm proud of who you have become and always will do 😊

Till then,

Social Media Hiatus on Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

[written on 25/3/21]

I've been wanting doing this since a long time ago but it's always on and off. For the past few months, a lot of things happened and sometimes it's very suffocating for me to endure. I tried to get off social media by distracting myself, surprisingly it works to help make me feel better and be more productive! However, it didn't last long because I will always go back. The longest I managed to resist is 1 week, I guess? So since Ramadhan is approaching, I wanted to make the most out of it to do things I really want to do. I'll update my Ramadhan here instead of on social media and post it on 1st Syawal. So for these few days till Ramadhan, I will still be on social media at limited time. I hope this will work, because what I love the most are reading, writing and to be productive in life :)

WEEK 1 & 2 [written on 23/4/21]
So first week on Ramadhan, my plan failed, I can't stop scrolling because of FOMO and I always love to tweet. Besides on week 2 I got my period, so I can't read Al-Quran thus I spend most of my time scrolling. My terrible period pain also made me lied down and scroll. From Twitter to FB to IG and then now to Tiktok also. The thing is a lot of scrolling made me felt so tired. It drained my energy and made my eyes tired. Nevertheless, I still keep scrolling. In March and April, I haven't read much also because of this. Now I can fast already, so I'm motivated to do this.

However, we can't give up okay! So I Googled on How to Stop Endless Scrolling on Social Media and below are some times that I found.

  • Set Social Media Time - This one I always tried but failed. This time I want to go a little bit extreme which is can online on weekend only.
  • Delete apps - I can't do this!!! I will opt for log out from all account only
  • Don't Sleep with your phone - I sleep with my phone I just need to put it aside once I got in my bed
  • Turn off Notification - I'm sure this will work!
  • Keep your phone out of sight - I will on working days, since now I have Tablet and Kindle already.

So let's do our best for week 3!!!

WEEK 3 [written on 2/5/21]
My goals are:

  • To complete Al Quran as much as I can this weekend - completed 40%
  • Finish Google Digital Marketing certificate - completed all courses, only left final exam
  • Do planner for May - DONE!!! 
  • Start spring cleaning - I cleaned my room and started vacuuming the whole house
For week 3, I uninstalled social media but still look at it on browser. It does help in reducing screen time. Overall I did okay but I have the feelings I should do more! I'm proud of myself for spending 1 hour plus per day to read Quran. Little did I know getting to understand Quran made me love it even more. 

I still need improvement in:
Waking up early at 4am - must sleep latest at 11pm
Procrastinating - get things done ASAP
To read and understand Quran more - I improved a lot since last year but still want it to be better and much better
Reduce time on social media - already reduced a lot but must reduce more

    WEEK 4 [written on 19/5/21]
    My goals are:
    • To focus on reading understand Al Quran - done by 50%
    • To start reading books - not done because work quite demanding
    As for social media, uninstalled everything so that reduce my screen time a lot.
    I start wake up early at 4-5am for tahajjud. Although I'm so sleepy because I work in the morning, I tried to wake up half an hour before sahur.

    WEEK 5 [written on 19/5/21]
    On this week I start taking 9 days leave in total to focus on final days of Ramadhan. So my goals are:
    • Focus on finding Lailatul Qadar, reading & understanding Al Quran
    • Fulfil all the unfinished list
    For the last 10 days, I managed to wake up early for tahajjud and read Al-Quran in the morning. I did some spring clean too. I'm only able to finish 70% of the Al-Quran but I think it is quite a lot more than last year. I'm grateful that I took long leave to spend time for ibadah.

    Overall, this Ramadhan is second best than 2019, almost close to that best, but it's best in terms of spending Ramadhan at home.

    I hope after Ramadhan, I will be consistently do ibadah like I did in Ramadhan. 

    Anyway salam Syawal and stay safe :) Covid cases has reached 6k today, the highest so far. Take care everyone!

    Till then,