Wata wataaa.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Well, guess who is this cute little girl? Hihiiii. 
She is one of my best friend in high school, until now. As my fingers are typing all these words, I am skyping with her, and somehow I miss her so much. 5 years knowing this girl, make me realized the truth of friendship,

Nur Saffa Hazwani Bt. Sazali. A beautiful name, as pretty as its owner. Seorang perempuan yang agak garang and ganas, bermulut laser, but deep inside her, she have a very soft heart. She is a girl who is easily cried. Kadang-kadang macam nak buat free show air mata pulak hahahaaa. Wanie ni rajin orangnya, full of determination and semangat betul. Dia terkenal dengan kehebatan dia main tenis and menjadi MC hihi.

Basically, she was my classmates since Form 2 lagi. Then masa Form 4 tak sama, tapi kami rapat jugak laaa. Masa Form 5 Allah takdirkan kami satu kelas balik, alhamdulillah. She made my year full of memories. But truth to be told, during lower form, I dont like her at first. And of course, she dont like me too! Hahahaha! Tapi, berjiwang dengan dia masa Form 4 and a year of being her classmate masa form 5, I started to okay la with her. Dah start kamceng gituuu. Kata orang, seburuk mana orang tu kat mata kita, bila kita kenal hati budi dia, kita akan nampak kebaikan dalam diri dia. Dan seteruk mana pun kita tak suka dia, kita akan bersabar dengan dia. If that happens, that means, you really love that person. 

Sometimes Wanie and sekutunya like to bully me. Ye la aku kan bendul tapi comel. Hihii. Tapi, tu laa, I'm used to it, and until this moment, as my heart beating, I still love her and always do, because I know she is a good friend that I can count on, and accept me for who I am...(sila nangis Wanie) hihi. I really love Add Maths! And I love Add Maths class too, because of suka dengan cara teacher Nolie didik kami hahaha. Dan aku dan sekutu-sekutu aku telah menyamakan Wanie dengan teacher Nolie. Hihi ala dua-dua suka jerit gituuuu. Hihiii. What makes her so special to me? Emm she is willing to accompany me jalan-jalan gi bilik guru setiap hari di saat aku kebosanan yang melampau. Dia akan urut-urut aku bila aku mengantuk dalam kelas. Dia teman aku gi makan lunch and bila aku nak solat dulu mesti dia ikut. Kadang-kadang kami lepak kat bilik Nad layan jiwang sambil sembang-sembang. And bergaduh tentang study esp Biology :)

Tapi masa result SPM hari tu, aku terkejut dengan result Bio Wanie, sebab dia rajin study Bio...haaa Wanie cepat gi recheck paper hihi. But, whatever happens in life, I know she is strong enough to face it. I still remember dulu, aku cakap kat sapa entah, "Allah bagi Wanie kat aku, untuk uji sejauh mana aku nak sabar dengan dia". And I've made it, and I love her even more! Tak kisah sejauh mana perbezaan kita, we are made from the soil, and because of that we are the same, and thats why we can get along together. Sejauh mana aku berjalan, tak kisah la kat mana aku ada, Malaysia atau Australia (hihiii), I will always remember her.And if one day if one of us die, I really hope we can meet again in Jannah, because dear girl, I love you for the sake of Allah :)
Hihii, whatever happens Wanie, do remember me, tolonglahhh. Okay okay aku tau hang akan selalu ingat aku. Dah-dah la tu sengih. Macam kerang busuk. Akhir kata, I really hope both of us and Ninety-V will success in life, now and Hereafter. Thanks for the wonderful adventure we shared together. It is a bittersweet memories. B e a good veterinar and put away all the cats from me. Nanti bila aku nak kahwin and beranak, I hope you will be there with me. Emm and, be a good girl, may Allah will guide us all the way to his Jannah <3.
To any guys who read this, Wanie ni single lagi, kalau nak masuk meminang, you need my restu! Jaga diri kalau rajin please drive to Sunway to see meee!!!

P/S: I love you.

#your request is fulfilled .


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Nowadays, we can have anything that we want. When we have money, everything seems to be easy to get everything. Food, wife/husband, friends, fame and everything. And now money also can buy love!
But as I watch this picture below, my heart tersentap gitu!

Life is full of luxury. Until we forget those who need things like clothes and foods to live.
When we are hungry, we can have food easily. Just go to the restaurant and eat. Or buy raw materials and cook. Kadang-kadang tak makan tengah hari pun dah jadi gila, so if tak makan entah la macam mana? Somehow there are times when we didnt finish our food and throw it away. Didnt we think about little children who suffer because they dont have nothing to eat? They didnt have nutrients to grow well. But we?
Eat more and more until have obesity. Maybe we cant help them because there are thousand miles apart from us.
Send them our prayers. May God let them listen to our prayers, and give strength to them to be strong.
Life in this world is just temporary, Hereafter is forever.
May Allah be with you all dear poor people out there. Have faith. How I wish I can help you.

#appreciate life and keep praying :)

the heart

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

One with a good heart gives a lot, and also hurt a lot. But, the happiness of seeing others happy is beautiful, although it is very hard to do. 
One with a good heart will always be faithful, and dont let anybody see them in pain.
One with a good heart will always be happy, and thankful for what they have. and will try to improve themselves everyday.
To have a good heart is hard. Because to remove all the dark spots in your heart is hard.
But once you have it, its hard to let go.
Because, good is hurt, but its beautiful :)


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Sometimes, you need to be alone. To think of what youve done. To appreciate what you have. To be relieved because bad things dont happen to you. To throw away all the pain that you felt. To let you learn to talk to yourself. To thank yourself for being so strong to move on. 

You live only once. Appreciate it.

Rest when youre tired. But then, take your sword again and fight.


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Dalam MESOPHYLL ada CHLOROPLAST, CHLOROPLAST guna utk fotosintesis.
Dalam CHLOROPLAST ada GRANA, GRANA lawa mcm gula2.
Dalam GRANA ada THYLAKOID, THYLAKOID simpan cahaya

happy biology :)


living life.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I'm having holiday right now, for one week. Holiday means, no homework, no walking at the canopy walk or   think about what will I have for lunch and dinner. Holiday means relax. Relax for me is spend time with family and stay alone and make myself happy.

One thing that is so special about this holiday is, I get a chance to Whatsapp with my classmates which are Gorgirls and Meja jiran! We made a group for whatsapp and well, it feels like in high school when texting them. I felt so happy.

I feel like human again. Having funny conversations make me forget all the Bios, Chemistry, Maths, English and studies for a while. Sometimes I feel that I have lost my life hahaa. But well, memories keep me alive :)

Tomorrow is SPM results will be announced. I hope I can get an excellent result. But whatever the result is, I have to accept it. Because Allah have give me so much happiness in life, yet who am I to argue?

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams".


Assalamualaikum and Hi,
I just wanna share something interesting that I found out few weeks ago.

It is begin with a picture.

Katakan anda ambil gambar anda. Kemudian, anda letakkannya di Facebook.Ada 134 orang yang Like. Eh, itu belum termasuk yang hanya melihat gambar itu tetapi tidak menekan Like, sekadar melihat sahaja. 
Katakanlah jumlah orang yang melihat itu 500 orang daripada 3000 friends yang kita ada. Dan katakanlah dari 500 orang yang melihat itu, 300 orang merupakan lelaki yang bukan mahram bagi kita. 
Baiklah. Mari kita mulakan kiraan. 
Sehelai rambut yang kita tayang pada orang yang bukan mahram, kita akan dapat 1 dosa. Atas kepala kita ni ada berapa helai rambut ye? Ada kajian yang mengatakan secara amnya kita mempunyai lebih kurang 100 000 helai rambut. Maka dosa kita adalah 100 000 dosa bagi setiap orang yang melihat gambar kita.
Itu baru seorang yang melihat. Ini dosa kita, bukan orang lain.
Disebabkan ada 300 orang lelaki bukan mahram yang melihat gambar kita, maka,
100 000 x 300 = 30 000 000 (tiga puluh juta) - (A)
Perlu diingatkan, 300 orang tu cuma anggaran. Mungkin lebih ramai, kan ada 3000 friends. Gambar di setkan public pula. Semua orang boleh melihat termasuk mereka yang bukan friends.Sudahlah gambar kita comel, tertarik dan menarik pula.
Seterusnya kita boleh tambah dosa menayangkan aurat iaitu selain muka dan tapak tangan. Ohh, tapi perlu diingatkan, syarat menutup aurat itu tidak jarang, longgar dan tidak menampakkan bentuk tubuh.
Maka, (dosa tidak menutup aurat) x 300 orang = 300 dosa - (B)
(A) + (B) = 30 000 300 - (C
Baiklah. Mari kita teruskan.
Kita rasa tak berapa puas hati bila upload gambar sendiri tapi tak ramai yang comment atau like, jadi kita tag kawan-kawan kita. (Boleh klik pada gambar untuk besarkan siapa kawan-kawan yang di tag.)
Kita fikir, tak perlulah ramai-ramai sangat, 12 orang kawan baik kita pun cukuplah. Di sini saya sertakan secara kasar jumlah friends yang kawan baik kita (12 orang ni) ada. 
Ultraman : 783 friendsPikachu: 1339 friendsKeluang Man: 1565 friendsDoraemon: 953 friendsHang Tuah: 3210 friendsDonald Duck: 678 friendsSpongebob Seluar Kuning: 2144 friendsTasmania: 653 friendsVampire : 1922 friendsHarry Potter: 2831 friendsKerengga: 2101 friendsKambenk: 1217 friends 
Wahh, berapa dah semua friends tu? 19 396 orang. Dan katakan jugalah separuh dari jumlah tu adalah lelaki yang bukan mahram bagi kita (9 698 orang)
Maka, (C) x 9698 = 290 940 juta - (D)
Ingat, ni semua cuma anggaran. Dan ini hanya 1 gambar.
Katakanlah kita ada 9 album dan di dalam setiap album ada 20 gambar.
Maka, (D) x 9 x 20 = 523 692 00 juta.
                                                                                                         -from iloveislam-
So, if you die one day, without removing all these pics, and more and  more people will see the pics that you post, even after you die the sins will always increase.

Hence, make something that will save you from the fires of Hell!

Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka, atau bapa mentua mereka, atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya. 
(An-Nur: 31) 


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

When you have dream go for it, especially if you have the passion.
No matter how hard it takes, no matter how much you have to struggle.
Dont be afraid, just focus for it.
Life is just once. Do things that make you enjoy life.
Hmmm. Dont be like me.
I let go my biggest dream that I wanted for whole life.
Because I'm afraid that I couldnt make it.
I'm afraid that things will not going smoothly.
Now there's a chance for me to chase back my dream.
But its too late to achieve it.
I'm not sad.
I'm happy with what I have right now. Its just that...
I dont go for what I want, and now when I got another chance, I cant fulfil my dreams, again.
Never mind, life  is too short to regret what have already passed.
Whatever it is, just move on with your life and be happy :'(

To be happy is your own choice. Life is about taking risks. Just be brave enough to chase your dreams :'(


Assalamualaikum and hi,

I miss them. Do they miss me ? :'(



Bersyukurlah apabila kamu tidak tahu sesuatu …
Karena itu memberimu kesempatan untuk belajar …

Bersyukurlah untuk masa-masa sulit …
Di masa itulah kamu tumbuh …

Bersyukurlah untuk keterbatasanmu …
Karena itu memberimu kesempatan untuk berkembang …

Bersyukurlah untuk setiap tantangan baru …
Karena itu akan membangun kekuatan dan karaktermu …

Bersyukurlah untuk kesalahan yang kamu buat …
Itu akan mengajarkan pelajaran yang berharga …

Bersyukurlah bila kamu lelah dan letih …
Karena itu kamu telah membuat suatu perbedaan …

Mungkin mudah untuk kita bersyukur akan hal-hal yang baik …
Hidup yang berkelimpahan datang pada mereka yang juga bersyukur akan masa surut …

Rasa syukur dapat mengubah hal yang negatif menjadi positif …
Temukan cara bersyukur akan masalah-masalahmu dan semua itu akan menjadi berkah bagimu …

(copied from Facebook)



this beautiful kind-hearted girl 

My dearest Adlina Masturah, if you're reading this, please know that kakak reallly miss you :'(

politic 2

Well people, watch this. It was published a year ago and what he said, already happened today.


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Soal kawan. Orang yang baik dengan kita, and the one who understands us.
But, sometimes friends tend to forget us in our lives. They need us only when they have problems or wanted to ask for help. Well I'm not a good friend, but I do have feelings too, hmm.


when you have friends like this, dont be sad or angry..
just remember that..

You are the candle that give light to them, and that is the reason why they will look for you when they are facing difficulties.

p/s: im not angry, aku cuma terasa.


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I'm doing fine lately. And I just find out that my friend, Farhana have the same passion like me which is, listening to jiwang songg!!

And here the song that make her felt strong when she was in MRSM Transkrian last 2 years. Go :)

Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
Don't look back; just go
Take a breath, move on
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
You could spend your whole life holding on

Believe the tunnel can end
Believe your body can mend
Yeah, I know you can make it through
'Cause I believe in you
So let's go put up a fight
Let's go make everything all right
Go on take a shot
Go give it all you got

Oh, yeah, I know it's not easy
I know that it's hard
No, it's not always pretty..

good vs bad

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Last week  I had a conversation with my aunt. One topic that we were talking about is being good and bad.
She said to me,
"There was one time in my life, I wanna be bad, because people are being bad to me. But my dad said, dear child, I know inside you, there is a lady with a beautiful heart. What's the point you hurt people? At last you will be the one who got hurt."

Deep inside us, there is a beautiful, and lovely heart.
But its our choice to let the beauty remains or let it be ugly.

Hihi lets be good!


yesterday I was stuck in the middle of the library door and it almost killed me.
today I used the male toilet and when I get out, I saw my classmate in the toilet and only realized that I enter the wrong toilet after I went out.

tell me how embarrassed I am.

forgive and forget

Assalamualaikum and Hi

In life, there will be time when you will fell like you are hating yourself. For what you've done, and what you didn't.
Dont't be sad. Its life. For things have their own limits, same goes to your life.
Take time. Forgive yourself, love yourself even more..and thank it for being strong for all this while :)

politic in malaysia.

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
Politic. Its a common issue that is famous issue right now. Well as what we know, parti-parti yang bakal bertanding for PRU 13 ni sedang sibuk berkempen. And, if kita tengok berita or baca akhbar, kita akan tengok parti ni kata kat parti tu and otherwise laa. So this reminds me of a rule for Badan Wakil Pelajar (BWP) candidates masa MRSM dulu.

RULE: A candidate of BWP cannot say bad things about other candidates.

So, looking back at this rule, I think parti-parti yang kutuk mengutuk ni patut masuk MRSM rasanyaa :)

Actually, we shouldnt blame others for what had happened. We should stand together to make Malaysia a very great country, again.

The leaders arent bad. They just have to change themselves to be better.

If we looked at the bright side, kerajaan terlalu baik untuk kita. Semua nak bagi sampai kita terlupa erti nak berdikari. Jadi, sama-samalah kita baiki diri untuk agama, bangsa dan negara :)

p/s: pray for Lahad Datu.

Watch the video below. Its really true!

feeling good!

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

When you enjoy doing something, you will focus and do it with your own heart. And, when you gain success, you feel likeee AWWWWWWWW I DID IT! ALHAMDULILLAH.

Its a very good feeling :) Thank you Allah.

p/s: my Bio lecturer pesan, dont eat too much tuna because it contains a lot of Hg+ ions. Actually its okay je. But human throw all the waste materials into the sea so its become contaminated. Jadi, makanlah ikan segar yang tak tercemar yee! Jom jaga pemakanan! :)