A random Saturday

Assalamualaikum ands Hi,

I usually planned carefully what to write but this is a random post. 

Well I have quite a good day today. Woke up at 5am for prayers but I fall asleep after Subuh because I stayed up watching At The Dolphin Bay until 1am. Then I woke up again at 10am because I forgot that I switched off all alarms on weekends.

I spend my whole day finishing the series and went out to buy groceries in the evening. We went to Tesco. While shopping I just realized my weakness and happy place is supermarket. It's like I was in my own world looking at all the rice, mayonnaise, eggs, ice creams and all other stuffs. I really loved groceries shopping. We spend almost 2 hours day. 

Once arrived home, we unpacked all the stuffs, cooked dinner and then I rushed to sharing classes with my friends. After that I watched latest episode of Hospital Playlist 2. I just loved that drama so very muchhh. I normally sleep at 9 or 10pm every night, latest at 11pm. But now I'm currently wide awake so I decided to write because I have a lot of thoughts in my mind.

Life is an unpredictable journey for us rite? I've never think I'll made this far but I did. I always want to give up on everything. But after a lot of things that I went through, I promise myself not to give up. 

It's just a bad day, it's not the time yet but keep striving because you're closer to what you're looking for. If I give up today, I will certainly lose everything I might have tomorrow. 

I think maybe that's for now. May everything will end up well and we will always be blessed 😘

Have a good rest and sleep earlyyyy. 

Take a guess how much these cost? There are still a lot of stuffs at the bottom. 

The viral Gardenia bread. I think the taste suits Malaysian taste well. 

Till then, 


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