Recipe : A day with Nanny and Mahirah

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Today was a very good day. I woke up quite early and didn't sleep after Subuh, becausee I found a new amazing K-drama to watch! I watched one episode and then my not-so-little brother, Mukhlis asked me to get out from the bed because he bought Nasi Lemak for me. While I was eating breakfast, my little sister Mahirah (who was just came back from camping yesterday and didn't go to school because she was tired) said she was hungry. She wanted to eat delicious food for lunch because for the past 3 days she was eating canned sardine. So my grandmother suggested to cook sweet sour fish and that little girl was extremely happy. She helped me to prepare the ingredients and I cooked the dish. When both of them ate lunch just now, they looked so happy (maybe because I put so much love inside it haha). I think it's quite nice but as usual I always didn't put enough salt. Since my grandmother was here and she's going back to Penang tonight, I made a cake called 'kek gula hangus' for her. The cake was also known as 'Kek Sarang semut' because in the inside there are holes like the ant's nest. I forgot the recipe actually haha so my grandma said to jot it down so I will never forget anymore. Then, I got the idea to write it here so I can refer to the recipe whenever I want to make the cake again. Besides, I decided to share the sweet sour fish recipe too.

Kek Gula Hangus/Caramelized sugar cake

A: 1 1/2 half cups of sugar, 3/4 cup of butter, 2 cups of water
B: 2 cups of flour, 2 tsp of bicarbonate soda, 2 tsp of baking soda, 3/4 can of condensed milk, 4 eggs

  1. Put sugar into the pan under medium heat.
  2. When the sugar melts and turns brown, add the butter. Stir it constantly until it bubbles.
  3. Pour in 2 cups of water. Stir it and take it from the heat. Wait for it to cool down.
  4. Next mix all ingredients in B (I used blender).
  5. After the caramelized sugar has cooled, mix it with B.
  6. Leave it for few hours so the nest will be formed (I waited for around 30 minutes only but the nest is formed nicely).
  7. Steam it for about 1 hour (I steamed the cake in Noxxa pressure cooker for 35 minutes).
  8. Let the cake cool down before slicing it.
My cake! Perfect shape hee. It finished in less than 20 hours.

Closer look at the 'nest'. 
Sweet sour fish

A: Fish, turmeric powder, salt
B: 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 red chilies, 2 bird's eye chilies.
C: 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, half pineapples (I didn't put this), 1 tomato.
D: 4 tbsp chili sauce, 4 tbsp tomato sauce, 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce.

  1. Coat the fish with turmeric powder and salt. Leave it for a while.
  2. Cut ingredients B and dice ingredients C.
  3. Heat some oil in pan, fry B, followed by D. Add some water according to your preference. If you like the sauce to thick or watery.
  4. Then, add ingredients C. Add some salt to taste. Let it simmer for few minutes.
  5. In the meantime, fry the fish.
  6. When both are done, pour the sauce onto the fish. Best eaten with rice.
Delicious sweet sour fish.
Source: AzieKitchen

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