An update on life

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Hello Octoberrr! September ended so fast just in a blink of an eye. I think it's because I was so busy and still adapting with my life.

In September - went to see my sister and Husna, had my first progression report and at the end of the month I start building new habits.

After closing I had time to sort things out for work and my life. In working life, I started to see where I went wrong and trying to fix it. I'm currently trying to engage with all our clients to get to them better and build relationship. As for strategy and planning, I need to completed everything my superiors told me. Additionally, I learn Excel in a little bit details - such as the shortcut and VLOOKUP. They never failed to amazed me! In shaa Allah with these two things, I will able to achieve my targets. I want to keep learning and be better at what I'm doing. I'm glad I'm at the right place with the right guidance.

I also finally finished reading The Atomic Habit by James Clear. I don't know was it from there that I decided to sort out, build and add on my habits. 

I actually started to jog, consistently for a week - except for 3 days when I went to office. It wasn't easy but what kept me going were by using some tricks on myself;
1) I want to scroll my phone and stay in bed so what I did was I told myself - Let's scroll the phone while just walking. At least I just showed up for myself. In the end I ended up running and walking.
2) I like morning run so I told myself let's run in morning only and take breaks on the days I have to go to office.
3) I loveeee the cold shower after runninggg. It felt so refreshinggg. I always hated cold shower but it's so nice.

This week alone I managed to run 11km breaking my life record hehe. I hope to run more next week. I also learned not to judge yourself because you don't know what you're capable of doing.

Another habit I managed to do was waking up early consistently. I woke up at 4.30-5.00am now. But I'm still sorting out things I should do after I woke up. Sometimes I just woke up and pray and then stare at the sky. I still haven't figured out that part yet. 

Despite that, I'm still clueless about my night routine. That one still in progress. One thing for sure, I slept early for at least 5 to 6 hours per day.

This weekend I went out with my friends. I had good time catching up with my friends. I took MRT to go there. I was so excited to hear the announcement they made as well as the sound of the train. Now that I knew ways to use public transport, I might delay my plan to buy a car.  

Today I went for breakfast with my housemate. I just knew tosai tasted so much better at the restaurant. I usually had it takeaway so it's no longer crispyy. On our way back I bought latte at Mcdonald for RM2 only (always bought it during sale only hehe). Then my housemate wanted coconut water. While searching for it we discovered a gem - nursery with so many plants and fresh salted fish tooo. After we arrived at home we made porridge and air fried the salted fish. It's so niceee especially if you eat it with garlic chilli oil and dried seaweed.

Talking about that, this week I made vegetarian dumplings and froze the so I can eat whenever I feel hungry. I also know how to make Sushi and kimbap. Not so good yet but it's 70% already.
Back to my Sunday story, after lunch I cleaned my room, took a long shower and watched Hometown Cha Cha Cha. In the evening I wanted to do some calls but I was so tired so I ended up watching another show on Netflix (a good one! I'll share later). 

As for now I managed to write consistently here at least once or twice a week. However, there's still loophole I have to fill in for reading because I didn't read everyday.

I guessed that's all I wanted to share this time. I just wanted to remember these smallest things in my life so I won't forgot how they will shape me one day :)

Till then,

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