Love & blessings

Assalamualaikum and hi!
Hope you have a good day today and every single day of your life. If you have a bad day, it's okay cus life has ups and downs. You just have to smile and be strong. Don't think about it too much cus if you're going into the stress zone you will definitely will be in much more trouble. Be patience and think of a solution. Allah love you and He will never put you into a situation you cannot handle.

Ps: also a reminder for me when im having a bad day. Syukur and sabar instead of menangis tak tentu hala hee.

Today is a wonderful day. I was forced by my father to wake up at 7.30 am because I need to get Hep B vaccine injection as I have intern in the hospital laboratory end of this year. So I wake up early, go to the clinic and tetttt. No vaccine because the doctor forgot to order it haha. So he asked us to come again tomorrow.

Then, we head to the market located just a few metres behind the clinic. It was an amazing experience when I went to the market today. I always go there during holiday but today I looked at another angle, a different perspective.

First, I realized that everything there was much more cheaper than stuffs in Selangor. Sooooo cheap that I felt like want to put this market beside my apartment. And everything is fresh.

Secondly, this is what I realize today. The sad part. I realized how much my father loves me and my family. He wants to cook only the best food for us and in his mind, he thinks of what his family will and want to eat. It's not that my father doesn't love me before. It's just that I don't realize how much he loves me and my family. And this leads to the third thing.

Another sad story also. In each of every single face of people at the market, there are hopes. They are hoping for something. Something that makes them work hard. Something which I believe, they are hoping for better lives or they are hoping they can get enough money to raise their family, to send their children to school giving them best education they should have. They are working so hard, so so hard and they just do whatever they can do to keep their loved ones happy and healthy.

The bad part of the story, I saw some guys melepak at the kedai kopi. Another one is, the people at the market talk about our generation. They said we are lazy and hoping for people to give. Quite true as we have been pampered with wealth. We didn't feel the hardship that previous generation that's why we didn't really appreciate whatever we have. So what we have to do? Change their perception by changing behaviour of our generation. How to do that? We change ourselves first (a big note to me).

Okay la I need to study, seriously the exam is so so near. I don't have anything in life, but this one I must finish before I can focus on other things. Pray for me okay? Here are some pictures of the market just now and a picture of 7 cactuses bought by sister in Cameron Highland. These cactuses resemble the 7 of us. Hihi bye thanks for reading this.

Flying away

I want to travel so much. So so much. I want to backpack and travel around the world. I will do it. At least before I finished my study. I will do my best to achieve what I want 😊

Natural beauty

Assalamualaikum and hii!!

I just finished studying few chapters of Recombinant DNA and now I'm lying on the floor scrolling through the pics and I found pictures of me during last two weeks when I went out with AQ.

I'm not someone who loves make up since I believe in natural beauty and whatever natural la.
But last week, I started to realise that I am getting older. Yes I eat natural foods, use facial wash, toner, moisturizer, facial powder & bb cream and some more things. But at the end of the day, my face will become greasy and oily, sometimes it happen in the middle of the day. I dont know what is the solution until one day.....

I got offer from Samsung Galaxy apps for a 20 minutes make up consultation & also got 2 free samples of Bobbi Brown make up! I wanted to go but my schedule was quite packed and I'm so lazy to go to Sunway Pyramid.

On weekend, I went out with AQ to accompany him finding his Kendama toy. We went to KLCC had a nice food for lunch before we walked to Pavillion as the Kendama store is there. At the Pavillion, suddenly I saw Bobbi Brown's shop and I was so excited to go but I'm quite shy hehe. But I really want the free samplesss! So after we performed Asar prayer I asked him to accompany me to go there. When we go there, the lady there gave demonstration for instant make up which are putting lipstick and blusher on my face as well as using mascara. After make up, my face looked sooo fresh compared to before. I also got the free samples which are BB cream and eyeliner!

Since that day I promised myself to take care of my skin and keep it fresh from morning until night. After doing some researches, I think Silkygirl products are suitable for me since for the good quality and reasonable price.

Me before and after; not so much change but at least I get rid of that oily greasy face!

Recipe : Good foooooddd I made in uni

Assalamualaikum and hi there!
Hallo today I wanna tell you about the food I cook during last semester and this semester.

I am a person who loves to eat but I want good food with reasonable price. I will seriously get mad if my food is not good and it is pricey.

So I decided to cook. During first year I always cook with my housemates but since everyone has different "selera makan" so we decided to cook on our own. But sometimes we cook together and it will for sure turns out to be super good food! Soooo here are all the good foods hehe.

1. Ayam masak santan goreng - basically ni recipe Husna and Along. Just pressure ayam tu dgn santan daun kunyit tambah garam and all and then stir fry. Masa stir fry tu tambah cheese nnti dia lelehhhh.

2. Simple honey chicken with tomatoes and salad - marinate ayam dgn madu, halia dan garlic pastu pressure then stir fry. Serve with salad and tomatoes. Dapppp

3. Beef patty - basically this is super lazy recipe. Sbb nak makan all nutritions we need in one bite haha. Beef patty ni ada minced beef, tauge, chilies, garlic and bulat2kan dia kecik2 pastu simpan dalam freezer and goreng je when you wanna eat it.

4. Tauhu berlauk with tauge and tomatoes - This is a quite leceh recipe and the taste takde la really good or maybe I dont know how to cook it hahaha. Kat rumah tu ada Noxxa pressure cooker but I dont know how to use for steam option so its a bit hard la. Oh the recipe as what I remember letak tauhu telur, tauhu biasa tu, udang, daun ketumbar and then steam kan dia. Bila nak makan goreng je. 

5. Butter prawn with potatoes and salad - letak butter goreng cili, bawang and then masukkan udang. Goreng ubi jd fries. Serve all with salad.

6. Beef patty with tauge and cheese omelette - beef patty dah cerita now proceed to cheese omelette. Sedaaaaap and easy. Kacau telur with mayonis pastu tuang atas pan after panaskan olive oil. Tp api slow. Then dh nak masak tu letak cheese then gulunggg siap. Tgk video kat youtube tau sbb teknik nak dpt texture yg sedap tu penting.

7. Roti cheese telur - paling senang. Roti celup telur goreng. Yg nak letak cheese tu gulung cheese dulu lepas tu celup telur then goreng.

8. Lontong - ni recipe susah sikit sbb leceh tp I made this with housemates so takde la recipe makanan org bujang mcm recipe lain2. Google je recipe lontong mesti banyak tp I prefer azlitamasammanis punya recipe.

9. Bubur oat - this one is my fav seriously sedaapppp sangat and very quick. Stir fry ayam isi, bawang merah bawah putih dgn cili pastu masukkan cabbage. Dah wangi tu masukkan air, kicap soya, sos ikan, oyster sauce. Masukkan oat and biar air mendidih jap. Nampak oat dh kembang tu stop la then makan. Kalau ada ikan bilis sambal kering lagiii sedapppp!

But above all my fav is this one;

Chicken patty with a lot of sayur inside serve with tomato and spinach kangkung dip

Sedapp sangat I swear so I wanna cerita the recipe once I do it another time sbb nak cerita the exact recipe. 

For me, anyone can cook. Tak perlu perfect asal sedap sudah. Elakkan makan luar selalu kalau nak jimat. Okay tu je lah. Bye for now. Happy cooking.

Swot vac and me

Assalamualaikum and hi!

Hallo there everybody, I'm having swot vac right now, a week allocated for us to study (holidayyyyy). I have a lot of things to study actually I did half already but I hope I wont forget what I've learnt.

And I'm now. Today is not so productive day cus I wake up a bit late and I got internet to surf. So, not really got. But i will try to achieve my target of the day in shaa Allah. But there's one thing I wanna share about last week.

Last week was one of the productive week for me. I finish quizzes early, study many chapters, focus, I got good sleep, eat good food, less stress. And this happens for one reason which is....

I didnt subscribe the internet 😊

And I'm soooo happy. My friend also felt weird since I didnt hold my phone for 5 or 6 hours. I also went for a swim, like 3 times a week. I feel so happy. And that's all that I want in life. To be happy in whatever that I do.

I wanna write some more but I'll write in different post. Okay chiao love youalls.


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

I haven't post anything for so longggg. I was very this semester; with my studies and my sister's business. But now I only focus on my study since I only have 3 weeks to go for finals which will mark the end of my second year in shaa Allah. Please pray for me okay?. And after that, I will have to do internship for 2 months. Bee-sy me.

This semester is definitely the best ever so far in all terms. Less stress, less drama, less work, I enjoyed learning so much although it requires me to read like 20 pages of a chapter in one day. But I like it, so it's fine for me. Now I know which field I like, and my time management is getting better. Things are going good for me alhamdulillah.

The biggest lesson that I learn, know yourself; your strength and weakness. Then if you handle them properly, you will be fine.

Oh, I just want to tell myself via this blog;

Never stop chasing your dreams. If you don't have dreams, at least create one. It will motivate you :)

Movie: The age of adaline

Yesterday i watch the age of adaline movie. It's a very good movie. The kind of movie that i like. It's about Adaline, a woman who never age because an accident occured causing her died and then she was strucked by lighting which make her become alive again, never grow old and age. She was supposed to be happy but no she was sad because people wanted to do experiment on her so she have to run until she was already tired of running and she long to be in love. However another accident occured and she finally aged and could live her life growing old with the man she loved. There's a scientific reason behind her condition which i'll explain later. Till then, bye bye.


Assalamualaikum and Hi,
I promise myself that I can do it, so I have to do it.
Give the best that you can for yourself, although it's hard, you have to do it.

Money money money

Assalamualaikum and Hi,
Nowadays everyone talks about money, about business and stuffs like that. The older you are, more responsibilities you will have, more money going out than going in. That's the saddest part of growing up.
People say, the best way to gain money is through business. I'm not the business kind of girl. I did tried but I'm not that kind of person because I dont like meeting people, be in a crowd and all.
There are many types of businesses. MLM, which I dont really really like because I feel like cheating people (that's my opinion please dont get mad if you are MLM person). Second is investment, which is quite okay but I dont have so much money to invest. Third is selling things to people which I have tried, but I'm lack of skills to persuade people or to sell to people especially online because I dont really like to be in crowd or be close to people. This kind of attitude is really killing me, maybe it's because of my bad experience with certain people make me fear to be hurt again so I keep pushing people away. I will try to make it better someday (hope so).
Another way to gain money instead of doing business is work, maybe in my case is part time because I'm still a degree student. But that also not really a good decision because, I have to study, and working means no going out on weekends, no movies, no reading books and more nice things to do which I have to sacrifice.
So in the end, I decided to save money.
People usually save money like this;

Money - expenses = savings

But actually it should be like this;

Money - savings = expenses

-I found this formula in someone's FB, I think it's Hilal Asyraf

Hence, this is the best way for me, at least for now :)

Buh-bye, salam alaykum :D


Assalamualaikum and Hi,

It's been a long time since I wrote the last post in this blog.
Haha, I don't know why I didn't write because I said I wanna be like Vivy.
And plus, I'm on my 3-months holiday right now.

What did I do then?
For the first two months of the holiday, I worked, at a stationery shop near my house.
It's quite good, but very tiring.
Then, the last month which is now, in February, I stay at home, help my mother with the house chores but it depends on my mood.
Sometimes I can be very determine to clean the house, but sometimes I gave up especially when the house is upside down.
9 people lives in this house, and with 4 kids, what do you expect? T.T
My mom is such a strong woman. She never give up, no matter what.
If you're reading this mom, know that I love you and appreciate what you do, I really want to help but sometimes, I don't have the strength that you have.

Okay, back to the main reason of this post.
Shopaholic. Someone who loves and addicted to shop.
Adlina Maisarah is not someone who is addicted to shop,


except for cheap and good quality merchandise.

I never felt this way before, seriously no. That feeling when you see things in the shop and suddenly you felt that your mouth is watering, and I really really want to buy what I saw.
Now there is online website like Nile and Tesco, which I love so much especially Tesco, there goes my money T.T
But one good thing about online shopping is you can see and think 24/7 whether you what to buy or not. That's why it's good.
When I have free time, I'm gonna make a review about Tesco online shopping. It's so niceeeeee, you can even buy onions you know!

Till then,