Wata wataaa.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Well, guess who is this cute little girl? Hihiiii. 
She is one of my best friend in high school, until now. As my fingers are typing all these words, I am skyping with her, and somehow I miss her so much. 5 years knowing this girl, make me realized the truth of friendship,

Nur Saffa Hazwani Bt. Sazali. A beautiful name, as pretty as its owner. Seorang perempuan yang agak garang and ganas, bermulut laser, but deep inside her, she have a very soft heart. She is a girl who is easily cried. Kadang-kadang macam nak buat free show air mata pulak hahahaaa. Wanie ni rajin orangnya, full of determination and semangat betul. Dia terkenal dengan kehebatan dia main tenis and menjadi MC hihi.

Basically, she was my classmates since Form 2 lagi. Then masa Form 4 tak sama, tapi kami rapat jugak laaa. Masa Form 5 Allah takdirkan kami satu kelas balik, alhamdulillah. She made my year full of memories. But truth to be told, during lower form, I dont like her at first. And of course, she dont like me too! Hahahaha! Tapi, berjiwang dengan dia masa Form 4 and a year of being her classmate masa form 5, I started to okay la with her. Dah start kamceng gituuu. Kata orang, seburuk mana orang tu kat mata kita, bila kita kenal hati budi dia, kita akan nampak kebaikan dalam diri dia. Dan seteruk mana pun kita tak suka dia, kita akan bersabar dengan dia. If that happens, that means, you really love that person. 

Sometimes Wanie and sekutunya like to bully me. Ye la aku kan bendul tapi comel. Hihii. Tapi, tu laa, I'm used to it, and until this moment, as my heart beating, I still love her and always do, because I know she is a good friend that I can count on, and accept me for who I am...(sila nangis Wanie) hihi. I really love Add Maths! And I love Add Maths class too, because of suka dengan cara teacher Nolie didik kami hahaha. Dan aku dan sekutu-sekutu aku telah menyamakan Wanie dengan teacher Nolie. Hihi ala dua-dua suka jerit gituuuu. Hihiii. What makes her so special to me? Emm she is willing to accompany me jalan-jalan gi bilik guru setiap hari di saat aku kebosanan yang melampau. Dia akan urut-urut aku bila aku mengantuk dalam kelas. Dia teman aku gi makan lunch and bila aku nak solat dulu mesti dia ikut. Kadang-kadang kami lepak kat bilik Nad layan jiwang sambil sembang-sembang. And bergaduh tentang study esp Biology :)

Tapi masa result SPM hari tu, aku terkejut dengan result Bio Wanie, sebab dia rajin study Bio...haaa Wanie cepat gi recheck paper hihi. But, whatever happens in life, I know she is strong enough to face it. I still remember dulu, aku cakap kat sapa entah, "Allah bagi Wanie kat aku, untuk uji sejauh mana aku nak sabar dengan dia". And I've made it, and I love her even more! Tak kisah sejauh mana perbezaan kita, we are made from the soil, and because of that we are the same, and thats why we can get along together. Sejauh mana aku berjalan, tak kisah la kat mana aku ada, Malaysia atau Australia (hihiii), I will always remember her.And if one day if one of us die, I really hope we can meet again in Jannah, because dear girl, I love you for the sake of Allah :)
Hihii, whatever happens Wanie, do remember me, tolonglahhh. Okay okay aku tau hang akan selalu ingat aku. Dah-dah la tu sengih. Macam kerang busuk. Akhir kata, I really hope both of us and Ninety-V will success in life, now and Hereafter. Thanks for the wonderful adventure we shared together. It is a bittersweet memories. B e a good veterinar and put away all the cats from me. Nanti bila aku nak kahwin and beranak, I hope you will be there with me. Emm and, be a good girl, may Allah will guide us all the way to his Jannah <3.
To any guys who read this, Wanie ni single lagi, kalau nak masuk meminang, you need my restu! Jaga diri kalau rajin please drive to Sunway to see meee!!!

P/S: I love you.

#your request is fulfilled .

1 comment:

  1. Hiii.Thanks lahh <3 Sayang hang banyakbanyak BENDUII.mmmuah Chek tak qeyauu nahh.Berayaq jaa.
