politic in malaysia.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
Politic. Its a common issue that is famous issue right now. Well as what we know, parti-parti yang bakal bertanding for PRU 13 ni sedang sibuk berkempen. And, if kita tengok berita or baca akhbar, kita akan tengok parti ni kata kat parti tu and otherwise laa. So this reminds me of a rule for Badan Wakil Pelajar (BWP) candidates masa MRSM dulu.

RULE: A candidate of BWP cannot say bad things about other candidates.

So, looking back at this rule, I think parti-parti yang kutuk mengutuk ni patut masuk MRSM rasanyaa :)

Actually, we shouldnt blame others for what had happened. We should stand together to make Malaysia a very great country, again.

The leaders arent bad. They just have to change themselves to be better.

If we looked at the bright side, kerajaan terlalu baik untuk kita. Semua nak bagi sampai kita terlupa erti nak berdikari. Jadi, sama-samalah kita baiki diri untuk agama, bangsa dan negara :)

p/s: pray for Lahad Datu.

Watch the video below. Its really true!

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