Mama & Abah

Assalamualaikum and Hi, 

I was supposed to write many many weeks ago when it was my father's birthday, but I've been procrastinating ever since.

Mama & Abah are the most important person in my life. Just like other parents, they raised us with love and sacrificed a lot of things in order to make sure we grew up well. 

I've went through all phases - being good, rebellious, neutral and understanding. I felt sorry for my parents for having to cope with me but I don't want to remember the past. If there's anything I could change, it'll be to always see the world through their point of view. So that I will understand them & the choices they made for me. But I'm young & dumb before so let's just let that go.

I will move forward with lessons I learnt and be the best daughter for them. I love them more than ever now and I will do everything I can to make them happy.

Nevertheless, my parents have taught me many valuable lessons in life. Really a lot. And I'm gonna list down all of them here.

To always be humble - Mama & Abah are both very humble person. They always be friends with everyone from all sorts of backgrounds not only from people of same level. They always support & be nice to everyone.

To help people in need - sometimes when they went to the market, they bought things from the hawker because they wanted to help them, eventhough they don't need the things that was sold

To live within your means - my parents taught me to live with what I can afford & not lavishly. As the saying cut your coat according to your cloth.

To understand there's no black and white in life - I was lucky my parents were both educators. So they knew a lot of things from other peoples' lives. Sometimes they shared stories with my siblings for us to learn. As a person who follow the book, they slowly made me learn that in life there were grey area, one I needed to understand according to situation.

God is the best planner -  Sometimes things will happen differently from what I want. No matter how painful in might be when things didn't go according to my plan, just redha with everything so that your heart will be at peace.

Be closer to Allah and ask everything from Him - the only One who will always be with me every step of the way

Family > everything - when I grew up, I might be at distance from my family, some of us might be successful than others - at that time, never let material things bring us apart. Remember how we were brought my smallest little things back when we have nothing. Always help, guide & love each other sincerely.

To always listen and respect your parents - maybe I will not always agree with everything my parents told me, but take their advices, think thoroughly& talk nicely to them.

To plan your financial - sedekah, give some to parents not because they ask but for their blessings which will later ease everything in mg life.

To always appreciate people in life - because everyone matters.

To have empathy for people by putting yourself in theirs shoes - felt what others felt by imagining what if you're facing what they faced.

Nobody's perfect - People always make mistakes. Never expection perfection from anyone.

To forgive everyone but have boundaries if necessary - everyone made mistakes but never the same mistakes all over again. Always forgive but never forget, especially when people went overboard many many times.

Special things about my parents:

Mama - the kindest soul I've ever met. She would do anything for the people she loved. & will give the best in everything she did.

Abah - the most innocent person I've not. Funny, knowledgable but I always mistaken it because he's not serious most of the time. Looked like a roaring tiger on the outside but he had the softest heart.

I love you Mama & Abah, thank you for being such a wonderful parents to me & my siblings 🥰
Thank you for giving meaning to the lives you've touched.

Till then,


The peace from within

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Today after Isya' prayer, I sat on the prayer mat & suddenly I felt so peaceful & positive energy flowing through my body. The water from wudhuk I took before made me felt very cool & calm.

I was not the type of person who's very religious but I tried my very best not to miss 5x prayers every day. & now I was trying to pray on time instead of last minute. But this one was so hard, especially for Isya' because I tend to sleep earlier or do something else.

As for reading Al Quran, back in high school that was easy for me to do as life in boarding school was more organized. Lately, especially last Ramadan, I read Al Quran every single day, with the meaning as well. One day, when I was praying for taraweeh, the Imam cried while reciting surah. & I was clueless why he cried. But there were few words I understood & I knew the surah was about the Judgement day. Since that day, I was curious to understand more about Al Quran but of course it took such a long time for me to act. I tried to read the meaning too whenever I read the Al Quran & slowly memorized some common words. Surprisingly when I did that, I was lead to know more on the elaboration of the Al Quran. Then one day my friend posted about #myqurantime on FB & I was curious what's that about. So I went to social media & digged to find out. From there I learned that #myqurantime was a TV show where each episode they explained one page of the Al Quran. Now I had the feeling of wanting to learn the Arabic languange.

It was pretty amazing how Allah led me to all these. Sometimes when I woke up very early in the morning, read Al Quran, zikir & perform prayers before going to work - my day went so very smooth & easy.

Everytime I get closer to Him, there's powerful energy I felt within me, making me even calmer & redha for everything He gave me; good or bad. It's definitely hard to be consistent, but I hope He will guide me. Getting near to him, every step closer, brought out the peace within me. 

Of course it's not easy, never was. But May Allah guide us every step of the way. He definitely will. Slowly but surely. One step at a time. You'll get there, to the One who made you & give you the peace within.

Till then,

Something to ponder

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This thought has been running through my mind for the past few weeks so I must put it here.

It's about my work of course haha. For the past few months, things just get harder, like so hard. I even complained to my boss but the answer I got was "it's hard so that's why you were paid like that".

Of course I was not satisfied with the answer - Adlina Maisarah is a girl who need to seek validation externally instead of listening to people around me.

Then one day I was sent for a training. During that training I sat with people from other departments. I almost choked when I heard they said they had to do overtime almost everyday & sometimes during weekend too. 

While me, I don't need to do so, I just need to standby if there's any urgency to check & revert back; just through the phone, one click away or in front of laptop, one call away. But I still complained a lot. & for the whole month I worked, only once or twice I will work overtime, that happens only if I still doesn't achieve my target. & I got the flexibility to work from home at least 2 days/week. Most importantly, I have nice colleagues & understanding bosses (trust me no matter how tough it is, I will forever be grateful for my bosses you have no idea what kind of leadership I have to deal before)

Like life, there's no perfect job. Wherever you go, there's always loopholes in your expectations. I still remember a friend told me before I started my new job a year ago; "don't complain/rebel yet. Do it first. Then only you know you can or cannot."

Since I started working here again, life has changed tremendously for me; in terms of everything especially for me as a person. I will forever be grateful for the magic Allah has given me for this one.

P/s: dear bossesss, if you're reading this, thank you for everything & I will always learn, improvise & give my best in everything I do. Please guide meee.

Till then,

Dear Bestie

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

I always told myself I will never buy a car because I was so very afraid to drive & car was very costly to keep by the way so it's the last thing on my wish list.

One fine day around December last year, I just decided to buy a car - now I really couldn't remember why but maybe it's because the place I was staying at now was very far for me to move around. So I decided maybe it's time I should drive anyway. Then I started to browse every car that I might wanted to buy. I was shockedddd to see the price of a car was very very expensive. I thought it was just like around RM20-30k only. Well, I was definitely wrong.

Initially I wanted Proton Saga, but my parents have been using Proton car all their life before this so they said noooo. So I listened to them because I wanted their blessings. Then, I still search & search - after endless searching & comparing process, I thought Perodua cars were quite nice. So I narrowed down my choices to - Axia & Myvi. I wanted cheaper car so I opted for Axia. My parents were okay with it but I could feel they were not like 100% agree because the car technology was back in 2019. The one who was against me the most was my boss. He was like no no you deserved at least a Myvi blablabla. But I was so determined to buy an Axia so I just proceeded with it.

On the loan signing day, I confirmed with the salesman "is it today? Do I need to bring anything? Does it take a long time? Will you come with me?" because it was a habit of mine to confirm things a day before it happened. He was like "yeahh, no need to bring anything but yourself. it will take very very short time. & you'll be going alone". 

The next day, I was so nervous, I wore baju kurung that day & went to the office. Around 8am, I went to the bank. There was quite a lot of people but the line was moving. After about almost an hour of waiting, it was my turn. The officer looked for my loan signing form. was not there. I panicked, almost out of my breath. Then I called my salesman & said my form was not there. He said he'd checked back & confirmed with me. It turned out the person who's supposed to bring the form got Covid, so my form was still at another branch. & guess what's the solution the salesman gave me? It's either I came here another day or went to that branch. I was so mad at him because it was his mistake not to confirm with the bank first when I already asked him before. As soon as I cooled down, I called him back & I said I wanted to cancel because I was disappointed with his attitude.

I took a Grab to go back to the office & the car I rode was very nice - & it was Honda Civic. I was still so mad at that time so I said to myself I'd buy this car instead. Then I Google the price & it was bloody expensive! So I said goodbye to that dream car. When I arrived at the office, I told my colleagues what happened & everybody said to me they thought I should buy a Myvi  but they were scared to tell me because I was determined to buy the Axia. My boss who was against me with Axia, also laughed at me & thought I was cursed by his words. When I told my family, they said the same thing like everyone else, maybe Myvi was meant for me.

I prayed to Allah if this the best for me, please ease everything for me. I contacted another salesman who handled my sister's car purchase. A few weeks later he called me to sign the loan. I took a day off & went to sign the loan at Jalan Masjid India & the process was very smooth. The salesman also came with me that day. He told me the waiting time should be around 3 - 5 months. But, to my surprise, a month later he said the car already came. I was so speechless. So in May, I got my car, alhamdullillah.

Unfortunately, I was still scared of driving. I tried,  I wasn't scared anymore & it was fine but I was not good at it, especially on reversing. So I had an accident on the 6th day when I scratched the door & it dented a bit. Therefore we had to take the car back to repair it. Luckily there's the car insurance so I don't need to take out money. 

My parents took care of the car & my dad drove it to the mosque every night. Sometimes when I went back to Kedah, I still drive the car (when I had the courage). The car was still there & my brother will be starting work soon so I suggested he should use my car first, because he needed it more than me.

When I look back, the car was a gift from Allah to me & everyone else. I might not be the one driving it, at least not for now, but it was what everyone else needed. Love you dear Bestie! (I named it Bestie cus she's everyone's bestie)

The thing about destiny & fate - no matter how we planned it, if it's meant to be it will definitely happen easily. That's why I've been telling myself now in all aspects in life - & to my surprise I am always at ease. Alhamdulilllah 🥰

To everyone reading this, please pray that one day, soon, I can drive everywhere I want to go - safely & brilliantly.

Till then,


2022: September, the most adventurous one

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

September basically my favourite month this year because it was so filled with a lot of memories!

I took 1 week of leave on the first week. It was unplanned. I managed to convince my bosses, although it's basically hard to do so, I did it anyway. My Mama & the siblings wanted to come to KL for holiday. So we booked the hotel, planned where to go & everything last minute. So here's my holiday went;

31/8 - 2/9 - stayed at Tuwa's before we went to KL. 

5/9: travelled from Penang to KL by car with them during the day. That night I brought them walking around Bukit Bintang to see the lively city & nice lampu lampu. It was a great nice because; we had nice grab drivers & the food at Kyochon was great (we even got free chicken!).

6/9: In the morning I took the siblings to the hotel's infinity pool,Went to Jalan TAR with the fam & ate at the famous Restoran Insaf. Then I brought my sisters on LRT ride to uncle Ajib's house in the evening and lepak until 11pm catching up & played monopoly with the cousins. Then we went to Saloma Bridge & Twin tower because we wanted to see the beautiful lights. Stayed there until 12am to see the lights off at the Twin tower while riding beam. Such a great night but so tiringgg 😬

7/9: Initially we wanted to go to Royal Floria fest but macam ramai. So we strolled around Putrajaya instead seeing the view & beautiful buildings. We stopped at the Putra Mosque to pray & my grandmother said it was her first time being here as she usually it on TV only. Then, we went to the famous Itik Salai Mashtar, which tasted so much better when eating with them. In the evening we wanted to go out but I already exhausted so we took a rest then the whole family had dinner with Abah who stayed in UKM while I went to TBS to go to the next destination

8/9: Rushed to Baling, Kedah for this girl! Had breakfast at the famous Tiptop Corner & then celebrated her malam berinai. It was the first time I wore inai on my fingers after a long time. Husna was the prettiest bride to be 😍

9/9: The weddding day of Husna & Aiman. Congratulations both of you! May Allah blessed your marriage with joy & happiness. I'm happy you found your way to each other. It was one of the most beautiful wedding ever!

10/9 - & rushed back to Bangi again after Husna's wedding for final event of the week - to see my baby brother become Leftenan Muda Adli Mirza! Congratulations Adikkk, very proud of youuu.

Then the following week I went to office full days as usual to complete my work as there have two screens. In the weekend I went to Kelantan for Husna's wedding by flight. It was kinda tragic because I accidentally forgot to put my father's name so I was charged RM150 to add his name back.

While in Kelantan, I spent my time mostly with Husna's family. Her family were so kind to me I thought they're like mine already. We had barbecue by the pool that night. The following morning we went to Kopitiam Kita before the reception.

During reception, I met Nina & here family & had a chit chat with them. Later on Nina & Faiz brought me to Bazar Tok Guru & then to her family's new house. Before going back to KL we went to Acu Tera for dinner. Then, Nina, Faiz & Alisa send me to the airport. Flight got delayed around 1 hour++ so I prayed & read some stuffs. I also had two interviews that week; one to further studies & one for career change (which I don't have intention to but I want to know how the market was)

The following week, I finally qualified as Outstanding Achiever as I already hit all target for the year. Now I need to learn to slow down & penetrated more non active customers.

30/9/2022 - After 19 years of wearing thick spectacles & 1.5 years of wearing contact lenses with power of -925 both sides, today I got to see clearly again without them. 

24/9 - I went to eye checkup (lasik journey should be in different post) & catching up with Nasuha.  I loved meeting her because we always talked about stories to inspire us be a better person & grateful with our lives.

I finished my worked earlier this month because I was going for lasik surgery on 30/9/2022. Alhamdulillah the surgery went well, but need to rest my eyes for few days & got 1 week medical leave. Anyway the service in KPJ KL was very goood! Will review soon in another post.

Till then,


2022: August, calmer than before.

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Since July was so very hectic, I prayed for August to rest a bit from all these hectic moments & reorganising back myself so I can take care of myself better. As well as for it to bring more great things in life, staying healthy, happy & grateful all the time. 

However in the first week, I already went to a continuing medical education (CME) organized by the company & MIMS Education. The night before, I came to KL from my house & planning to stay at the backpackers' hotel because I've never been there so I wanted to try. Few hours before I checked in, Husna said she's coming back to KL, so I checked in to her house instead 🤣. 

The next morning I went to CME workshop. I took Grab to the place. When I arrived there were quite many people & I got scared & nervous already. The talks given were so informative & I learned a lot. It took me a while to start talking to other people & the healthcare practitioners but in the end I did it although I was so freaked out. I hope to get to join this kind of events a lot more so I can break the wall within me.

The following week, I went to the office as usual. On the weekend I went to Penang weeeee to visit my sister at her new home. Everyone was there! We went to the swimming pool, grilled some meat & brought my grandmothers to breakfast. Then I went back on Sunday to KL. 

Halfway through the month we had medical checkup organised by Naluri. On the following day, I fell sick, maybe because I was so tired. But all of sudden on weekend I was healthy again! I had day with the most beautiful bride-to-be & also Along. We made her walked around Bukit Bintang wearing bride-to-be sash & headband. Then we went to eat at Mitasu together. I stayed at Husna's place for a few days while work from home because later on when she's married I can't do that anymoree.

I went to the office for everyday the following week to be extra extra focus. Then the weekend came I went back to Kedah since it was closing. I spend some time to rest with the family before the start of new month 😁

August was great, definitely. I always thought I'll feel lonely or not occupied but I always have a lot of things to do & that never makes me feel alone at all.

Till then,
