A perfect call

Assalamualaikum & Hi,
I was on the train to go back to my hometown. It's 2am & suddenly I felt like writing this after waking up from my sleep. 

Today I had a session with my supervisor to analyse my performance. We used to have these kind of sessions back then when I started work. After my performances getting stable & all of us were getting busier, we kind of stopped doing this. 

Nevertheless, April & May will be a little bit harder for us, so perhaps that's why I was called for this session.

My performance was still on track & my work progress still okay. However, every time I walked into this room to discuss about my work, I was always amazed by how there's always and always something to talk about & improvised. Previous posts I've written already included the summaries of our conversations during these sessions (click here)

Like today, we talked about the calls I've made. 

1) Talking speed
When my supervisor played few of my calls, there were a lot of things I realized. I talked quite fast. Talking face to face & on the phone were so different. I thought I conveyed the information clearly but I was not. On the phone, we have to speak the words clearly 1 by 1 for the customers to capture the information we shared through our voices. We're not present in front of them but we have to make sure the way we talked were like we're sitting beside them. That's what I have improved since my first call back in August, but still need to improvise now for better customer experiences.
2) Monotonous 
The highlight of the review was most of my calls were monotonous. This was something new for me to realize & learn. When we listened to the calls, there were in 1 tone, lack of emotions & I was playing it safe in conveying the information. We hear some other successful calls and I was amazed on how they contained so much emotions according to what they're talking about, excitement to share information & the way to initiate buying signals from customers.

Sometimes, you being so happy & putting your emotions similar as in customer shoes will build their trust in you. That's something I will need to focus on starting from now.

3) Follow up service
Starting from day 1 making calls, my bosses already told me to have probing with customers on anything from what they liked, how was their days & etc. But as usual, I was playing it safe. Usually I will call to follow up on stocks availability, share promotions & told any additional information. Sometimes if I already called for all of these on previous month, I will feel I don't know what to talk about in this month conversation.

One thing my supervisor highlighted today - to follow up on our service. I never even once called to ask our customers regarding their shopping experience with us by call, if through WhatsApp I had always done it. Thus, this was definitely a keypoint I need to remember.

In summary, there were still a lot of room of improvements I need to make for me to reach that perfect call. 

Another thing that was highlighted - sales was not only about money. It's mostly about satisfaction & happiness in doing your job. I realized that since day I went for interview, but now I felt it stronger. Money will make you stable & comfortable. But passion & purpose were what will make you happy & excited to do this repetitive gestures in your job.

Second thing, I just want to share was today I was sent to meet vendor to test something for my department. I went to the meeting room where I used to have my SL1M training back then. 

It kind of made me felt nostalgic because this nobody girl who was just a trainee that didn't get the opportunity to shine, finally be back in the same room now given a chance to be a part of decision that will make a difference in the company.
I shall remember today for these two memorable things; a great review session & realising how far I've been since before.

To many more making good changes in life :)

Look at how far we've become

But I'll never forget where I came from

Till then,

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