My interview experiences part 1 - For fresh graduate

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

[This will be a super long post and I will only publish it once I got a job - if you're reading this alhamdulillah I already get a job! - and by the time this was published, it has been 3 years since I started working]

Written starting from 26/03/2018 until today
I want to share about a lifetime experience I've had. Failing interviews, or failures (I never had any major failure before). To be honest, I've never been in real interviews before I graduate, and the only experience I have is mock interview in school which is like 5 years ago. Furthermore, I just think of taking a rest after a long freaking 14 years of exams and stuffs. After a few months I finished my studies, I immediately make a resume, create a profile on JobStreet and LinkedIn and start applying for jobs. These two are the best platform for job hunting. I applied for 400++ positions and receive around more than 10 invitations. But nothing can beat career fair so far. I got quite many interview invitations, which means my resume is fine. The main problem here is my interviews. I have issues with interviews mainly because I get nervous easily, I didn't know how to talk about myself and probably I'm not sure of what I want.
  1. Underwriter - Company A - FAILED
    I still remember the day I went to this interview. My very first interview. This company is located in the middle of KL near Bukit Bintang. I went there by LRT and then took Grab. When I first entered the company I was amazed because the building was quite big. As a girl coming from Kedah and never saw high tech stuffs, I'm amazed to see the security was very tight, just to enter building need to verify a lot of things.

    Upon arrival, I was given a questions to answer, basically about medical and insurance stuffs. It's quite easy but confusing. The job description showed that this job need someone who worked really work under HIGH pressure, so when the interview emphasized on this, I became scared so it didn't show on my face that I was able to do that. And so I failed.

  2. Business Analyst - Company B - FAILED
    For this position, they need someone who have 5 years experience but I didn't know why they call me. And the only reason I went for the interview because I got the invitation at the same time with job 1. The office was nice, the job was good but I didn't show much confidence at that time. Thus, I didn't receive the offer.

  3. Product Specialist - Company C - FAILED
    When I applied for this position, I don't really know what it does but I just said to myself just give it a try but I know it was a company selling medical supplies. During interview I just realized it's just another fancy name for professional sales person.  And I'm not good in sales at all! The interviewer asked basic questions and then he asked me to do a demonstration on how to sell the products to people. At this part I went blank already! So good bye to this one 😂

  4. Trainee Embryologist - Hospital D - FAILED
    This job is located at the hospital in one of my favourite city. I understand the job nature. The interview was very smooth and just fine. I was really excited because the interviewers said they will send the staff for this job to Vietnam for training for about 6 months. I think what makes me failed this interview was my body language showed I don't really favour working on weekends and public holidays. Two week after the interview, the hospital revert back to me with tthe results.

  5. Research Assistant - Company E - FAILED
    This interview was the weirdest one. The call interview and email invitation were okay. They said they collaborate with government to work on textbook syllabus for Biology and Anatomy. When I went for the interview, the company located in a studio apartment. Then they asked me to answer anatomy related test before briefly interviewed me. They didn't ask anything related to me but just explained the job desription. That's kind of weird to me. After the interview, I emailed them for follow up and they said they will update me after two weeks. Two weeks later, I emailed them again but they said they were busy moving to their new office. After one week, their email no longer valid. Until now, I think they were scammers but I never knew their reasons. This was my last interview in 2017 and I stopped attending interviews for a while.

  6. Medical Underwriter - Company F- FAILED
    This is a position in one of the top insurance company in Malaysia. Since I went to interview 1, I think I will be able to survive this one. The interviewers looked a lil bit strict, but they were okay. However, when they ask about handling stress and weakness, I got nervous and cried. The interviewers were surprise and they end up giving me advices instead of asking me questions. I got a free counselling session instead. And we all know I didn't get the job.

  7. Administration and Diplomatic Officer - Government - FAILED
    This one is the hottest job for government . Almost 200k people applied for this job when it's open every year. But only 400 will make it to the final stage. The stage consists of - online test, fitness test, group interview and finally the individual interview. 

    The online tests consist of General Knowledge test and Psychometric test. For General Knowledge test, you need to Google at fast speed while Psychometric test you need to think critically because most of the questions are not logic haha jkjk. I cannot really remember about the physical test, but they were like the one we had back in high school. And the last one is group interview - writing, speaking test and group discussion. I only make it to the group interview and failed at that stage. 

  8. Temporary Teacher - School G - PASSED
    I went to this interview after physical test for 7. There was a vacancy at my primary school and they need replacement ASAP. It was a quick one and I was inform to start a week later.

  9. SL1M Trainee - Company H - PASSED
    Back then when Covid19 didn't exist, there was a thing called Career fair. I went to SL1M Career fair held in Alor Setar. I handed my resume to many companies but none called for on the spot interviews. So I went back just like that. When I was half way back home, Company H called me for interview. But I declined because I almost reached home. After the call, my mom asked who called me? I told her I declined the interview and she was mad because I turned down the opportunity. She asked me to call company H and told them I will go to the interview.

    Alhamdulillah, I was offered to be one of the SLIM trainee. Thank God I listened to my mom. If I didn't, I let go one of the best opportunities in my life. I have grow a lot from being a SL1M trainee and many opportunities I received are from there.

  10. Executive, Validation - Still Company H  - FAILED
    After almost a year working as SL1M trainee in company H, they invite me for interview to absorb me permanently. I thought the interview will be easy because I work in that department already but I was wrong. It wasn't. I was speechless most of the time and I didn't feel the connection with me and interviewers. I was not confident and my answers were just safe answers. So I failed the interview.

    When I looked back, the reason I failed was not because I was nervous. I am very determined and harworking person but I didn't have passion in that field. And it showed through my eyes and answers.

    Quick tips: If you don't feel any chemistry/2 ways communication with interviewers, most likely you will fail

  11. Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Company I - FAILED
    Towards the end of my SL1M days, I started looking for permanent jobs. So this one, I received a phone call from recruitment agency for this position. Then I went to their office for interview. I came all the way from Klang to PJ, but the interview was only for 5 minutes. I know some recruitment agencies just call people for interviews to reach their KPI, and I guess this one was included too.

  12. Customer Service Specialist - Company J - PASSED
    For this one, I went to a career fair in Mid Valley. I listed down all the companies I wanted to send my resume. After going through all the companies, Company J was the last one on my list to submit resume. My friends were already tired and wanted to go back. So I told them to go first because I wanted to approach company J. I spoke to HR and then he suggested me CS deparment. He brought me to a lady (who then became my boss) and we spoke about what her department do. Although the job title was Customer Service, the job was actually more on order processing and complaint management (p/s: job description is wayy more important than the title). I gave her my resume and she said she will contact me within 2 weeks.

    After 2 weeks, she still doesn't contact me. I was worried because I really really want to work there. So I opened LinkedIn, looked for the HR and write to her. She asked me to submit my resume and then she called me the day after to go for interview. 

    On the interview day, when I went to Company J, I was impressed because the office was so modern and beautiful. I came an hour earlier, and they just finished interview a candidate so they decided to start my session earlier. They ask basic question like other companies asked but I could answer smoothly. What convinced them to hire me was because my effort to approach and follow up with them. That showed my determination. Because for this job, it's easy to hire people, but it's hard to make them stay.

    A week later, I received the offer and that's where I work from April 2019 until now [but I already resigned and my last is on 21st July 2021]

  13. Medical Lab Technologist - Hospital K - FAILED
    I went to this interview after 2 days interview with company J. I already give up on Medical Lab Technologist job because I know it was underpaid and you have to work on weekends & public holidays. But I just went to the interview for the sake of experience.

    The interview was okay but when it came to the salary, I said I requested for RM2XXX, but she said it was to high and then I don't have experience in medical lab. I told her I have experienced doing internship at medical lab and my SL1M training also I work in chemical lab. She said it was not enough to request that much. 

    So I told this capitalist hospital, minimum amount for a degree graduate with no experiences should be at least RM2XXX. Other interviews I went will offer at least that much. She was speechless when I said that but of course I didn't get the job after saying such things.
From all these interviews, I notice the patttern for interviews questions for experienced people are pretty similar:         
  1. Firstly they will ask you to introduce yourself and explained about your background.
  2. Then, the interviews will ask what do you know about us or why you apply for this job because they wanted to know have you did your research on the company and the job.
  3. The interviews will ask a lot about yourself like your weakness, strengh, achievement and etc because they want to see if your personalities can fit into the work.
  4. Do ask a lot of questions. It will help to create 2 way communications and show that you are interested. You can ask questions like can you tell more about the team I'll be working with and the company culture or what are your expectations towards new staffs?
  5. Lastly, doa and tawakal because you have do the best. Whether you get this job or not, you already have your work now and you can always try again :)
Each time I failed, it ended up with me crying in bed all night. It hurts a lot to think you've done your best but still it is not enough. Sometimes I think I'm very useless. And when you see everyone has started their careers but you're the only one left behind, of course you feel happy for them, but at the same time, there is pain in your heart knowing your future is uncertain.

God is fair, He is just testing us. After having a very smooth path all these while, this failure is just to test my faith. To let me wait. To let me be patience. To let me discover everything I never imagined.
"What has reached you was never meant to miss you and what has missed you was never meant to reach you." Prophet Muhammad pbuh
P/S - I'm writing this 3 years later, already for working 3 years++. . You will get there sooner or later. Things that make me worried before has doesn't really matter anymore. In fact, I believe that Allah has carved my path according to what I need and not what I want.

When I looked back, I was really frustrated when I have to go through all this. But now I feel really grateful for being able to experience many different interviews.

To myself, you have walked this far, and I'm so proud of you. We already did it and we will always do our best. No matter what happen, just give your best and never give up.

Read part 2 here

Till then,

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