The greatest love of all #2

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This morning, I called my Mama & told her how difficult things were now & there were a lot of things I wanted but I didn't get. I was a little bit stressed & I cried too. But Mama said;

"Why would you stressed over small things you don't have, & forget about everything you have?"
" When you said it's hard, you're already blocking your mind that you can't do it"
"What is life without any challenges? You can't have all, you'll never will. Learn to be grateful & be a better person."
"He gave everything you wanted, but when there's 1 hard thing, you already broke down?"
"Why you wear nice clothes, put on makeup & focus to be pretty on the outside, but not on your inside? Mental & spiritual being are more important than physical being (but all are important). You should be kinder to yourself, your heart & your mind. You're torturing your soul by being stressed"
"Whenever you feel alone, go back to Allah, because you're never alone, you always have him".

My Mama always believe I'm a strong & independent girl. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. Because without her, I might not be able to be the way I am now. She's a living map that guided my way & a book that will tell me stories of life. That's one of the biggest blessings I have in life.

Dear God,
Forgive me if I always ask too much & forget every blessing You give to me.

Till then,

10 months as a salesgirl

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Since last May was the 10th month of being a salesgirl, there's few things I wanted to share.

- emotions & motivation
Feelings played a very important role in the life of a salesperson. Because if you feel like crap, how can you approach & have good conversation with your customers? If you're happy inside out, you can give the best service to your customer. I've through dark times back in end of March & early April. I thought I was okay but that actually effect my performance. Now when I'm very happy, everything was fine for me.

- coverage
To sustain & expand a business, you must cover wide numbers of customers. If you approach them now, maybe they won't buy anything from you. But one day, someday, the might. Because everyone is considered as potential customers.

- knowledge
As usual, knowledge is a gem one need to have gained directly or indirectly, formal or informal. With knowledge, you'll build confidence & be a better person.

To many more amazing days as a salesgirl!

Till then,

2022: May & Syawal

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Can you believe it's finally June, halfway through the year already? Time flew so so so fast that I couldn't catch up anymore, but I still want to write here to remember what happened last May.

1st May was a public holiday & everybody was relaxing before eid. But there were rumors eid will come earlier 1 day. Abah said it wasn't true, while I always believe viral thing can be true too. Mama heard Ustaz gave talk that it might eid on 2nd May, so she asked all of us to clean the house & prepare to cook rendang & ketupat. 

When the announcement was made that night, it was confirmed will be eid on 2nd. Everybody was panicking & it was a chaotic moments all over Malaysia. Luckily we had made the rendang, so we only left cleaning the house & ironing the clothes. My brother & I slept at 3am to do the housechores.

The day after on 1st Syawal, everybody act like usual, still energetic. We went for prayers at the mosque, celebrated eid at home first; asking forgiveness, giving duit raya & taking pictures together.

Then in the evening we went to Penang tk visit my relatives & meeting Uncle Zain. We took pictures together by the beach like we had done every single year (except during covid years).

On 2nd day, we went to visit my grandfathers' graves, visit my grandmother's friends, & then went to mall with the siblings. I bought the expensive strawberries because I was craving for it.

The next day, Mak Long & her family came to visit us. We had lunch at IKEA before going back to Kedah. On our way, we stopped by at Abah's friend's house for a while. We had some rest on raya day 4. 

Raya day 5; brought the whole siblings to the cinema to watch Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness. It was such a good but scary movie at the same time! The next day, we went to a kenduri & then my uncle came to visit us. He gave duit raya for me because I was still single, & that's the only duit raya I received this year.

Raya day 7: bought a plant as a gift to Mama for mother's day. & the hardest goodbye came after almost 2 weeks staying at home & taking 1 week of leave to spend time with them.

Onn 10th May I got my new car &  a lot of things happen to it (let's save this for another post).

Went to the office, read books as usual. During the weekend, I went to my sister's place & we went to a lot of open houses. The traffic was so bad all over KL & Selangor! Oh that week also, I ran few kms 3 days in a row.

On the following weekend, I took a leave on Friday because Mirza & Madihah came to KL. We had soooo muchhh funnnn!

- 1st night - they rushed to KL from Bangi after work & we strolled around Putrajaya together.

- 2nd day- went to Sukiya after work but the queue was super long so we went for quick dinner & ended up exploring KL city centre which was so much nicerr! First time trying the beam scooter & I walked 6000 steps that night. 

On Friday, Mirza drove my car back, & we went to Ipoh for a while to eat nasi ganja. 

21st May - My birthday. Had breakfast with my parents & the girls. Mama bought few flowers to plant as gifts for my birthday. & the night before I went back to KL, we went to Ayaq Kopi for dinner.

The next weekend, I still go back to Kedah & finished puasa 6! Had few driving sessions with Mirza, watched Abah played football, went to mosque every night with Abah & Muadz, & had 1 hour conversation with my Mama about life.

Went back on 29th, arrived on 30th, straight went to the office, had meetings, arrange new tables, finalized everything in May & finally ready for June. 

As for work, April & May were the toughest. Even I was going back to hometown in between work, I still do my best to achieve the best for work. & the results were alhamdulillah good. I felt so glad I managed to survive the hardest moments of the year.

I ended my May by finished two books from Rupi Kaur; Milk & Honey and The Sun & Her Flowers.

May was mostly going back & forth to Kedah. It made my father so overly attached to me that he wanted me to move back. But I just can't yet, because despite being alone, I still love the life I build here & happy with the work I have. Maybe one day I'll move back, but this adventurous girl still have a lot of things she wanted to see first. Being in the city, & going back to my family seems to be the life I'm happy with at the moment.

Till then,


2022: April & Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This year flew by so fast, suddenly now we're in Ramadhan & 2nd quarter already. April means the beginning of the quarter two & Ramadhan is my favourite month in the Islamic year.

I still remember the easiest phase of Ramadhan was back in MRSM. Back then, attending morning classes, prep class, studying, staying up until 2 3am, finish 30 juz Al Quran, performing prayers together as well as doing tahajud prayers were so easy.

Those days I thought it was hard too but I still can do it without fail. But over the years, everything seems tougher than ever. Perhaps I was older & lack of energy to do so, or I was easily distracted these days. Juggling with daily life, work & doing everything extra on Ramadhan were hard to endure. My favourite Ramadhan memories happened back in 2019 (Read here).

Ramadhan is divided by 3 phases every 10 days; 1) Mercy of Allah (Rahmah), 2) Forgiveness (Maghfirah) & Freedom of Hellfire. So let's recap this Ramadhan by each 10 days.

Phase 1 (First 10 days)

Few days before Ramadan, I went to emotional breakdown because the last 2 years of Ramadan before I spend with family. So I kinda miss them a lot. But still, the first 10 days were the most exciting phase. I already planned what to do, where to go for breaking fast & do terawih. I woke up so early everyday & managed to complete whatever I wanted to do & slept right after terawih. I went to surau at my house, break fast & have terawih there. I will stay there from Maghrib until Isyak. On the 4th day, I have an extreme dehydration, so I bought Shaklee Performance Drink to stay dehydrated, alhamdulillah it worked well. On the first weekend I stayed at home & finished writing some of the posts in my blog. Also it was the first time I went to Masjid Wilayah. & on this week also I got the red flag so my pace started to slow down from here. I read a book, but it's quite heavy so I haven't finish it yet until now. I bought a new telekung that I always dream of to wear & bought one for my Mama too. A friend of mine & I had a conversation about doa, & it made me realized we have to keep praying & give our best efforts but Allah will answer our prayers with what He knows best.

Phase 2 (mid 10 days)

I finally went back to celebrate Ramadan with my family for a few days. Bought a new spectacles, celebrated Mahirah's birthday & took the ETS back to KL. I was so happy to spend time with my family, especially breaking fast together. I bought telekung Siti Khadijah for my Mama as a surprise & she was so extremely happyyy!  & I finally found my pace back in work. I made new spectacles because the old one already broken. When I wanted to go back to KL, I was dramatic as usual. I finally bought caryacosmetic's multipurpose makeup pallette & it's so gooodd. Finally went to office again & the jam was soooo terrible.

Phase 3 (Last 10 days)

The last phase was the most awaited by all Muslims as it's where the night of Laylatul Qadr happened (click here to know more).

Last 10 days of Ramadan was all about waking up at 3 4am for masjid hopping (inspired by Hlovate in novel Contengan Jalanan), clock in for work at 8am, rushing everywhere & also striving to achieve both Ramadan goals & work KPI. 

I went to the mosque every night & slept there few times. Had sahur & night prayers together with the communities there. It was such a meaningful moment ever. On my last night efore I went back to my hometown, I played fireworks together with the residents.  Then I stopped by at Masjid KLCC alone for night prayers where all these chasing for Ramadan started. It was so nostalgic that it made me cried whole night. I stayed with Tuwa & Alizul at their house before we went home for eid.

We continued to celebrate Ramadan until the last day, which happened to come a day earlier without all of knowing. & that's how Ramadan left us.

This year, Ramadan is definitely super tiring & have given me terrible eyebags, but it's something fulfilling & I will always treasure these moments in Ramadan 🤍

May Allah accept everything we do for Him & give us the very best that we deserve 😊

The mosque I've been to:

- Masjid Wilayah KL with Nasuha : the most beautiful mosque I've ever seen so far, feeling mcm kt Mekah wlupun belum pernah sampai sana.

- Masjid Al Hasanah/Masjid Hijau Bangi with my housemate for qiam

- Masjid KLCC alone on the 25th Ramadan : went from Bangi to this Masjid by Grab after work bcus I really wanted to go there at least once in Ramadan

- Masjid Sg Laka in Changlun with the family.

- Masjid UUM Sintok in last 2 days of Ramadan & Hari Raya prayer.

- Surau at the residence I'm living in: spend most of my Ramadan here for breaking fast & terawih

Never thought Ramadhan will pass by this fast. It was so hard to catch up with our goals, work, & to do more ibadah in Ramadhan. 

May Allah count each every deed we're doing sincerely. May we will meet Lailatul Qadr & gain all the blessings from Allah. May all the prayers you silently prayed & all the wishes you have in our heart will be granted by Him. Most of all may we will be rewarded the highest level of Jannah.


Till then,
