Covid-19 Vaccination!

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Covid-19 has been around for almost 2 years now. Earlier this year, the government has announced about the vaccination programmes. We have to register through MySejahtera apps. I was relunctant to register at first because I think the vaccine were used to early. Anyway we are to desperate now looking how the cases are rising and how fast the virus mutated. So we either die because of Covid-19 or vaccination. But the latter is the better choice because not many died because of it.

So I registered for vaccine in June. In July, I got the appointment to be vaccinated. It was at Bangi Golf resort. I got Sinovac vaccine. 

1st dose, 22 July : Went to the PPV earlier by one hour. Got the shot done within half an hour. I didn't have any side effect but I did feel hungrier than usual for a week.

2nd dose, 12 August: I was working that day because I thought the effect is not bad. I went there earlier too because I want to do my work after that. But I was wronggggg. The effects I got were; dizzy, felt so cold and I feel like my body was flying went I walk. After lunch, the headache was getting worst so I took Uphamol. Then it was okay. When I reached home, I took my shower and slept at 9pm. The next morning, all the pain was gone. However I felt quite bloated for 2 days.

If you still haven't got your vaccine, please get it ASAP. Keep updating MySejahtera until you got one. If you live around Klang valley, go for walk-in vaccination. The mild effects we are having is nothing compared to the pain when you have Covid-19. It saves lives, reduce the effects and didn't spread as much as if you aren't vaccinated.

Let's take care ourselves so we can reduce Covid-19 in our community! 

Till then,


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