K-dramas I've watched

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

This is a very very long post and I hope you are ready to read this.

I don't know since when I developed interest for Korean drama, but I remember coming back from school watching Winter Sonata and Autumn In My Heart on the TV. I did re-watch Autumn In My Heart and cried bucket of tears. K-dramas are so creative and contain many moral values (which are lacking nowadays). I love dramas that will make you think about the message they are trying to tell. I'm amazed how creative they are creating the plot about history, medical, sci-fi, politics and etc. It is something I hope to see in Malaysian drama too. Like who remembers about history of Malaysia and our ancestors even before Malaysia is formed? If you watch historical K-drama, you will definitely Google the history of Joseon and Goryeo. If the drama is about medical, you will definitely educate people to understand about the disease and its treatment.I wish one day, our country will be on the same level too. Hopefully. Let's get back to our discussion. So, I decided to list down all the K-drama I've watch so far as anyone future reference as well as for me to remember. There will be many parts of this review, so click here to read all of them.

1. Winter Sonata
I watched this drama when I was 7 or 8 years old, and it gave me big impact like I want to name everything with winter. Even my first email started with winter something haha. It was about a girl named Yoo Jin falling in love with a new student in her class, Joon Sang. They spend together during winter (obviously, see the title haha), and fall deeply in love with each other. Then Joon Sang get involved in accident and lost his memories. His mom then bring him to the US to start a new life there but she told everyone in Korea that Joon Sang was dead. Poor Yoo Jin cannot forget her first love even after few years later. After ten years, fate bring them together again as they had to work together but now Joon Sang identity was as Min Hyeong. While working together, Yoo Jin wondered if this Min Hyeong was Joon Sang, the one she loved the most. Of course in the end after many circumstances, these two finally together. However, Joon Sang became blind because of surgery. They created this drama again in anime version few years ago, with added ending of Joon Sang and Yoo Jin getting married. 
I have no comment about this drama because I totally forgot about it. Overall it is a good drama and it was on the top list of year.
 Joon Sang and Yoo Jin were so deeply in love.
Young main characters.
Main characters after ten years.
Their wedding day.

2. Autumn In My Heart
This drama was about two beautiful siblings, Eun Suh and Jun Suh. They have a perfect family and lived very happy together with their parents until an accident happened where Eun Suh was hit by a truck and she needed blood transfusion. That was when her parents knew that Eun Suh was not their child because her blood group was totally different from them. Then they discovered Jun Suh had accidentally changed the name card of the two babies born on the day Eun Suh was born. Eun Suh was switched with Shin Ae, which was her rival in school. Shin Ae came from a broken and poor family, which was completely different from Eun Suh's family. The girls then returned to their own birth family. Although Jun Suh and Eun Suh were sad, they promised never forget each other. Jun Suh's family then moved to the US, leaving Eun Suh with her mom. Since she was so poor, she couldn't afford to go to college despite her brilliance. 
Ten years later, Eun Suh worked as telephone receptionist at the hotel owned by Tae-suk, who then fell in love with her. Jun Suh returned back to Korea with his family and fiancee, Yumi. When Jun Suh and Eun Suh finally found each other, they eventually developed feelings towards each other. Their parents were against the relationship, but they insisted to be together. Yumi tried to commit suicide so Jun Suh will never leave her. Eun Suh later found out she had leukemia, the same disease that killed her father. Nobody knew her condition except Tae-suk who wanted to pay for her treatment. Jun Suh ignored Eun Suh until she was in chronic condition. Then they spend all the time they had and get married. Eun Suh died while she was carried by Jun Suh on the beach they used to spend time together. Jun Suh was too sad until he was hit by the truck at the exact location of Eun Suh's accident before.
I have a lot to say about this drama. Firstly, why Jun Suh's parents didn't bring Eun Suh and her mom to the US? They could hire her mom as the maid and live there happily ever after. Secondly, I don't know why Eun Suh won't choose to be with Tae-suk who obviously love her and always be there for her. He even protected her when anything happened unlike the coward crying baby Jun Suh. Moreover, Tae-suk was rich and he could make her happy. Thirdly, why Jun Suh's parents won't let the couple be together??? It will be less drama okay. Lastly, I don't know why it is so easy for the babies to be switched. They could do check up after that right? The answer is love makes you do crazy stuffs lol. Nevertheless, I like this drama and I cried a lot while watching it, but yeah I wished for a happy ending actually. Jun Suh and Eun Suh managed to create so much emotions in their character. Tae-Suk's character made me melted and cried like when he tried everything to make Eun-Suh happy even when he was hurt. So maybe I will give 6 or 7 out of 10 for this drama. 
Little Eun Suh and Jun Suh.
Ten years later, they meet each other again.

The real hero who made me sobbed like a child. So full of emotions.

3. Witch Yoo Hee
This one was one of my personal favorite because of its unique story line. Yoo Hee was a cold-hearted woman who wore black attire every single time and feared by others. She always went to blind dates but often unsuccessful due to her personality and attitudes. Moo Ryong on the other hand was a cheerful guy who wanted to pursue his career as a chef but prohibited by his family as they wanted him to study medicine. However, fate brought these two together when Moo Ryong's friend asked his favor to replace him in the blind date with Yoo Hee which ended up unsuccessful. 
They both met again in accident that cause damaged to Yoo Hee's car. Moo Ryong who didn't have money agreed to become Yoo Hee's maid and personal adviser on relationship. He changed Yoo Hee's style to be more feminine. Moo Ryong's girlfriend, Seung-Mi disagreed on Moo Ryong did because she was feeling insecure. Seung-Mi worked at a restaurant where there was a top world chef named Johnny who happened to be Moo Ryong's idol and Yoo Hee's acquaintance, who secretly loved her . Yoo Hee's first love, Joon Ha came back from abroad but he already have a fiancee, which broke Yoo Hee's heart. 
However, after he broke up with his fiancee, he tried to get back with Yoo Hee, but he was never sincere to her. He only get back with her because of Yoo Hee's father, whom also the reason why he left before. Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong developed feelings towards each other, but many circumstances happened and they decided not to be together. Moo Ryong wanted to go abroad with Johnny to chase after his dreams. On the day when he supposed to fly, he secretly hoped Yoo Hee will come, and she did!!! In the end, they kissed each other and be together. 
For me, it was a really amazing drama. I really loved the part when Moo Ryong transformed Yoo Hee to a sweet lady. Nevertheless, I felt pity for Johnny and Seung-Mi who couldn't be together with their loved ones, especially Seung-Mi. She sacrificed a lot and very loyal to Moo Ryong but he was unfaithful to her. Besides, the plot seemed to show like Seung-Mi was the barrier between Yoo Hee and Moo Ryong, but what she was  just trying to save her relationship with Moo Ryong. Other than that this drama was definitely amazing! I think I re-watch this drama for 3 or 4 times.

The main characters of Witch Yoo Hee drama.
4. Rooftop Prince
A girl will be chosen to be the crown prince's wife. The Hong family had two daughters, Hwa-yong and Bu-yong. Although Bu-yong was younger than Hwa-Yong, their father decided to choose her to be the crown princess. Before the coronation day, an accident occurred causing Bu-yong to have permanent scar on her face. Thus Hwa-Yong was chosen to be the crown princess. Bu-yong and the prince were closed to each other as they share the same passion in riddles and poetry. One day, when the prince woke up in the morning, he found out his wife, the Crown Princess was dead. The cause of her death was unknown but everyone taught it was because of drowning. The prince suspected the death was not because of accident so he formed a group to investigate his wife death.  While the team, a group of assassins attacked the. When they were running away from the bad guys, suddenly they vanished and transported to Seoul, Korea 300 years later on the rooftop house owned by a girl named Park Ha.
Park Ha was a girl who live her life alone in the US since she went missing at 9 years old. She didn't remember how she was missing. During her time in the US, she worked at the bar and fruit stall where she was stalked by Tae-yong. He wanted to meet Park Ha but on the day they should meet, Tae-yong didn't show up. The scene showed Tae-yong and his cousin, Tae Moo were on a yacht. They have a fight and Tae Moo punched Tae-yong until he fell into the ocean. Tae Moo didn't rescue Tae-yong and he remained missing. Park Ha returned to Seoul after her family location had been found. She met her family, her stepmom, Man Ok and stepsister Hong Se-na. Se-na happened to be in secret relationship in Tae Moo, and she disliked Park Ha to be in her life which was the reason why she left her in the truck and let her went missing. 
The prince and his team lived with Park Ha, who taught them about adapting in this world. One day, when the prince helped Park Ha with her works, he met Tae-yong's grandmother. She was extremely astonished to see him, thinking he was Tae-yong. The prince met with Se-na too, who had similar appearance as the late princess. The crown prince thought he should marry Se-na so he would be closer to solving the mystery of his wife's death, which was the reason why he was sent to this world.
A series of events happened in Seoul helped to solve the mystery. I will simplify it here.
  • Se-na and Park Ha were actually real sisters from the same parents like they were in Joseon. Both of them were the daughters of President Jang whom left Se-na with Man Ok since young and Park Ha was actually Injoo, the daughter she left to her husband when they separated.
  • Tae Moo who happened to be the prince's half brother in Joseon, tried to kill him in both worlds. In Joseon, he manipulated the Hong family to kill the prince so he could be the king. In Seoul, he used Se-na to help him to get rid of Tae-yong so he can takeover the company. Unfortunately, his plan failed in the end as their grandmother left all her inheritance to Tae-yong.
  • An accident happened when Se-na brought the prince who acted as Tae-yong to the lake so Tae Moo can hit him with the car. However, Park Ha came to save the day and she was hit by Tae Moo causing her to be thrown into the lake. She was floated on the surface of the lake similar to the princess' death.
  • When the prince was back in Joseon, he solved the mystery. It turned out his half-brother and the men in Hong family had a conspiracy to kill him through the crown princess. Bu-yong discovered the plan and he quickly went to the prince's chamber before he was killed by eating the desserts containing poison sprinkled by the princess. Bu-yong solved the riddle her brother-in-law gave her few days before. She requested the desserts as a reward and ate them all. Then she went out and started to feel the pain. After the prince was asleep, the princess looked for her sister and found her was dying. She scolded her for ruining the plan which can cause the whole family to be punished. Bu-yong asked her why how could she did such terrible thing to the prince. I love the part when the princess just kept quiet hehe. Bu-yong provided a solution so nobody will be caught. Both of them exchanged their attires, and Bu-yong who wore the princess' outfit will drown herself so everyone will think the princess died because she was drowning after falling into the pond. 
  • However, the plan failed when the prince revealed the truth to everyone. The men in Hong family and the prince's half brother was killed. The princess was dethroned and exiled with her mother because Bu-yong requested for them to be safe.
  • The prince found a letter written by Bu-yong for him in her chamber. She confessed her love to him that she had kept all these while. The prince the write a letter to Park Ha which she read 300 years later. He hoped she was doing fine and he missed her so much.
  • Park Ha worked at her fruit juice shop where she met Tae-yong and finally they end up together.
The crown prince and his body guard in Seoul.
The crown prince and his bodyguards in Joseon.
The crown prince and Bu-yong.
Tae-yong and Park Ha.

I really love drama about time travel, especially this one because the plot was nicely planned. It involves mystery solving which makes it more interesting. I love to see how the Joseon boys tried to adapt themselves in our world. This drama taught us to not become greedy for power and money because we might do everything including hurting or killing others to achieve our goals. It is also about the relationship between Park Ha and Se-na. Se-na dislikes her in their previous and current life but Park Ha always accept her as who she are. She is willing to sacrifice so her sister will be safe. She is loyal to the prince too, trying to protect him when everyone tried to kill him. Overall, it is a very nice drama.

See you in next review! 

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