6 months as a salesgirl

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I got this idea to write my progress because I know my old brain will forget my thoughts later on. So it's been since 6 months since I shifted into telesales field. You can read my 3 months updates here. Another update was I have been confirmed on my 4th month, alhamdulilllah & it made me work harder for more sales.

For the 6th months updates, there were few things I would like to highlight & remember:

Consistency is the key - It's been 6 months doing this, calling & reaching out to the same customers. I love my clients, enjoyed reaching out to them & so happy to be able to help them. However I'm just a mere human being too. There were days when making calls felt so overwhelming. There were times when being rejected felt so painful. There were moments I felt I won't get sales. My energy might be at peak in the morning, then depleted in the evening or otherwise

I've been seeking advice from my manager endlessly & he told me, you just have to do it. Put that smile, be calm & make that calls. It's not just about sales only. Just reach out to your customer with the same energy from morning till end of day. Be creative when talking to them. Make it a habit. Be happy when talking. Sales will come later, definitely.

Most importantly you have to be consistent. Consistently making enough or more calls, consistently follow up, consistently build rapports, consistently learn about your clients & in shaa Allah sales will come consistently. 

Keep on learning & gain knowledge - After 6 months, there's still so many things I've learned and a lot of things to improve. Like my boss always said, no matter how long you've been doing sales, or how powerful you selling skills are, there will always be something new you will learn every single day. The other day we had training & we learned the creative ways to build rapport. One of it was getting to know your clients' personalities & how to deal with them from here. Another example of simple thing I learned this week medication were used  according to season. Like demands for certain types of medication will be high when the kids got circumcised, during wedding season or when the weather was so hot. It's simple but there will always be different type of scenarios every single time.

Work hard & stay humble - this was my supervisor's tagline. If he's reading this, thank you for sharing this with us, I borrow your wise words hihi. He always told us no matter how high you fly, keep your feet to the ground. Respect everyone around you no matter who they are. We'll always need each other in the so be nice to everyone. Remember we'll never be at the top forever, once you're at the lowest point, how you climb back to the top will define you. 

That's all for now. Please pray I will do well throughout the year, unlocking amazing marks for all the KPIs I have. Because your prayers are what making me survive too. Thank youuuu ❤️❤️

Till then,


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