Luckin Kopi with my bestie

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Somewhere in September 2020, right before another lockdown, Husna and I went out together to explore some places.

We decided to go food hunting while we still can. At that time, one of the viral cafes is the Luckin Kopi. Since Husna is a coffee lover and I love to try new things, we decided to give it a try.

I Googled how to go there because I don't drive and Husna don't want to drive. So I found out the cafe was located near LRT Pasar Seni. We met at LRT Station and went to LRT Pasar Seni together. 

Once we arrived we kind of lost because not sure where was it. Then Google Maps came to rescue! It was just 300 metres from LRT Pasar Seni. One way to know where it was, you can see many people lining up in front of the cafe starting from 8am.

The map

When we arrived it's about 9am so the queue was quite long a bit. We had to wait around 45 minutes before we could go in. Another tips; come before 10am. After that the line will be soo longg.

Once we get in, we were brought to the seats upstairs. I like the vibes. The interior was wooden deco like our ancestors house but it was designed and arranged in a modern way. 

We ordered the 5 States Kopi - Ipoh, Kedah, Johor and another 2 I can't remember. But basically the difference were in the bitterness and sweetness. I like bitter coffee more. 

Anyway since we haven't eaten, we ordered some food to. I ordered Nasi Lemak Sambal Petai and Salted Egg chicken rice. Both were good too but Husna and I came to agreement that if you want to order the coffee set, don't order the salted egg chicken rice because it will make you feel bellyful and they didn't match. One more tips: if you come here to drink the 5 states coffee, don't order heavy food because it will make you full. I saw many people ordered a lot of food and coffee but didn't finished all. Don't waste your food and drinks okay? 

For me the Nasi Lemak and 5 states coffee were really good. I think their toasted bread might taste good too but we didn't try because our stomach was full already. 

As for the price, I think it's okay. Not too overprice and worth for the food quality and the ambience that we get. 

Overall: 4.5/5

The food we ordered

We finished the all of them! 

My food hunting buddy. The vibes here were so nice rite? 

Ps: I wish this Covid 19 ended soon so we can go food hunting without any worries! 

Pss: Happy 64th independence day!!! The reason why I wrote this post BECAUSE I think the biggest reason people are united is FOOODDDD

Till then, 


A random Saturday

Assalamualaikum ands Hi,

I usually planned carefully what to write but this is a random post. 

Well I have quite a good day today. Woke up at 5am for prayers but I fall asleep after Subuh because I stayed up watching At The Dolphin Bay until 1am. Then I woke up again at 10am because I forgot that I switched off all alarms on weekends.

I spend my whole day finishing the series and went out to buy groceries in the evening. We went to Tesco. While shopping I just realized my weakness and happy place is supermarket. It's like I was in my own world looking at all the rice, mayonnaise, eggs, ice creams and all other stuffs. I really loved groceries shopping. We spend almost 2 hours day. 

Once arrived home, we unpacked all the stuffs, cooked dinner and then I rushed to sharing classes with my friends. After that I watched latest episode of Hospital Playlist 2. I just loved that drama so very muchhh. I normally sleep at 9 or 10pm every night, latest at 11pm. But now I'm currently wide awake so I decided to write because I have a lot of thoughts in my mind.

Life is an unpredictable journey for us rite? I've never think I'll made this far but I did. I always want to give up on everything. But after a lot of things that I went through, I promise myself not to give up. 

It's just a bad day, it's not the time yet but keep striving because you're closer to what you're looking for. If I give up today, I will certainly lose everything I might have tomorrow. 

I think maybe that's for now. May everything will end up well and we will always be blessed 😘

Have a good rest and sleep earlyyyy. 

Take a guess how much these cost? There are still a lot of stuffs at the bottom. 

The viral Gardenia bread. I think the taste suits Malaysian taste well. 

Till then, 


The start of something new

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

After closing one chapter and bidding good bye to the city, I moved to a new place that I've been few times. It's still in Selangor but it's just not in the place where I can walk everywhere, or completely accessible by public transport.

I love it here too. It's calmer here. More trees and everything green. Everything's cheaper here. People here are nice too. I haven't stay here for a long time but I like it here already. I believe God put me here for some reasons. 

I like my new job. It's very challenging and it involves a lot of planning, thinking and excuting (just like I wanted riteeee), but I also struggle a lot to meet the target. I'm in good hands. Everyone here is very nice, supportive and encouraging. I got what I asked for. I enjoy every single day. I have lesser time on social media. I ate well (I think I gain few kgs already). My new home is a good place too. I like looking at the beautiful views of nature. The sky here is so picturesque. 

After 8 months of working from home, my body kind of shocked because I moved a lot. I also wake up at 5am every day. So my body feels tired because my muscles rest a lot since last year. 

Moving to a new place is a good thing. It makes me view life differently. I think I already change a lot as a person. No more overthinking, no more expectations, no more rushing. I just give the very best I can, and I trust God with the rest. Every single day when I wake up, I prayed God will ease all my affairs, then I give my shot for the day. I also had feelings of keep wanting to be a better person each day and I push myself to be one, one step at a time, but no pressure. Just be better than yesterday each day. 

To anyone who read this, please pray the best for me. I wish the same for you too. May He ease all of our affairs. 

Till then, 


Good bye city life

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Last time I wrote I got a job offer from Company H here. However the company is located very far from the place I used to be. So I have to move out again. This time it's quite hard because it's during Covid.

After I arrived in Selangor on 21st, I went to my client's office and my company to return all their belongings. During the journey to the offices, I saw the roads I used to take, the malls I used to go and argh it kind of break my heart a little bit. I haven't been here for 8 months and when I came back, I was about to leave I again. I didn't have time to say good bye.

On 22nd I went to get my first jab and rest at home. I spend time with my sister and housemates before moving out on Sunday. Since it's Covid now, the only option I have was to use Lalamove service. I took a small van from the city to my new place and it costed around RM130. I think that's quite a good price since it includes carrying my stuffs too.

While I was in the van, the driver passed through all the places I used to go. When I saw my all time favourite place, Sunway, tears started running down my cheeks. I can't help myself from not being emotional. This is the place I've been growing up since I was 18. There's too much memories with everyone here, and they're only good memories only. And I guess that's why it's hard for me to let go this place (my friend Husna also feel the same too, so it's normal hehe).

I still remember there's a day in 2020 when I was too heartbroken and everything in the city felt so overwhelming, I prayed to God while looking at the city through the window;

"Dear God, this city now feels too overwhelming and painful to me. Please bring me to somewhere more peaceful and calm. I want to start over there."

And then boom! Almost a year later my prayers were answered in a way I didn't expect. I was begging to leave then I was the one crying badly because I was too attached to the city hahaha.

Anyway, I just want to highlight how much I love the city. I love the public transport. I love the sound of the train. I love how I can see the city from the train. I love to travel everywhere by train. Actually I love everything about the train except that it's packed in the morning. I love walking alone in the crowd. I love discover new places with my friends. I love to food hunting. I love waking up early in the morning on weekend to go out. I love going to cinema alone and with others. I love staring at the big buildings. Now I love all the bookstores too! I love having conversations with my friends while we're exploring places. We used to sit at restaurants for hours talking to each other. I love Masjid hopping in Ramadhan. I love to look at people everywhere. I love the malls. I love how we always go to different malls every weekend for window shopping but actually we're just walking around and talk about random stuffs. I love how we know every inch of the mall and how each mall is very special. 

If it's not in pandemic, I'm sure I already took the train after work to the city and explore places with my loved ones. I feel so glad I always take the chance to do whatever I want before even when I was so tired or don't feel like doing anything. 

Because it's different now, it's far more dangerous there and I don't know when I can go there. Many places are closing down too. We don't know when this pandemic will end since it's like neverending. Maybe that's why it feels so different. 

I was attached to these places because of good memories I have. I guess the best way to detach is to build more beautiful memories at other places. But this Covid thing ruined everything so for now let's just survive first. 

So my dear city, good bye. Thank you for all these beautiful years. I will miss you dearly. I'm glad I spend my youth there and learned a lot. Maybe one day I will come back or maybe not. But you're always have a special place in my heart. Very very special one ❤️

Ps: Hopefully my hijrah to another place will be the beautiful start of new beginnings. Aminn. 

Ice skating in Sunway Pyramid

Tarawih in Lembaga Tabung Haji

Masjid KLCC

The sky in Kelana Jaya

Kelana Jaya's view from my office

Early morning in KL Sentral

The forever always busy KL Sentral. Not sure how is it now. 

The walkway I used to take to office

The view taken from LRT Kelana Jaya station

The road to Sunway

Good bye my favourite place

Till then, 


Books : Dumped & Tuesdays by Amal Nadiah

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Today I want to share about books that are very special and unique. I followed the Amal Nadiah on IG for quite some time but I didn't know how and when. When she published her first book, I'm not interested to buy at all. Then while I was browsing books at the bookstore, I saw her book and flipped through few pages. The next thing I know was I had both books in my hands.

I love her books because her writings are very different. She talked about how she view world, love, life and everything else. Her thoughts and her stories are somehow motivating that it reminded me life is a journey full of bumpy roads.

Her first book, Dumped, is about the author who got left behind by his boyfriend on her birthday. And the stories goes on with her next relationships. Along the way, she tell stories of how she grew over the years and through all the challenges. She travelled a lot so it's nice to learn about other countries too. I guess it's a great book for growing adult but it's an amazing book to help you go through breakup.

I bought this book before I had my breakup but I read it afterwards. It gives me strength and hope beyond what I expected. I wish I had read it sooner so I valued myself more than a relationship.

From MPH Publishings

Her next book, Tuesday, is a perfect for those who got left behind without proper closure. Very interesting because it was narrated just for a day in Paris. I can relate this more with myself because I didn't get and I wish for a proper clousure. But the ending should be how you accepted that it wasn't meant to be and forgive yourself because it's nobody fault.

Anyway I don't want to spoil it but they're really very good books! Go check them out :)

Ps: I like books based on other people stories/narratives. If you have good suggestions, do comment below.

Till then,


Books : The Let Go theme

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Last year I went through times because I have to let go one of the person I trusted and loved most. Things didn't happen the way we wanted. I have to let go everything. It was hard. Definitely hard. My family and friends give a lot of advices. I took some time being alone. I started reading again. And there are few books I read help me with letting go. That's what I want to share today.

Reclaim Your Heart (to understand and put your whole trust in God)

I borrowed this book from my Aunty since 2018 but on 2020 only I start reading back until the end. I really like this book. Yasmin Mogahed wrote about how to trust God completely, give your heart to Him and let Him do the rest.

One of my favourite analogy that she stated:

We're like a child playing with scissors. It is dangerous for us, but we didn't know it. Our parents, who loved us dearly, took it from us to keep us safe. We might know why so we keep crying, but actually by taking away that scissor, our parents saved us from greater pain. That's what God who created us treat us too. He knows everything that will happened to us. Thus whatever He take from us now is because He wanted the best for us.

If you are having tough times in life and feel like you can't hold on, this book is a book that will make you believe Allah knows besr for you and all you have to do is trust him.

The Art of Letting God (to learn to forgive everyone especially yourself and surrender everything to God)

The first from the book series by Ustaz Mizi Wahid.
Just like Reclaim your Heart this book too highlighted how His plan are always better than ours, what He has in store for us is wayy beyond our imagination.

We have to let go, forgive and move on in order for Him to open other doors for us. Just trust Him and the rest will follow.

From Imanshoppe

This is Me Letting you Go (I swear this is the saddest book I ever read, so so so much crying involved)

If you're losing someone you love, in any possible ways, this one is for you. I read this when I had my breakup, when my heart was crushed and it is something I can relate too.

This is a must read if you're letting go.

Letters to God (a unique one because the author write stories in form of letters to God)

It was story about a girl studying abroad and she writes her diary in the form of letters to God. It's like she's speaking to Him through letters telling about her life. I really think it's so interesting so I started doing one too. Truthfully it feels so good and calm as we are being close to the Owner of our lives.

I highlighted this book because it taught me when you have no one else to talk to, you still have God, for you to pour all the feelings you have. And that's one of the way for you to fall in love with Him all over again. When that happens, you will know that He knows best for you more than anyone else.

Till then,

Covid-19 Vaccination!

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Covid-19 has been around for almost 2 years now. Earlier this year, the government has announced about the vaccination programmes. We have to register through MySejahtera apps. I was relunctant to register at first because I think the vaccine were used to early. Anyway we are to desperate now looking how the cases are rising and how fast the virus mutated. So we either die because of Covid-19 or vaccination. But the latter is the better choice because not many died because of it.

So I registered for vaccine in June. In July, I got the appointment to be vaccinated. It was at Bangi Golf resort. I got Sinovac vaccine. 

1st dose, 22 July : Went to the PPV earlier by one hour. Got the shot done within half an hour. I didn't have any side effect but I did feel hungrier than usual for a week.

2nd dose, 12 August: I was working that day because I thought the effect is not bad. I went there earlier too because I want to do my work after that. But I was wronggggg. The effects I got were; dizzy, felt so cold and I feel like my body was flying went I walk. After lunch, the headache was getting worst so I took Uphamol. Then it was okay. When I reached home, I took my shower and slept at 9pm. The next morning, all the pain was gone. However I felt quite bloated for 2 days.

If you still haven't got your vaccine, please get it ASAP. Keep updating MySejahtera until you got one. If you live around Klang valley, go for walk-in vaccination. The mild effects we are having is nothing compared to the pain when you have Covid-19. It saves lives, reduce the effects and didn't spread as much as if you aren't vaccinated.

Let's take care ourselves so we can reduce Covid-19 in our community! 

Till then,


My Sunway Memories - Monash Annual Ball 2016

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

[This post has been written since Nov 2017 but have been sitting in my drafts for too long, so I finishing it now]

It's been a year since this event actually. Since I'm so busy last year, now is the only time I can blog about this. [5 years already now]

Monash Ball is annual event organized by the student council for everyone in their final year. Apparently, my seniors didn't attend that event because the ticket prices were quite expensive and mostly didn't know about it.

Anyway my friends decided to go to the event so we bought the tickets priced at RM98 I guessed (can't remember well since it's 5 years ago). The ball was held at The Hilton near KL Sentral. All of us gathered at my house to dress up and make up. After Maghrib we all drove to the hotel. We're late so we took the valet parking without knowing how much it will cost us later on.

The ball was okay. But the food was pretty terrible for hotel standard.  I just hope the food was better. Anyway, after the dinner, we got the parking for free! The annual ball was indeed once in a lifetime experience.  Overall it was nice because I had good times with my friends.

My dress from Zalia

MARA matessss

The dessert

The appetizer - Pumpkin Soup maybe

The Main course - taste like canned food

Can't remember what is this but it's taste ok

My lab mates

All MARA girls

Read more about my life in Sunway during foundation and degree here

Till then,