My Sunway memories - Science in Action Research Project

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

[This post has been written since Nov 2017 but have been sitting in my drafts for too long, so I finishing it now]

I always write on Twitter about how much I miss doing this project but this memory of mine deserve a special post because it is an once in a lifetime experience. I want to remember this experience and read it whenever life is hard.

The important decision
Actually, taking this subject was not in my plan. My plan was to take another subject which was a requisite for me to graduate. However, suddenly I was exempted to take that subject because I already took a subject similar to that one. Thus, I was left with a choice to take any subject of my choice. Some of my seniors said the subject was hard as you need to manage your time wisely. You will be so busy as you need to go to the lab and rushed to your class, which also required you to go to the lab. You will have tons of assignments to do for other subjects and you need to write a thesis. Despite all the reasons above, I chose to just do it. And it turned out to be the best decision I've ever made in my life.

My supervisors
Before I enroll in the subject, I need to find a supervisor first. I went through the list of projects and supervisors available, the one I was interested in the most was about natural products and the SV was Dr. Emily. I emailed her few days before enrolling date was due, yet she agreed to be my SV. My second supervisor was Dr. Chew from another university. This project was an add on for her PhD thesis, so mainly she's the one who monitored me.

My mentor: Kak Ming
When the semester started, I went to meet her and discussed about the project in details. Basically it was about how this particular part of a plant can kill a superbug bacteria which was MRSA. After the discussion, she said I will be guided by her PhD student, Kak Ming. At first I thought he was a girl because of the word Kak but he's a guy. The most kindest, smartest, organized and helpful student I've ever met in Monash. He taught me A - Z, from doing lab works, writing and to presenting. He came and support me and Ailee during our presentation too. He's just the best. As for now in 2021, he already graduated from PhD and work at R&D company in Singapore. He's just so amazing and I'm definitely most grateful he was my mentor.

Rushing lab sessions
Taking research project for Science subject means endless laboratory session. I still remember using the machines I only learn theoretically but not using them in normal class. The freeze dried machine, SEM, incubator, sterilizing machines and even the freezer room was so exciting. On top of all these, I have to go to lab for classes, then rush to lab for project and then for lectures, for assignment and after 6pm I work part time at library. When I write this, it makes me wonder, how I did that actually hahaha.

Writing and researching were not so difficult as presenting. I have anxiety and lack of confidence whenever I have to present so this one was a tough one. The presentation was done in conference room and attended by many. A few days before presenting, we got to know the lecturers who will be judging us and mine were the kind but very strict lecturers. Here's when the anxiety started to kick in. We have to make our own presentation slides. For me this one was a little bit hard because I have to put all the information in short but concise for people to understand. On the presentation day, Kak Ming came to support me and Ailee. It meant so much that he supported both of us. My supervisors also came on that day. The presentation was good. Of course I wish I did better but it was all good.

It's not the end yettt! I still have to finish my thesis after the presentation. And I also have exams coming 2 days after submission. I struggled so much at this time. I even slept at library to study until 2am. And I still have to work at night in library. Everything was so intense at that time. Fortunately, I manage to submit my thesis on time, alhamdulillah. Then I got to focus on back to back exams and again alhamdulillah, I passed all papers. The most wonderful part was I got High Distinction for my thesis.

Monash Science Symposium
After finishing our final exams, Monash Postgraduate team arranged an event called Monash Science Symposium. It was a conference attended by Science students all over Malaysia to present their research papers. My supervisors suggested me and Ailee to attend this event so I participate in poster presentation. They also provided us with amazing food (Monash was the best for this). It was a great event to expose us to research world. And, it was in this event to that I realized, this was not what I wanted to do. Maybe I love doing research, maybe I have the skills, but it's not something I want to in years to come.

BASF Volunteers
During end of year, the BASF company collaborate with Monash Uni for the staffs' kids. It was called BASF Kids' Lab. This program was done to expose the kids with scientific experiments. As Kak Ming was one of the committee, he invited me and Ailee to join this program. While being volunteer, we too get to learn all the exciting experiments and know the postgraduates students in our school. Again my favourite part was the nice foooddd.

After finishing the research project, Dr. Chew suggested that we send our research paper to be published. It was a long process actually, but alhamdulillah on 2018, it was finally published. I felt so grateful for everyone who helped in making this to happen, especially Dr. Chew. You guys can check the paper here.

This experience was one of the best Monash memories thus it's the reason why I wrote it in one separate entry. Sometimes best experience in life is the one that you decide randomly. I was in between failing or success but the risks taken were very worthy. And it's something I will always bring with me forever. Although I didn't pursue my career in research field, it was and will always be something I love doing. One day I might go back there in different field, maybe not now but someday I will. Most importantly, the skills I have gained during those time are still useful until today.

Read more about my life in Sunway during foundation and degree here

Till then,

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