My Sunway Memories - Graduation Day

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

I still have so many Sunway drafts to post but I maybe I skipped all that for this one as yesterday marked my 5th year of graduation anniversary!

I looked back at all the pictures to take the mood to write this & everything still feel like just happened yesterday. I completed my study in December 2016 & the graduation only happened in April 2017. It's been 5 years so let me squeeze my brain to remember back what happened on that memorable day.

My family never went to Selangor together, complete the 9 of us. One of my biggest dreams was to bring to them to Selangor on my graduation day. I also have the thought to treat my siblings to Sunway Lagoon, but at that time I was still unemployed, so I was kind of broke, I had to let go that dream. I don't remember whether I contribute the money for this trip, but if I didn't then my parents paid for all of it. 

I went to Selangor few days earlier to settle some stuffs & met my friends. Couldn't remember I went there by train or car haha. After looking back at the pictures, I saw that I went to KLCC with my Monash peeps & Tuwa. We ate dimsum at our favourite place too, Minimax Restaurant. I also went to Monash with Nina to take some documents and we took some pictures around the university.

On Friday, my family came by car with my grandmothers also. We stayed in homestay at Residensi Laguna, where I used to stay for 3 years. I was so excited to show them around the apartment where there was a swimming pool where you can see pretty view. We bought some groceries and cooked together. At night, I took my siblings & my father to Sunway Pyramid to show them my favourite mall where I always go whenever I have free time. I brought them to my favourite desserts place, Snowflake! I saw they enjoyed their time here.

On the morning of my graduation day, we decided to go to the hotel by Grab because it's easier than to find parking. Before going to the hotel, we had a quick stop at my alma mater because I want my family to see where I studied. We took some pictures here. As we left the university, my heart felt heavy a bit knowing I need to let go this phase.  After that we booked Grab again to the hotel. There were so many people that day. My session was in the evening. Only three people can go into the hall so my parents & Tuwa went inside. My grandmothers & siblings sat in another room which was less crowded where a big screen was provided.

I went the hall at 1.30pm and got seated before the ceremony started at 2.00pm. It started with some speech and then proceeded with giving the degree certificate. The event with The School of Medicine first then followed my school, which was School of Science. I was very nervous when it's my turn only because I was afraid if I tripped and fell down. But it was just fine hehe.

The ceremony was proceeded with speech from the invited speaker which was Dr Amar Singh. He talked about making changes in the society. Some of the main points from his speech were;

Three changes that are required for us to make a difference in the society
1) Discover ourselves 
2) Discover what is meaningful to do
3) Build sustainability

He elaborated that points which were too lengthy if I wanted to write all of them here, you can watch it here (click at 2:13:55). After his speech, it was the end of ceremony. Before that, all of the graduates were asked to stand up & turned back to the audience to thank everyone who had been with us throughout this journey. At this part, I teared up a bit especially when I saw my parents waved at me. I couldn't do this without them, never in my life.

We then walked out of the hall, and here came my favourite part, eating the good food! I always loved going to Monash graduation day because they served us with food from 5 star hotel hahaha. I met my friends, their parents, basically a lot of people. It's nice catching up with everyone. Then I took studio photo with my family (which was so expensive by the way, but in any event, photos will be what remained forever, so please don't hesitate to spend for good photos).

We went back to the homestay and refreshed ourselves. At night, my relatives came from KL & we had dinner together. I was so happy seeing my very big family gathered. My family did not travel much back then because there were so many of us, but furthering my studies here brought so many opportunities for me to get to know them. That was something I did for my mom, because she always asked me to do so, but I was so happy doing that to strengthen bonds between families.

The day after we went back to Kedah. I took the train with my grandparents and the rest of us went back by car. It was a really good time & I was so so happy to celebrate this special day with my loved ones.

In summary,

Graduation day felt like wedding day. Although I never experience that yet, I'm sure it felt that way. It's one of the busiest days of your life yet also the most beautiful one too. You put on your best dress, the happiest smile, walk in your highest heels & said thanks to everyone who congratulated you. You met you friends who struggled & went through it all with you from day 1. Your family will be smiling from ear to ear feeling so overjoyed for what you have achieved. And you, will feel so grateful to God for making this day happened for you to witness all these amazing moments.

At the end of the day, you'll be so so tired like you never felt before. But you knew you made everyone proud, especially yourself. The moment you walked on that stage & took the scroll, all the memories of everything in 4 years suddenly replayed on your mind. "You made it, I'm proud of you", that's what your heart will tell you.

This day was just a celebration day. After that day, that's when your real life started. It's not going to be easy from here. The road ahead will be bumpy & have so many obstacles. But just like how you managed to graduate despite all the difficulties you faced, you will get through this life too. Students always think graduating means it's the end of all the hard things you faced in university yet it's the only the beginning of everything.

We always want to reach the ending of every chapter, little did we know, life is the continuous stories, one that will always relate to each other. After 5 years, when I was writing this, I have been through a lot in life. But coming back to my graduation day, listening to the speech from Dr Amar, had made me realize, it's gonna be okay. It will always be okay. It's just a matter of time.

Despite whatever that will happen, never ever give up. There are many uncountable ways for you to figure out life. You will be fine as long a you don't give up. My life motto now is;

"There's so many exciting adventures ahead you'll never see if you give up now"

Cheers to living life with adventures, peace & purpose!

Till then, 

Friends forever ok?

Anak MARA from School of Science class of 2017

Me with my grandmothers

The magnificent seven

I hope I made them proud

Forever "Ancora Imparo" (always learning)

It took 4 years to wear this robe

"The reality starts now"

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