
Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Nowadays, we can have anything that we want. When we have money, everything seems to be easy to get everything. Food, wife/husband, friends, fame and everything. And now money also can buy love!
But as I watch this picture below, my heart tersentap gitu!

Life is full of luxury. Until we forget those who need things like clothes and foods to live.
When we are hungry, we can have food easily. Just go to the restaurant and eat. Or buy raw materials and cook. Kadang-kadang tak makan tengah hari pun dah jadi gila, so if tak makan entah la macam mana? Somehow there are times when we didnt finish our food and throw it away. Didnt we think about little children who suffer because they dont have nothing to eat? They didnt have nutrients to grow well. But we?
Eat more and more until have obesity. Maybe we cant help them because there are thousand miles apart from us.
Send them our prayers. May God let them listen to our prayers, and give strength to them to be strong.
Life in this world is just temporary, Hereafter is forever.
May Allah be with you all dear poor people out there. Have faith. How I wish I can help you.

#appreciate life and keep praying :)

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