The greatest love of all #1

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I saw a picture of the post I wrote on Instagram last year with caption "There's more in life for you to feel than getting hurt".

Wow it's been a year since I wrote that. Let's flashback shall we? At that time I was still working from home in my hometown. I went out with my friends for the first time after a long time I stayed home. And when I saw the view outside the cafe, the caption just appeared on my mind. The view was there was light coming out between the clouds. & it kind of make me feel there's light only if we allow it to be there.

At that time I was still dwelling in much pain, not finding ways to completely heal myself. Since that day, I started to let lights to come into my life. Good things happened ever since.

So why the greatest love of all? Because it's the title of the song by Whitney Houston about finding the greatest love of all. We search for the best love everywhere only to finally realize it's within ourselves.

The greatest love of all - is learning to love yourself.

I never knew why my Mom love this song so much until I could relate with my life. We often love others or things so much that we forgot to love ourselves. I once thought loving yourself too much could make you became a selfish person. But that's narcissist.

Loving yourself will give yourself capabilities to go beyond what you can imagine.

Think of it this way, if you could love someone so much, wanting the best for them, not wanting them to get hurt - why wouldn't you do or feel the same for yourself?

Loving yourself means you will always wake up everyday to give the best not for anyone else but yourself. You're making yourself happy. You're being strong for yourself. You're not alone because you have yourself.

It also means when you're hurt, you won't allow yourself to live in pain for a long time. You will grieve but you will know it's time to move on with life because there's so much more for you in store.

When you love yourself right, you will be able to love everyone as much as you love yourself. You'll know what you deserve and what you don't. You'll learn that anything can be taken from you but no one will be able to take you from yourself.

Most of all, loving yourself will be stronger when you it's sync with your Creator. Because when no one else is there, He's there, waiting for you to come to Him - being happy, sad, angry or any feelings.

My parents told me, no one will understand you as much as God will. Our affairs in this world, all are handled by Him, so keep praying & asking from Him to ease everything in this life.

Other love will fade away over time, people will come & go, things too - but love for yourself will end when you leave this world, love for God & from God will always be there until afterlife.

My experiences in this life & also in sales taught me;

If you give up now, you will miss all the happiness you will achieve in future because you'll never know when you will find it.

To loving & appreciating ourselves.

Till then,


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