Love can always grow

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Although I'm bubbly, I'm the type of person who likes to be alone on my own. Back when I was younger I rarely told my family how I felt & just figure things out on my own. & I also not very good in keeping in touch with my big family. Only after I started working, I kind of change a lot (like really a lot) in terms of that.

When I was doing my internship, I stayed with my grandmother. That was when I get closer to her & started to love her even more. She cooked a lot of nice food for me. We went to the market together & she taught me about types of fishes because she liked to eat fishes. Her signature dish was Spicy Bolognese pasta, IT WAS SO GOOD! I asked her for the recipe & she gave it to me, it was super easy yet so flavourful.

Last night, I was craving for lasagna. So I decided to make one on my own, by adding a little twist to my grandma's recipe, using lasagna sheet instead of spaghetti & making the cheese sauce. It was so gooooooood it tasted exactly like hers! I told my mother I felt so grateful that I learned that recipe, because one day if she's gone, it will make me always remember her through the recipe.

Back then, which was years ago in my teenage years, I was kind of afraid to love & care for others, because I was scared of being hurt - like whatever I gave to people won't be reciprocated the same way. But I learned from the best, my Mama - that loving even when it's not returned the same way or if you got hurt, is much much better than regretting not doing so.

Even when you think it's too late to share your love with your family or someone you care, it's never late to start, because love can always grow. Now that I already opened my heart to give my love to my grandmother, I started to understand her as a person, & I can never undo loving her. It's easier to love when you let your heart to understand that person.

& so that's what came to my mind, while making lasagna. May Allah bless my grandma, & all of us.

Ps: when I said love it means love as in general love not the lovey dovey oozy doozy love.

Till then,

Mama & Abah

Assalamualaikum and Hi, 

I was supposed to write many many weeks ago when it was my father's birthday, but I've been procrastinating ever since.

Mama & Abah are the most important person in my life. Just like other parents, they raised us with love and sacrificed a lot of things in order to make sure we grew up well. 

I've went through all phases - being good, rebellious, neutral and understanding. I felt sorry for my parents for having to cope with me but I don't want to remember the past. If there's anything I could change, it'll be to always see the world through their point of view. So that I will understand them & the choices they made for me. But I'm young & dumb before so let's just let that go.

I will move forward with lessons I learnt and be the best daughter for them. I love them more than ever now and I will do everything I can to make them happy.

Nevertheless, my parents have taught me many valuable lessons in life. Really a lot. And I'm gonna list down all of them here.

To always be humble - Mama & Abah are both very humble person. They always be friends with everyone from all sorts of backgrounds not only from people of same level. They always support & be nice to everyone.

To help people in need - sometimes when they went to the market, they bought things from the hawker because they wanted to help them, eventhough they don't need the things that was sold

To live within your means - my parents taught me to live with what I can afford & not lavishly. As the saying cut your coat according to your cloth.

To understand there's no black and white in life - I was lucky my parents were both educators. So they knew a lot of things from other peoples' lives. Sometimes they shared stories with my siblings for us to learn. As a person who follow the book, they slowly made me learn that in life there were grey area, one I needed to understand according to situation.

God is the best planner -  Sometimes things will happen differently from what I want. No matter how painful in might be when things didn't go according to my plan, just redha with everything so that your heart will be at peace.

Be closer to Allah and ask everything from Him - the only One who will always be with me every step of the way

Family > everything - when I grew up, I might be at distance from my family, some of us might be successful than others - at that time, never let material things bring us apart. Remember how we were brought my smallest little things back when we have nothing. Always help, guide & love each other sincerely.

To always listen and respect your parents - maybe I will not always agree with everything my parents told me, but take their advices, think thoroughly& talk nicely to them.

To plan your financial - sedekah, give some to parents not because they ask but for their blessings which will later ease everything in mg life.

To always appreciate people in life - because everyone matters.

To have empathy for people by putting yourself in theirs shoes - felt what others felt by imagining what if you're facing what they faced.

Nobody's perfect - People always make mistakes. Never expection perfection from anyone.

To forgive everyone but have boundaries if necessary - everyone made mistakes but never the same mistakes all over again. Always forgive but never forget, especially when people went overboard many many times.

Special things about my parents:

Mama - the kindest soul I've ever met. She would do anything for the people she loved. & will give the best in everything she did.

Abah - the most innocent person I've not. Funny, knowledgable but I always mistaken it because he's not serious most of the time. Looked like a roaring tiger on the outside but he had the softest heart.

I love you Mama & Abah, thank you for being such a wonderful parents to me & my siblings 🥰
Thank you for giving meaning to the lives you've touched.

Till then,


The peace from within

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Today after Isya' prayer, I sat on the prayer mat & suddenly I felt so peaceful & positive energy flowing through my body. The water from wudhuk I took before made me felt very cool & calm.

I was not the type of person who's very religious but I tried my very best not to miss 5x prayers every day. & now I was trying to pray on time instead of last minute. But this one was so hard, especially for Isya' because I tend to sleep earlier or do something else.

As for reading Al Quran, back in high school that was easy for me to do as life in boarding school was more organized. Lately, especially last Ramadan, I read Al Quran every single day, with the meaning as well. One day, when I was praying for taraweeh, the Imam cried while reciting surah. & I was clueless why he cried. But there were few words I understood & I knew the surah was about the Judgement day. Since that day, I was curious to understand more about Al Quran but of course it took such a long time for me to act. I tried to read the meaning too whenever I read the Al Quran & slowly memorized some common words. Surprisingly when I did that, I was lead to know more on the elaboration of the Al Quran. Then one day my friend posted about #myqurantime on FB & I was curious what's that about. So I went to social media & digged to find out. From there I learned that #myqurantime was a TV show where each episode they explained one page of the Al Quran. Now I had the feeling of wanting to learn the Arabic languange.

It was pretty amazing how Allah led me to all these. Sometimes when I woke up very early in the morning, read Al Quran, zikir & perform prayers before going to work - my day went so very smooth & easy.

Everytime I get closer to Him, there's powerful energy I felt within me, making me even calmer & redha for everything He gave me; good or bad. It's definitely hard to be consistent, but I hope He will guide me. Getting near to him, every step closer, brought out the peace within me. 

Of course it's not easy, never was. But May Allah guide us every step of the way. He definitely will. Slowly but surely. One step at a time. You'll get there, to the One who made you & give you the peace within.

Till then,

Something to ponder

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This thought has been running through my mind for the past few weeks so I must put it here.

It's about my work of course haha. For the past few months, things just get harder, like so hard. I even complained to my boss but the answer I got was "it's hard so that's why you were paid like that".

Of course I was not satisfied with the answer - Adlina Maisarah is a girl who need to seek validation externally instead of listening to people around me.

Then one day I was sent for a training. During that training I sat with people from other departments. I almost choked when I heard they said they had to do overtime almost everyday & sometimes during weekend too. 

While me, I don't need to do so, I just need to standby if there's any urgency to check & revert back; just through the phone, one click away or in front of laptop, one call away. But I still complained a lot. & for the whole month I worked, only once or twice I will work overtime, that happens only if I still doesn't achieve my target. & I got the flexibility to work from home at least 2 days/week. Most importantly, I have nice colleagues & understanding bosses (trust me no matter how tough it is, I will forever be grateful for my bosses you have no idea what kind of leadership I have to deal before)

Like life, there's no perfect job. Wherever you go, there's always loopholes in your expectations. I still remember a friend told me before I started my new job a year ago; "don't complain/rebel yet. Do it first. Then only you know you can or cannot."

Since I started working here again, life has changed tremendously for me; in terms of everything especially for me as a person. I will forever be grateful for the magic Allah has given me for this one.

P/s: dear bossesss, if you're reading this, thank you for everything & I will always learn, improvise & give my best in everything I do. Please guide meee.

Till then,

Dear Bestie

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

I always told myself I will never buy a car because I was so very afraid to drive & car was very costly to keep by the way so it's the last thing on my wish list.

One fine day around December last year, I just decided to buy a car - now I really couldn't remember why but maybe it's because the place I was staying at now was very far for me to move around. So I decided maybe it's time I should drive anyway. Then I started to browse every car that I might wanted to buy. I was shockedddd to see the price of a car was very very expensive. I thought it was just like around RM20-30k only. Well, I was definitely wrong.

Initially I wanted Proton Saga, but my parents have been using Proton car all their life before this so they said noooo. So I listened to them because I wanted their blessings. Then, I still search & search - after endless searching & comparing process, I thought Perodua cars were quite nice. So I narrowed down my choices to - Axia & Myvi. I wanted cheaper car so I opted for Axia. My parents were okay with it but I could feel they were not like 100% agree because the car technology was back in 2019. The one who was against me the most was my boss. He was like no no you deserved at least a Myvi blablabla. But I was so determined to buy an Axia so I just proceeded with it.

On the loan signing day, I confirmed with the salesman "is it today? Do I need to bring anything? Does it take a long time? Will you come with me?" because it was a habit of mine to confirm things a day before it happened. He was like "yeahh, no need to bring anything but yourself. it will take very very short time. & you'll be going alone". 

The next day, I was so nervous, I wore baju kurung that day & went to the office. Around 8am, I went to the bank. There was quite a lot of people but the line was moving. After about almost an hour of waiting, it was my turn. The officer looked for my loan signing form. was not there. I panicked, almost out of my breath. Then I called my salesman & said my form was not there. He said he'd checked back & confirmed with me. It turned out the person who's supposed to bring the form got Covid, so my form was still at another branch. & guess what's the solution the salesman gave me? It's either I came here another day or went to that branch. I was so mad at him because it was his mistake not to confirm with the bank first when I already asked him before. As soon as I cooled down, I called him back & I said I wanted to cancel because I was disappointed with his attitude.

I took a Grab to go back to the office & the car I rode was very nice - & it was Honda Civic. I was still so mad at that time so I said to myself I'd buy this car instead. Then I Google the price & it was bloody expensive! So I said goodbye to that dream car. When I arrived at the office, I told my colleagues what happened & everybody said to me they thought I should buy a Myvi  but they were scared to tell me because I was determined to buy the Axia. My boss who was against me with Axia, also laughed at me & thought I was cursed by his words. When I told my family, they said the same thing like everyone else, maybe Myvi was meant for me.

I prayed to Allah if this the best for me, please ease everything for me. I contacted another salesman who handled my sister's car purchase. A few weeks later he called me to sign the loan. I took a day off & went to sign the loan at Jalan Masjid India & the process was very smooth. The salesman also came with me that day. He told me the waiting time should be around 3 - 5 months. But, to my surprise, a month later he said the car already came. I was so speechless. So in May, I got my car, alhamdullillah.

Unfortunately, I was still scared of driving. I tried,  I wasn't scared anymore & it was fine but I was not good at it, especially on reversing. So I had an accident on the 6th day when I scratched the door & it dented a bit. Therefore we had to take the car back to repair it. Luckily there's the car insurance so I don't need to take out money. 

My parents took care of the car & my dad drove it to the mosque every night. Sometimes when I went back to Kedah, I still drive the car (when I had the courage). The car was still there & my brother will be starting work soon so I suggested he should use my car first, because he needed it more than me.

When I look back, the car was a gift from Allah to me & everyone else. I might not be the one driving it, at least not for now, but it was what everyone else needed. Love you dear Bestie! (I named it Bestie cus she's everyone's bestie)

The thing about destiny & fate - no matter how we planned it, if it's meant to be it will definitely happen easily. That's why I've been telling myself now in all aspects in life - & to my surprise I am always at ease. Alhamdulilllah 🥰

To everyone reading this, please pray that one day, soon, I can drive everywhere I want to go - safely & brilliantly.

Till then,


2022: September, the most adventurous one

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

September basically my favourite month this year because it was so filled with a lot of memories!

I took 1 week of leave on the first week. It was unplanned. I managed to convince my bosses, although it's basically hard to do so, I did it anyway. My Mama & the siblings wanted to come to KL for holiday. So we booked the hotel, planned where to go & everything last minute. So here's my holiday went;

31/8 - 2/9 - stayed at Tuwa's before we went to KL. 

5/9: travelled from Penang to KL by car with them during the day. That night I brought them walking around Bukit Bintang to see the lively city & nice lampu lampu. It was a great nice because; we had nice grab drivers & the food at Kyochon was great (we even got free chicken!).

6/9: In the morning I took the siblings to the hotel's infinity pool,Went to Jalan TAR with the fam & ate at the famous Restoran Insaf. Then I brought my sisters on LRT ride to uncle Ajib's house in the evening and lepak until 11pm catching up & played monopoly with the cousins. Then we went to Saloma Bridge & Twin tower because we wanted to see the beautiful lights. Stayed there until 12am to see the lights off at the Twin tower while riding beam. Such a great night but so tiringgg 😬

7/9: Initially we wanted to go to Royal Floria fest but macam ramai. So we strolled around Putrajaya instead seeing the view & beautiful buildings. We stopped at the Putra Mosque to pray & my grandmother said it was her first time being here as she usually it on TV only. Then, we went to the famous Itik Salai Mashtar, which tasted so much better when eating with them. In the evening we wanted to go out but I already exhausted so we took a rest then the whole family had dinner with Abah who stayed in UKM while I went to TBS to go to the next destination

8/9: Rushed to Baling, Kedah for this girl! Had breakfast at the famous Tiptop Corner & then celebrated her malam berinai. It was the first time I wore inai on my fingers after a long time. Husna was the prettiest bride to be 😍

9/9: The weddding day of Husna & Aiman. Congratulations both of you! May Allah blessed your marriage with joy & happiness. I'm happy you found your way to each other. It was one of the most beautiful wedding ever!

10/9 - & rushed back to Bangi again after Husna's wedding for final event of the week - to see my baby brother become Leftenan Muda Adli Mirza! Congratulations Adikkk, very proud of youuu.

Then the following week I went to office full days as usual to complete my work as there have two screens. In the weekend I went to Kelantan for Husna's wedding by flight. It was kinda tragic because I accidentally forgot to put my father's name so I was charged RM150 to add his name back.

While in Kelantan, I spent my time mostly with Husna's family. Her family were so kind to me I thought they're like mine already. We had barbecue by the pool that night. The following morning we went to Kopitiam Kita before the reception.

During reception, I met Nina & here family & had a chit chat with them. Later on Nina & Faiz brought me to Bazar Tok Guru & then to her family's new house. Before going back to KL we went to Acu Tera for dinner. Then, Nina, Faiz & Alisa send me to the airport. Flight got delayed around 1 hour++ so I prayed & read some stuffs. I also had two interviews that week; one to further studies & one for career change (which I don't have intention to but I want to know how the market was)

The following week, I finally qualified as Outstanding Achiever as I already hit all target for the year. Now I need to learn to slow down & penetrated more non active customers.

30/9/2022 - After 19 years of wearing thick spectacles & 1.5 years of wearing contact lenses with power of -925 both sides, today I got to see clearly again without them. 

24/9 - I went to eye checkup (lasik journey should be in different post) & catching up with Nasuha.  I loved meeting her because we always talked about stories to inspire us be a better person & grateful with our lives.

I finished my worked earlier this month because I was going for lasik surgery on 30/9/2022. Alhamdulillah the surgery went well, but need to rest my eyes for few days & got 1 week medical leave. Anyway the service in KPJ KL was very goood! Will review soon in another post.

Till then,


2022: August, calmer than before.

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Since July was so very hectic, I prayed for August to rest a bit from all these hectic moments & reorganising back myself so I can take care of myself better. As well as for it to bring more great things in life, staying healthy, happy & grateful all the time. 

However in the first week, I already went to a continuing medical education (CME) organized by the company & MIMS Education. The night before, I came to KL from my house & planning to stay at the backpackers' hotel because I've never been there so I wanted to try. Few hours before I checked in, Husna said she's coming back to KL, so I checked in to her house instead 🤣. 

The next morning I went to CME workshop. I took Grab to the place. When I arrived there were quite many people & I got scared & nervous already. The talks given were so informative & I learned a lot. It took me a while to start talking to other people & the healthcare practitioners but in the end I did it although I was so freaked out. I hope to get to join this kind of events a lot more so I can break the wall within me.

The following week, I went to the office as usual. On the weekend I went to Penang weeeee to visit my sister at her new home. Everyone was there! We went to the swimming pool, grilled some meat & brought my grandmothers to breakfast. Then I went back on Sunday to KL. 

Halfway through the month we had medical checkup organised by Naluri. On the following day, I fell sick, maybe because I was so tired. But all of sudden on weekend I was healthy again! I had day with the most beautiful bride-to-be & also Along. We made her walked around Bukit Bintang wearing bride-to-be sash & headband. Then we went to eat at Mitasu together. I stayed at Husna's place for a few days while work from home because later on when she's married I can't do that anymoree.

I went to the office for everyday the following week to be extra extra focus. Then the weekend came I went back to Kedah since it was closing. I spend some time to rest with the family before the start of new month 😁

August was great, definitely. I always thought I'll feel lonely or not occupied but I always have a lot of things to do & that never makes me feel alone at all.

Till then,


2022: July, hello quarter 3

Assalamuaikum & Hi,

Let's write about July, although it's already September today! Time flew so fast & it's now already quarter 3, after than we only have 1 more quarter before 2023 😱

The month started with work of course, we had monthly meeting & then work as usual. Weekend was always the highlight. That weekend I stayed home reading & watching Netflix. I plan to do nothing & then Huda texted me on Sunday she was around my place. So we went out to eat Nippon Sushi & had some chit chat. I told her I was looking for a sejadah so we looked for one after that. I bought the Siti Khadijah's one & it was actually the best one I tried so far.

The following week, I went back to my hometown earlier for Hari Raya. During my time there, I watched Mat Kilau with my father, brother & brother's friend. I  didn't really like the storyline though. The next day, we prepared for AidilAdha; went to the market with my parents to buy all the ingredient to make Raya dishes. Also I tried Starbucks together for the first time with my siblings at the nearest outlet in our neighbourhood area on Raya night.

On the day of AidilAdha, we performed prayer together at Masjid UUM. Then we strolled around before we ended up going to Starbucks again to try the viral croissant. My uncle came on the 2nd raya & I also went back to Selangor the same night.

On 2nd week, work was great, work was not a problem this month, I was just adjusting to the new things only. That weekend, I went to Tuwa's house before she moved to Penang. We went to her friend's reception & hangout at a nice cafe.

3rd week was the bestt because the whole Telesales team went to 2nd National Sales Meeting for this year! It was done at Weil Hotel, Ipoh, Perak & I loveeddd that hotel. The room was niceee especially the bathtub. But the food wasn't great. We had dinner with the team at Seoul Garden. The next morning was full of meeting & training which was great too. We had dinner with the whole sales team on our last night at the hotel. Then, the following day we had half day meeting before going back. I went to Taiping with Syida to take the train to Kedah. I lovedd Taiping, it was busy, but calm & have many nice places. I took the KTM Utara to Bukit Mertajam, & switch there to go to Arau. Of course it was cheaper than ETS, but there were definitely a lot of people.

Had breakfast with the whole family on Saturday, then went out complete everything on Madihah's list before she went to matriculation. I went back to Selangor on the following day. 

On the final week of July, the company organised corporate culture day so everyone was invited to go. Of course I was excited about that because it means going out from the office & eating good food. After the event, we went back to the office to complete our call list. I also exercised after a long time & my body felt so much better. That weekend I have to work because I still didn't complete my call list. However in between calls, I went out with Nasuha to watch Cinta Subuh - it was greattt because it's the genre I favour. Nasuha had her first Dubuyo & she loved it very much!

I realized in June & July I watched a lot of dramas & read few books too. I thought I was so unproductive but I wasn't. At times I felt lonely & tired so I thought I didn't do anything at all; but I did a lot actually. But I realized I need to learn to take care of my health more; especially physically.

July is the fastest month ever, until I wished for time will slow down a bit for me to properly breathe. Had lot to catch up, sometimes I feel a bit suffocating & wanting to run away. Nevertheless, life is not like that, as life is about solving problems & coping with whatever challenges that came.

- let's catch up in the next post!

Till then,


2022: June, the most hectic month

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Hello, it's August already!!!!!! I guess time is moving even faster than light now. We're on the 2nd half of the year already. Seriously I don't know where all the time has gone. This year everything happened so quickly. Luckily I kept my memories here, so I can always read it back when I forget. Let's have a quick recap!

So June started with me going back to hometown! Met my whole family, we went to breakfast together, & then we went to Mama's friend's kenduri. After that I went back to Selangor again with my sister. Arrived at 6am & went to the office sharp at 8am. Work that week was so hectic because we implemented new things so it took time to adapt & it was so tiring. 

On that weekend I went to book fair with Nasuha. Couldn't miss #PBAKL2022 #KLIBF2022 this year because I love books! (Although I still have piles of unread books). Made a last minute plan with Nasuha, went to KLCC for lunch, then to the book fair in PWTC, alhamdulillah she enjoyed it as much as I did.

- Bought the books I wanted - found all the best selling books yang dikatakan habis stock. One of the books I took was the last copy!

- Met Norhafsah Hamid - one of the authors who saved my life through her writing when I was brokenhearted before. I personally thanked her as her book helped me to survive my difficult times.

- was walking around suddenly heard someone was singing & people cheering. Rupanya Ippo Hafiz was performing in one of the rooms. Dapat dengar dia nyanyi 3 lagu, & touched by the last song, Redha.

I couldn't feel my legs as I walked too much, but my heart was so full, being at the book fair & seeing how our society still love books & reading. Alhamdulillah for a memorable day ❤ 

The following day I cleaned my room & assembled new table for me to work from home. Then I had some rest before new week started.

At the end of week 3, I went to KL to meet Husna because I tried to spend  as much time as I can before she get married in few weeks time. We went to KLCC & then went to mamak date which we never had before! Highlight of staying with Husna this time was; we went to KLCC & walked to Bukit Bintang on Monday night just to get our Kunafa Crisp! We took LRT & MRT for freee because RapidKL made it free for 1 month.

On week 4, I went to visit Syida at her house in Setia Alam. Again I took the public transport since it was still free & Kak Yana picked me. We spend time at Syida's house around two hours catching up since all of us haven't gather with each other for 2 years++. Around 4pm I went home but as soon as I reached home, Abang Syamil texted me if I would like to come to his house since they had gathering that day. After Asar prayer, I went back to MRT & went to his house. On the following day, my sister came too & we watched few movies together. Had a really good time with Abang Syamil, Kak Nurul & their family 😄.

The month ended with work from home & I ordered the most delicious lasagna I ever tasted. Ohhh & I paid zakat to my ASB savings because I didn't know we had to, & I felt so light after doing so.

Overall, June was great! In terms of work, it's so hecticcc which was why this post was short as I didn't do much activities! I did overtime on my own will few times. We had violent protest too but my bosses managed it well (because it's for our own good), but at the end of the day, everyone still manage to hit our targets.

July was great too, will write it in another post!

Till then,


1 year as a salesgirl

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

It's been a year I since I became I salesgirl & I still can't believe it because it's the fastest 1 year in my life, ever. & I have been writing my progress here for the past 1 year consistently every 2 or 3 months (you can read it here).

It's been a great 1 year actually, & really a roller coaster ride. Started from the bottom, now we're stable. But the journey doesn't stop there. I thought when you're doing good, you can sit back & relax, but no 😂 you gotta work extra harder now.

Be creative, keep learning & asking for feedback

Sometimes the method you currently using maybe won't last long. If that happened, one need to act fast to get back on track. This has happened so many many times to me. I almost slipped down & fall, but I went to see my supervisors, colleagues & also learning from other sources. You gotta tweak your game in a good ways for you to win.

Good attitude & positivity always

My boss always said, keep up the good attitude, when you're not performing & also when you're doing well. Don't give up too soon when you can't hit & don't be too arrogant when you're on the top. Remember others too. Whether you performing or not, keep giving your best & always be positive. If your negative, nothing good will come to you. But if you're positive, you will surely do something to overcome the negativity.

To prepare for the future when things are right

The last two months has been so difficult to me. Very very difficult. The leadership team has implemented new strategy which focusing more on covering more customers & that is extremely hard. I understood about their point of views (POV) - to sustain, & also on salesperson POV - to have work life balance. 

This week we had our first 4 hours physical monthly meeting. It was a great session & we discussed a lot of things. I'm proud to be in this team, because no matter how hard it is (extremely hard actually), we always work with each other together to close the gap to ensure we can sustain the business.

While I had my disagreements with my bosses & experienced anxiety for the first time, I finally realized what they did actually build me into a more disciplined person (read here for the full story). & in the end it build me to become a better person & managing things well.

If our performance is low, we'll discuss on how to achieve our target.

If our performance is great, we'll focus on areas we're lacking so we can prepare for future.

There's always a room for improvement & there's no time to just relax.

Thank you for having me back

When I was 23 & no company wanted me, this company gave a chance for me to start my career as a SL1M trainee.
When I was 26 & I was at stagnant point of my life, this company welcome me home again for the 2nd time, with endless things to learn, earn & grow, which I never have the chance to do so before.

Therefore, thank you for letting me find my lost self & for saving my life twice ❤️ Most of all, being here has brought the little girl I lost in me & rekindle my unfulfilled dreams.

I know we shouldn't love our workplace so much because anything can change in a split second, but at the moment, I really do enjoy being here.

There's so many ups but also a lot of pressure too, & I'm still learning to manage that one.

God always has His own way for making things work for you. The road I went through was a kind of bumpy, but it's what shaping who I am today especially on being so determined & having perseverance. 

The learning process here is endless. & as a student of life, the satisfaction I gained in learning is always greater than the challenges I faced.

Till then,


The financial advices nobody asked for.

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

I've been wanting to post this for a long time but only got the call now hehe. Well, I'm not the right person to give you advices on this but, here's just my experiences, with the guide of my family & friends. I'm not a hardcore saver, but also not a big spender, I'm just an average girl who just want to play it safe.

Disclaimer: just an advice, different people have different commitments, so take the good advices & leave the bad ones hehe. What works for me might not work well for others.

1. Save at least 3 months of your salary

First & foremost, keep a portion of your salary for savings, to build minimum 3 months of your salaries. You can start it at any pace you want. Advisable is 20% but it depends on your commitments because everyone have different responsibilities, just start first. It's ok if it's 5% or 10%, this is a marathon not a sprint. In the end you just need to reach your destination; which is to build your savings. Over time, you can increase your savings gradually from 3 to 6 months or more depending on your capabilities.

2. Open Tabung Haji & ASB account (or fixed deposit account)

While you're doing number 1, you can actually open these two accounts & keep the cash you saved here. The reason is because, the dividend they paid is quite higher than only saving in the bank account. Also, it's a low risk investment. If you're non bumi, you can opt for fixed deposit account. Same like number 1, you can slowly spare some cash in these accounts. The more you save, the higher the dividend payout will be. You can open Tabung Haji account at their branches & ASB online at myASNB website or apps.

3. Plan & be disciplined in your spending

The rule of spending is to use whatever left from your salary after you minus savings & commitment. If you don't practice this, even if you earn RM20k per month, you will never feel it's enough for you. Never spend more than you earn, & never spend before you save. & after few months you do this, consistently, we can move to number 4. 

4. Get a credit card & know how to use it wisely

You can only come to this one only if you complete number 1-3, especially number 3. 

This one is the most interesting part. Back in my early twenties, I was paranoid when people said to take credit card because my thoughts are credit card=huge debt. Yes it is, if you use it wrongly. & no it's not, when you use it the right way.

The story of how I decided to get a credit card was because of Husna. First, we got into arguments because I said to her, I don't want to be in debt because of credit card. Then Husna said, why would you be in debt if you pay on time? & I was like err ok. After that, when we went to Japan, we had to pay for the hotel, Husna used her credit card without us having to bring a lot of cash & she's like, 'see, told you it's useful". So when we came back, I took one. 

The main reason why I took credit card is because during emergencies, you will use that without having to disturb your savings. Previously when I had emergencies, I will take my savings so it keeps decreasing & I have difficulties to topup it back. With credit card, you can avoid using your savings, but with one condition you must must pay it back on time with your next salary.

Another advantage is, you can buy things with 0% monthly installment like handphones, furnitures & more. It's better than having to take a lot of cash which you can use to put in number 2 & get the dividend instead. An advice, don't take so many monthly installments at once. Take it one by one or set some certain limit of monthly payment you can pay. & again, spend within your means & please please pay on time.

Third one is some credit cards give cashbacks & points. Like the one I'm using, if you go to groceries or fill at petrol stations on some days, you will get 5% cashback. It might not be a lot, but who want to give you cash for free?

Fourth one, you can monitor your spending online. Nowadays we have banking apps right? You can track your spending there. If we use cash, we might not know where we spend it, or we have to jot it down somewhere. For credit card, you can track it online. Just make sure you pay it back on time.

Last one is, it's good for your profile. When you have credit card, use it wisely, pay it beautifully, the bank will see it. So when one day, you wanted to make loan for your house or car, the bank has the proof that you're a committed person because they will see your payment pattern. 

So far, that's what I can remember, if I have more, I will add again.

& again & again, don't overspend & please pay on time. Credit card is something that will benefit you if you use it correctly & will haunt you if you use it wrongly.

5. Venture into other types of investments (low to high risks)

Once you're done with all that, you can go for other types investments like gold, unit trust, ASB financing, cryptocurrencies, robo-investment & more. We'll save that story for other days. 

Do go for lower risk investments first before going into the high risk ones. & read a lot before you make a decision. But please do number 1 first before going into these. 

Many people skipped to number 5 first & when the market is down, they don't have cash to reserve. I'm still learning on this part but you can read it a lot at or financialfaiz on Instagram as there's many things we can learn there.

6. Pay income tax & zakat

This one is very important but some people might overlook. For income tax, I don't have much experience but I know many companies will deduct it for you, then you can claim for it from LHDN later on. While for zakat, it's very important because it's number 3 in the five pillars of Islam. You can do it online these days, just go to their website & select the type of zakat you want to pay. Mostly is about 2.5% from what you have, but do check any Lembaga Zakat website to calculate. Same like income tax, what you paid for zakat also can be claimed too through LHDN (this one need save for later too, I don't know much yet).

7. Share with your loved ones.

When I first started my career, I wanted to give some money to my parents on monthly basis; but my mom refused to take it. Then my dad said, "just take it, no matter how much, even if it's small, because it's not for us, it's for her to get blesssings from us."

One thing that will make you happy is when you can treat your family & friends. To see the smile on their face when you bring them to nice place to eat or bought something you really want, are priceless. 

You can always earn money, but your family might not always be around. So when they're still here, go appreciate them.

Sharing blessings with others are the best things. It's not how much, even if you just treat your parents for breakfast, the thoughts that you share what you have with others are important.

8. Make donations

Another type of investment than is important is sedekah or donate your money; because it's not only for dunia but for akhirah/afterlife. 

It depends how much & where you want to donate, because the amount is not important but your sincerity.

9. Live your life too

Last but not least, save a portion for you to go for adventures, gain experiences or spend on your hobbies. Maybe around 10-20% depends, because you have work so so hard, you deserve to be rewarded by yourself too. 

Time waits for no man, there are things you should do now instead of later. Keep it balance, because if we saved too hard, we will lose the experience we should get especially in younger days when we are still healthy & have time, & if we spend too much, we will surely be doomed. 

Extra advice: Learn to cook

These days having a lot of life skills will definitely saved many of your living cost. For me one thing I've found very helpful is when you cook your meals.

Thanks to my father who always share with me the price of groceries & how much you can save if you cook instead of eating out, I started to cook too back in my uni days. 

Eating out cost you a lot more than when you cook. But when you can cook, you can adjust your spendings by making your own meals on your rainy days. & when you have your own family, cooking really helps in managing your finances. One of the examples is my father once said to me, you can cook big portion mee goreng for 10 people with total price of RM10 instead of buying it for RM3 per pack. 

That's all for now. This is just a sharing, our experiences might be different from each other. I hope it helps even in smallest way.

It's okay if you just started, or made some financial mistakes before this, it's never late to correct it, just do it at your own pace. 

The key is to just start first. Each one of us have our own style of manage things, you'll discover yours too, all the best.

Till then,


The greatest love of all #2

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This morning, I called my Mama & told her how difficult things were now & there were a lot of things I wanted but I didn't get. I was a little bit stressed & I cried too. But Mama said;

"Why would you stressed over small things you don't have, & forget about everything you have?"
" When you said it's hard, you're already blocking your mind that you can't do it"
"What is life without any challenges? You can't have all, you'll never will. Learn to be grateful & be a better person."
"He gave everything you wanted, but when there's 1 hard thing, you already broke down?"
"Why you wear nice clothes, put on makeup & focus to be pretty on the outside, but not on your inside? Mental & spiritual being are more important than physical being (but all are important). You should be kinder to yourself, your heart & your mind. You're torturing your soul by being stressed"
"Whenever you feel alone, go back to Allah, because you're never alone, you always have him".

My Mama always believe I'm a strong & independent girl. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. Because without her, I might not be able to be the way I am now. She's a living map that guided my way & a book that will tell me stories of life. That's one of the biggest blessings I have in life.

Dear God,
Forgive me if I always ask too much & forget every blessing You give to me.

Till then,

10 months as a salesgirl

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Since last May was the 10th month of being a salesgirl, there's few things I wanted to share.

- emotions & motivation
Feelings played a very important role in the life of a salesperson. Because if you feel like crap, how can you approach & have good conversation with your customers? If you're happy inside out, you can give the best service to your customer. I've through dark times back in end of March & early April. I thought I was okay but that actually effect my performance. Now when I'm very happy, everything was fine for me.

- coverage
To sustain & expand a business, you must cover wide numbers of customers. If you approach them now, maybe they won't buy anything from you. But one day, someday, the might. Because everyone is considered as potential customers.

- knowledge
As usual, knowledge is a gem one need to have gained directly or indirectly, formal or informal. With knowledge, you'll build confidence & be a better person.

To many more amazing days as a salesgirl!

Till then,

2022: May & Syawal

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Can you believe it's finally June, halfway through the year already? Time flew so so so fast that I couldn't catch up anymore, but I still want to write here to remember what happened last May.

1st May was a public holiday & everybody was relaxing before eid. But there were rumors eid will come earlier 1 day. Abah said it wasn't true, while I always believe viral thing can be true too. Mama heard Ustaz gave talk that it might eid on 2nd May, so she asked all of us to clean the house & prepare to cook rendang & ketupat. 

When the announcement was made that night, it was confirmed will be eid on 2nd. Everybody was panicking & it was a chaotic moments all over Malaysia. Luckily we had made the rendang, so we only left cleaning the house & ironing the clothes. My brother & I slept at 3am to do the housechores.

The day after on 1st Syawal, everybody act like usual, still energetic. We went for prayers at the mosque, celebrated eid at home first; asking forgiveness, giving duit raya & taking pictures together.

Then in the evening we went to Penang tk visit my relatives & meeting Uncle Zain. We took pictures together by the beach like we had done every single year (except during covid years).

On 2nd day, we went to visit my grandfathers' graves, visit my grandmother's friends, & then went to mall with the siblings. I bought the expensive strawberries because I was craving for it.

The next day, Mak Long & her family came to visit us. We had lunch at IKEA before going back to Kedah. On our way, we stopped by at Abah's friend's house for a while. We had some rest on raya day 4. 

Raya day 5; brought the whole siblings to the cinema to watch Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness. It was such a good but scary movie at the same time! The next day, we went to a kenduri & then my uncle came to visit us. He gave duit raya for me because I was still single, & that's the only duit raya I received this year.

Raya day 7: bought a plant as a gift to Mama for mother's day. & the hardest goodbye came after almost 2 weeks staying at home & taking 1 week of leave to spend time with them.

Onn 10th May I got my new car &  a lot of things happen to it (let's save this for another post).

Went to the office, read books as usual. During the weekend, I went to my sister's place & we went to a lot of open houses. The traffic was so bad all over KL & Selangor! Oh that week also, I ran few kms 3 days in a row.

On the following weekend, I took a leave on Friday because Mirza & Madihah came to KL. We had soooo muchhh funnnn!

- 1st night - they rushed to KL from Bangi after work & we strolled around Putrajaya together.

- 2nd day- went to Sukiya after work but the queue was super long so we went for quick dinner & ended up exploring KL city centre which was so much nicerr! First time trying the beam scooter & I walked 6000 steps that night. 

On Friday, Mirza drove my car back, & we went to Ipoh for a while to eat nasi ganja. 

21st May - My birthday. Had breakfast with my parents & the girls. Mama bought few flowers to plant as gifts for my birthday. & the night before I went back to KL, we went to Ayaq Kopi for dinner.

The next weekend, I still go back to Kedah & finished puasa 6! Had few driving sessions with Mirza, watched Abah played football, went to mosque every night with Abah & Muadz, & had 1 hour conversation with my Mama about life.

Went back on 29th, arrived on 30th, straight went to the office, had meetings, arrange new tables, finalized everything in May & finally ready for June. 

As for work, April & May were the toughest. Even I was going back to hometown in between work, I still do my best to achieve the best for work. & the results were alhamdulillah good. I felt so glad I managed to survive the hardest moments of the year.

I ended my May by finished two books from Rupi Kaur; Milk & Honey and The Sun & Her Flowers.

May was mostly going back & forth to Kedah. It made my father so overly attached to me that he wanted me to move back. But I just can't yet, because despite being alone, I still love the life I build here & happy with the work I have. Maybe one day I'll move back, but this adventurous girl still have a lot of things she wanted to see first. Being in the city, & going back to my family seems to be the life I'm happy with at the moment.

Till then,


2022: April & Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

This year flew by so fast, suddenly now we're in Ramadhan & 2nd quarter already. April means the beginning of the quarter two & Ramadhan is my favourite month in the Islamic year.

I still remember the easiest phase of Ramadhan was back in MRSM. Back then, attending morning classes, prep class, studying, staying up until 2 3am, finish 30 juz Al Quran, performing prayers together as well as doing tahajud prayers were so easy.

Those days I thought it was hard too but I still can do it without fail. But over the years, everything seems tougher than ever. Perhaps I was older & lack of energy to do so, or I was easily distracted these days. Juggling with daily life, work & doing everything extra on Ramadhan were hard to endure. My favourite Ramadhan memories happened back in 2019 (Read here).

Ramadhan is divided by 3 phases every 10 days; 1) Mercy of Allah (Rahmah), 2) Forgiveness (Maghfirah) & Freedom of Hellfire. So let's recap this Ramadhan by each 10 days.

Phase 1 (First 10 days)

Few days before Ramadan, I went to emotional breakdown because the last 2 years of Ramadan before I spend with family. So I kinda miss them a lot. But still, the first 10 days were the most exciting phase. I already planned what to do, where to go for breaking fast & do terawih. I woke up so early everyday & managed to complete whatever I wanted to do & slept right after terawih. I went to surau at my house, break fast & have terawih there. I will stay there from Maghrib until Isyak. On the 4th day, I have an extreme dehydration, so I bought Shaklee Performance Drink to stay dehydrated, alhamdulillah it worked well. On the first weekend I stayed at home & finished writing some of the posts in my blog. Also it was the first time I went to Masjid Wilayah. & on this week also I got the red flag so my pace started to slow down from here. I read a book, but it's quite heavy so I haven't finish it yet until now. I bought a new telekung that I always dream of to wear & bought one for my Mama too. A friend of mine & I had a conversation about doa, & it made me realized we have to keep praying & give our best efforts but Allah will answer our prayers with what He knows best.

Phase 2 (mid 10 days)

I finally went back to celebrate Ramadan with my family for a few days. Bought a new spectacles, celebrated Mahirah's birthday & took the ETS back to KL. I was so happy to spend time with my family, especially breaking fast together. I bought telekung Siti Khadijah for my Mama as a surprise & she was so extremely happyyy!  & I finally found my pace back in work. I made new spectacles because the old one already broken. When I wanted to go back to KL, I was dramatic as usual. I finally bought caryacosmetic's multipurpose makeup pallette & it's so gooodd. Finally went to office again & the jam was soooo terrible.

Phase 3 (Last 10 days)

The last phase was the most awaited by all Muslims as it's where the night of Laylatul Qadr happened (click here to know more).

Last 10 days of Ramadan was all about waking up at 3 4am for masjid hopping (inspired by Hlovate in novel Contengan Jalanan), clock in for work at 8am, rushing everywhere & also striving to achieve both Ramadan goals & work KPI. 

I went to the mosque every night & slept there few times. Had sahur & night prayers together with the communities there. It was such a meaningful moment ever. On my last night efore I went back to my hometown, I played fireworks together with the residents.  Then I stopped by at Masjid KLCC alone for night prayers where all these chasing for Ramadan started. It was so nostalgic that it made me cried whole night. I stayed with Tuwa & Alizul at their house before we went home for eid.

We continued to celebrate Ramadan until the last day, which happened to come a day earlier without all of knowing. & that's how Ramadan left us.

This year, Ramadan is definitely super tiring & have given me terrible eyebags, but it's something fulfilling & I will always treasure these moments in Ramadan 🤍

May Allah accept everything we do for Him & give us the very best that we deserve 😊

The mosque I've been to:

- Masjid Wilayah KL with Nasuha : the most beautiful mosque I've ever seen so far, feeling mcm kt Mekah wlupun belum pernah sampai sana.

- Masjid Al Hasanah/Masjid Hijau Bangi with my housemate for qiam

- Masjid KLCC alone on the 25th Ramadan : went from Bangi to this Masjid by Grab after work bcus I really wanted to go there at least once in Ramadan

- Masjid Sg Laka in Changlun with the family.

- Masjid UUM Sintok in last 2 days of Ramadan & Hari Raya prayer.

- Surau at the residence I'm living in: spend most of my Ramadan here for breaking fast & terawih

Never thought Ramadhan will pass by this fast. It was so hard to catch up with our goals, work, & to do more ibadah in Ramadhan. 

May Allah count each every deed we're doing sincerely. May we will meet Lailatul Qadr & gain all the blessings from Allah. May all the prayers you silently prayed & all the wishes you have in our heart will be granted by Him. Most of all may we will be rewarded the highest level of Jannah.


Till then,


27 random memories of 27 y/o me

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Got the idea for this post while I was travelling back to my hometown. Since today in my birthday, let's recap of 27 random memories I had in life.

1 - was born in the UK, but I didn't remember anything because I was a sweet baby. Nevertheless, out of nowhere I'm a sucker for old British songs like it's running in my blood

2 - when I was young, my imagination was so wild & wide, so I always tell stories that I've created in my mind to my sister & she actually believed it

3 - one of early memories I had was going to kindergarten in UUM when they still at the old building. & the memories I remembered was eating rice with egg & soy sauce. Also singing the song "Heal the world" by Michael Jackson.

4 - when I was in kindergarten & primary school, Mama was actually the fierce one. So I was closer to Abah. When Mama went for outstation, Abah always take care of us. There's one time, Mama went for outstation & Abah feed me rice & crab while I was crying.

5 - back in kindergarten, I was a fan of musical chair because I always won. But one day, there's this one guy who defeated me & I don't like it anymore.

6 - my favourite song was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & I did a performance in kindergarten singing & dancing this song.

7 - I was not good at Monkey Bar but I really wanted to make it till the end so I always practice until my hands became sore. Looking back, that's the only thing I worried of back at the age of 6 & 7.

8 - I was a heavy reader when I was a child. My parents always bought books for me to read. I loved to read books about future, Aesop fabulous & Mingguan Wanita for their ghost stories. My reading habit went down when I was in boarding school & I only pick it up that habit recently.

9 - on my 9th birthday was the year my parents gave me the best surprise; so many boxes of presents which I couldn't remember now but 1 gift was an big encyclopedia because I loved books with pictures.

10 - the first time I ever failed an exam was when I was 10, because I didn't know the format so I answered in the wrong way.

11 - I was never good at Maths until 11 because I met Cikgu Jamil, the teacher who changed my life. Since then, I never got lesser than an A for Maths.

12 - I started wearing glasses since 8 years old, because my Mama noticed me watching TV at a very near distance. Oh & I loved Taiwanese drama TV3 aired at 6pm Monday till Friday before 😛

13 - when in boarding school, there's always this Aunty Cleaner who sold burgers to us secretly at the hostel & told us stories too. Never saw her since I was 15.

14 - I actually loved carrying books everywhere even when I wasn't studying because I don't like to feel guilty for not studying.

15 - in MRSM back then, we were disconnected to the outside world, thus the only way to keep in touch of the world was to read the newspapers we got for each classroom to on daily basis. 

16 - was an average student since forever, but at 16 was the first time I scored so very well & was given so many opportunities such as going for great dinner, entering a lot of nerd competitions because of that.

17 - always loved to go for trip with the school & stopped by at R&R. That's was the first time I travelled far & until now I will remember each R&R I stopped by; & that was the inspiration for this post.

18 - in my Foundation year I never saved a cent of my MARA allowance because I was excited to try everything in Sunway Pyramid as it's my first time living on my own. 

19 - afraid not, a year after that I started saving my money little by little according to my own capabilities. Still have a lot of fun with my friends, exploring the cities - went to a lot of food hunting; always favourite until now & going to malls, which now we thought were boring because malls were all same. Now I started to look at places that will give me experiences.

20 - A library & bookish lady since young - become a librarian at primary school so I could read books during recess, stayed at library in high school to because I loved the vibes & because it's air-conditioned & work part time in library in university because I always stayed there, so why didn't I stayed there while earned some pocket money? Now, I was in love with every bookstore I went.

21 - in uni days, we always went to surau at our residence, & it was one of beautiful moments in life. & that impacted me until now as it made me missed going to mosque.

22 - I went to so many job hunting journey but all the jobs I got was when I least expected to get. I was just trying my luck because the job looked interesting & I got in.

23 - SL1M days were the days I became a lot lenient with my life & the wildest phase of my life. I made friends with people from all sorts of backgrounds & tried a lot of things I never thought of doing.

24 - while in my previous job, I always stayed back late at work because catching up during working hours were hard. So I took some time to learn after work so I could improve, the latest I've stayed was at 10pm. Once I could do my job well, I never wanted to work extra hours anymore because I believed one should be productive & have work life balance 🤣

25 - being 25 was the age of unexpected happened to me. Covid 19, WFH, tough times at work & broken up - all three happened suddenly & left me in pieces. Despite whatever I felt, I still learn to pick myself.

26 - a year of change, so drastic change - changed my job, migrate to new city, improved my appearance & had a lot of adventures. Its like I was reborn again - & I started to believe, "there's more in life for you to feel that getting hurt". Just remember that & keep walking especially in painful moments. But still, give time for yourself to grief & embrace whatever sadness you felt. 

27 - many many great things happened, got few bad things also. But I bought a car this year! & scratched (probably dented a bit) on the 6th day 😆 but may I will always be brave & safe to drive 🥰

Extra things to keep here;

Turned 27 today. Being 26 changed my life the most & what I've learned over a year were;

1. One must be dynamic as change is the only constant in life. You'll grow over time as long as you're willing to change for good - everyday is a new day to change 1% better than yesterday.

2. Also you sometimes there are things can't control in life, & that's when you have to redha, learn to let go & let God. When you redha after giving your best, you will feel light & content because you know everything in this life belongs to God & you just borrowed it from Him. And He will never let you lost but keep ask Him to guide you.

3. It's never too late for anything; the road is yours - open the map, navigate your way & go to your destination, re-route if needed & it doesn't matter how much time you take as long as you reach there.

4. Still need to work on work-life balance & dunia-akhirah balance. Especially on the akhirah since that is eternal.

Nevertheless, I'm so happy & grateful with this temporary life. Hopefully I will continue to age gracefully & happily 😊 

To many more blessed year & making great memories in life in shaa Allah ❤

Till then,


A nostalgic person

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

There's this one time, I went to Starbucks with my housemate after taraweeh prayers. It was raining at that time, & seeing the rain falling lead me to think about a lot of things. It's like seeing flashbacks of the present, past & future. Lol such a complicated situation. After we went back, I still couldn't sleep as easy as I usually always do.

Had a small conversation with a friend about few adult life things & it made me realize how much we've grown up. I've been feeling nostalgic lately & couldn't stop feeling that way last night. If you Google, a nostalgic person as defined by Merriam Webster was someone who longs for a past time or condition. 

I don't always long for my past, but I always remember them.  I was always attached to memories. There were places that I went, will remind me of all the good & bad memories I've been through, mostly the good ones. Out of people, places & events - I was attached most to memories associated with places.

Let me tell you how it feels to be a nostalgic person. As a person with strong memories, I will always be able to recall everything that happened in my life, big or smalll. Whenever I came across to the places that associated with my memories, especially the strong ones, I couldn't help but having flashbacks of things that happen there. It's like you're sitting & rewatching that moment one more time.

When you went out & saw things that could trigger me then I started to feel nostalgic. Crap, I hate to feel that way. Sometimes I will have so much to say, & all sorts of emotions in my heart but unable to let it go. That's the price I have to pay being a nostalgic person. Sometimes I wished to be like a normal person, not remembering & felt things the way I did. 

I have discovered one way to overcome this thing, which was through writing. It helped a lot especially after I started writing this blog. Despite that, there's still a lot of things I couldn't write openly. Thanks Twitter for existing because I could rant a bit there. There were also things I couldn't write because everytime i hold my pen & paper to write, I went through another breakdown. I wanted to accomplish my writing dream, but that road is just too painful to go through.

But I will learn to deal with it. Because it's a gift to be this kind of person. Just like having superpower, you just have to control it & learn how it can benefit you.

Also, being this way too will remind me during darker days, that I've been through so many things in life, so that memories will help me to survive all the hardships in life.

Either ways both have pros & cons. But when things were hard, just try to look at things in different angle.

To many more feelings, hopefully only good ones.

Till then,



Florence Nightingale

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Just a quick one. While I was working today, I saw one of my customer posted about international nurses' day. She quoted one line from someone that brought me down to my memory lane.

"Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter's or sculptor's work" - Florence Nightingale

It brought be back to 12 years ago while I was in Form 3 perhaps. I always loved to go to the library, just because I loved to read. I liked to read biographies & it still remained until now. 

So there's one day I grabbed a book about Florence Nightingale's journey in nursing. I don't remember much but I knew she started the modern nursing. A lot of people were against what she's doing but she just keep doing what she wanted to do because she knew it will benefit people.

Her story really inspired me & I was so motivated to be in healthcare line; which at that time of course doctor, but I was so scared to be one because I was one clumsy lady. I was so afraid instead of savings lives, I might kill my patients. Thus, good bye doctor dream! Now here's come the "what ifs" thoughts, "What if I choose to work in hospital?", "What if I'm braver or more focused to achieve my dreams?". While I knew & believed God have greater plans for me, those were just my deep regrets I have in my heart which couldn't be undone. Florence Nightingale went through a lot to make modern nursing the way it is now when it seemed impossible, but her courage saved so many lives. So if you have big scary dreams, go for it okay?

Perhaps God knew what I felt in my heart, thus he brought me back to healthcare line, where I got to learn about medicine & diseases; which did involved treating people indirectly. I really loved what I'm doing now & enjoyed it anyway. I loved my doctors, purchasers, nurses & all my clients. It's just a memory that came out of us celebrating international nurses' day made me thought about tweaking the past.

Anyway, Florence Nightingale's story is so inspiring that you should read it! To all nurses, thank you for helping & caring for patients. Without you, lives might couldn't be saved. Thank you for sacrificing your time & energy to treat us.

Happy International Nurses' day!

“Never give nor take an excuse.”
“Ignite the mind’s spark to rise the sun in you.”
“There is no part of my life, upon which I can look back without pain
- Florence Nightingale 

Till then,


Two meaningful calls

 Assalamualaikum & Hi,

Today at work, I made phone calls as usual. However there were 2 calls that really means a lot to me & really touched my heart.

1st call - I promoted some medicine to the doctor and he made some purchase with me. Towards the end of call;

Dr : "Happy celebrating raya with your friends, husband, children & family, Adlina!"

A: "Dr, I'm still single, no children yet, will celebrate raya with my family in my hometown :)"

Dr: "Haaa, you're single? How come a sweet girl with a nice voice like you still single?" (Dr never heard me sing, if he did, he probably will ask me to shut my mouth haha)

A: *smile awkwardly on the phone* "Not sure Dr, Dr pray la I will find a good man to marry"

Dr: "Come here to clinic, I recommend guys for you haha. By the way how old are you Adlina? Maybe I can ask around"

A: "27 years old Dr"

Dr: "Aaaaa still very young, Adlina. No worries, if any good man come here, I recommend some to you"

I don't expect my doctors to say that kind of things. But the kind thoughts he had really made me go awww thanks doctor you're so nice. The fact that I lived in KL & he's in Perak, but he still think of finding someone for me.

2nd call - while making other calls, suddenly another doctor called my phone. She wanted to place some orders & checking some stuffs with me. Then she had patients, so she said she will call back. So total time she called me in between was around three times. We talked about a lot of medicines, she placed orders & I also managed to penetrate some medicine she never purchased before. At the end of the call,

Dr: "Anyway Adlina, where are you located at?" (the doctor is in Johor)

A: "I'm based in HQ in KL Dr, that's why I called Dr every month instead of visiting clinic"

Dr: "Aaah I see, whenever you're around do come here, Adlina. It's nice talking to you. Thank you so much for bearing with me & help me to check everything. I check a lot of item with you" (I was speechless already at this time because a doctor said this to a normal girl like me)

A: "Sure Dr, no problem. I like it if Dr ask me, I can learn a lot from Dr. If Dr come to KL also do tell me, maybe I can meet Dr too.

Dr: "Hopefully Adlina, really hope can see you too"

A: *remember 1 item that Dr might purchase, so the conversation continues in the end Dr buy another item*

Some days, I got scolded. Some days, I don't know what to talk about. Everyday there's always new things I learn & enjoy. But today was a special day because there were memorable moments with me & my doctors beyond doing business. And these were things I will always remember especially during lows.

My bosses always told me to build good rapports with doctors & purchasers whether they buy from you or not. If they didn't buy today, they will buy one day. But you have to treat them well for them to remember the company & you especially. Because any company can sell medicine, but not everyone can give a great service & be an amazing salesperson.

To many more good rapports & more sales.

Till then,


A perfect call

Assalamualaikum & Hi,
I was on the train to go back to my hometown. It's 2am & suddenly I felt like writing this after waking up from my sleep. 

Today I had a session with my supervisor to analyse my performance. We used to have these kind of sessions back then when I started work. After my performances getting stable & all of us were getting busier, we kind of stopped doing this. 

Nevertheless, April & May will be a little bit harder for us, so perhaps that's why I was called for this session.

My performance was still on track & my work progress still okay. However, every time I walked into this room to discuss about my work, I was always amazed by how there's always and always something to talk about & improvised. Previous posts I've written already included the summaries of our conversations during these sessions (click here)

Like today, we talked about the calls I've made. 

1) Talking speed
When my supervisor played few of my calls, there were a lot of things I realized. I talked quite fast. Talking face to face & on the phone were so different. I thought I conveyed the information clearly but I was not. On the phone, we have to speak the words clearly 1 by 1 for the customers to capture the information we shared through our voices. We're not present in front of them but we have to make sure the way we talked were like we're sitting beside them. That's what I have improved since my first call back in August, but still need to improvise now for better customer experiences.
2) Monotonous 
The highlight of the review was most of my calls were monotonous. This was something new for me to realize & learn. When we listened to the calls, there were in 1 tone, lack of emotions & I was playing it safe in conveying the information. We hear some other successful calls and I was amazed on how they contained so much emotions according to what they're talking about, excitement to share information & the way to initiate buying signals from customers.

Sometimes, you being so happy & putting your emotions similar as in customer shoes will build their trust in you. That's something I will need to focus on starting from now.

3) Follow up service
Starting from day 1 making calls, my bosses already told me to have probing with customers on anything from what they liked, how was their days & etc. But as usual, I was playing it safe. Usually I will call to follow up on stocks availability, share promotions & told any additional information. Sometimes if I already called for all of these on previous month, I will feel I don't know what to talk about in this month conversation.

One thing my supervisor highlighted today - to follow up on our service. I never even once called to ask our customers regarding their shopping experience with us by call, if through WhatsApp I had always done it. Thus, this was definitely a keypoint I need to remember.

In summary, there were still a lot of room of improvements I need to make for me to reach that perfect call. 

Another thing that was highlighted - sales was not only about money. It's mostly about satisfaction & happiness in doing your job. I realized that since day I went for interview, but now I felt it stronger. Money will make you stable & comfortable. But passion & purpose were what will make you happy & excited to do this repetitive gestures in your job.

Second thing, I just want to share was today I was sent to meet vendor to test something for my department. I went to the meeting room where I used to have my SL1M training back then. 

It kind of made me felt nostalgic because this nobody girl who was just a trainee that didn't get the opportunity to shine, finally be back in the same room now given a chance to be a part of decision that will make a difference in the company.
I shall remember today for these two memorable things; a great review session & realising how far I've been since before.

To many more making good changes in life :)

Look at how far we've become

But I'll never forget where I came from

Till then,

3am thoughts

Assalamualaikum & Hi,

It's almost 3am while I was writing this and I couldn't sleep. Just finished eating Maggi Kari & had a long hot shower to refresh myself. I had a lot of things on my mind & here's the only safe space for me to rant.

Life has been both good & bad. The good part was fine. But the bad part was quite hard for me to digest. 

Few months ago, I met someone who's seemed fine too me. Of course I put boundaries & kept space for suspicious thoughts to be safe. However it turned out this person was lying to me. Things I have doubt for turned out to be correct. I was relieved that God showed me truth more feeling hurt. In fact I felt I wasn't hurt at all. I was just glad.

Unfortunately, few weeks after that, I was struck by thoughts that made me cried for days. It was, how could a person lied that way, especially to someone who's honest & sincere to open her heart? How could you fake yourself for someone who's ready to learn to accept you? How could you use someone to fill the empty spaces in your life while the other person wanted to make you a part of her life? How could you caused someone's light to be dimmed by decieving her? How..just how could you? 

It's be better to be rejected than being lied to because at least you're being true to yourself.

I never knew I was hurt until someone splurged to me about this which made me reflected on this. It was me who trusted people so easily and I wasn't careful enough. But how could I have mistrust people if I wanted to get to know them? I was in deep pain crying for days. The pain was not on the surface, but deeper at the bottom of my heart which I failed to see. I was told I was no longer on fire for work. My fire started to extinguish. I didn't show much passion at work. I realized that too. I noticed I just do things for the sake of doing it instead of being excited to learn like I always do. That's when I started to realized I should stop feeling whatever I was feeling because it could affect my current life. The last time I felt similarly this way, I moved to a new city, and that's something I didn't want to do.

As I was writing this, my tears just couldn't keep flowing. I couldn't contain the pain of keep meeting the wrong people. Despite everything that happened, I still have the courage to be brave to give chance to others. That's the something in me nobody could steal - perseverance. I kept telling myself whenever things didn't go my way, generally in all aspects in life;

"There's so many exciting adventures ahead you'll never see if you give up now"

I kept praying to God, please, please..lead me to people with sincere & honest heart with good intentions the way I have in my heart & mind. Now, I wanted to focus being my better self because you'll attract people with the same energy. I also need to find back my burning fire I used to have back then. I was one of diamonds of the season before, I have to be one again. Most importantly, I must learn to surrender my heart to God & accept whatever he has in store for me wholeheartedly.

No pain can't be cured, no heart can't be healed, no life can't be better - as long as you give a chance for it, no matter how hard & bad things you've faced. You'll appreciate the sweetness of success later :)

p/s: I really felt so much better after writing this. And it's 3am plus now so, I felt really sleepy already. Good night readers, sleep well. And please pray everything will be better for me. I wanted to glow & shine the way I always do :)

Till then,

The sappy Adlina.

My Sunway memories - The Sunway City

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

Back to my Sunway series stuffs (lol this is not a TV show sis haha). Sunway is one the places that have many memories I will always remember thus this city deserved a separate post from me.
  • Sunway Pyramid
What is Sunway without the heart of the city, one of my favourite malls in Malaysia - the Sunway Pyramid. 

If I didn't have any class or anything to do at university, you definitely could find me here. It's like my second home already. I usually came here with friends or even alone. My favourite thing to do here of course food hunting! When I first came to Selangor, at that time there's not so many franchise restaurants in Kedah yet. So coming here means I want to try everything. Among the things I loved to eat during earlier days were The Kenny Roger's Roasters. Then over the years followed by Sushi King, DubuYo & many more. There were times during degree years, I often went to Sunway Pyramid with Husna, Along & Nina. We finished our assignments & studied there  till late night. I remembered it will always be The Coffee Bean or McDonalds.

I only went to ice skating once, using student rate which was RM10 at that time. I had fun but I remembered I fell more times that I actually skate. I loved to sit at the pavilion or stairs (don't know what it's called) in between Sunway Pyramid & Sunway Lagoon to see the nice views. What more I loved about this place? Popular bookstore! I always went there whenever I craved to touch books. Sometimes I also sat down & read before deciding to buy. Most of the times I didn't because I was a broke student. But I will buy whenever I have book vouchers given by the government. Ah, another thing I loved doing was going to Aeon & bought clothes on discounts. I loved the bread at Aeon too! I still remember there was time I wanted to buy bread but allowance money was not transfered yet so I just waved good bye to the delicious fluffy bread. I always went to watch movies at the cinema early mornings because the price was just RM7 back then. Whenever blockbuster movies came out I'll be the first one to watch. If nobody wanted to go I usually went alone.

This mall really has a special place in my heart; bought my first pair of shoes with my own money here, gathered with my family & friends here and graduated here also. Every corner of Sunway Pyramid had a piece of my memories.

It's been almost 3 years I haven't been there. And I don't think I should go at the moment because the memories there were too strong for me to build new memories because I always reminisce the old good times whenever I went there. Never mind, my favourite mall now is KLCC hahaha.
  • Shuttle bus
In Sunway, there was a shuttle bus that will cover some places in Sunway. I couldn't remember all location but it covered Sunway Pyramid, Sunway University and Monash University which I always went. 

I remembered I usually took this bus after classes back in my Foundation year. At that time I lived in Sunway Monash Residence located in Monash University. So I will wait at the bus stop in front of Sunway College and the bus will send us back home.

Sometimes when I wanted to go to Sunway Pyramid on weekends I will use this Shuttle bus too. There's one time I throw something at the bus because they left me when it didn't stop to pick me when I waited already for almost half an hour.

  • Canopy walk
Besides the shuttle bus, there are other ways to travel in Sunway. It's the Canopy walk which connected to same places that the shuttle bus travelled. My first option to go to college or Sunway Pyramid was always Canopy walk if I have the energy to walk or gave up waiting for the bus. The walk was very long, I don't know how long but very long lah. But when you usually walked there you will know it's not that long. And you can enjoy the Sunway view especially when you passed by the Sunway Lagoon.

Even on this canopy walk, I have so many memories. One of them was, there's this one night I went to Sunway Pyramid my friends during foundation year. It was so late and we're so tired. So we decided to wait for the shuttle bus. After waiting for 1 hour, the bus still didn't come. In the end, we decided to walk through the canopy walk which took only 15 minutes for us to arrive home which we might arrived earlier if we walk at first. 
  • Sunway Lagoon 
Sunway Lagoon is one of the top places to visit in Malaysia, but I only went there on my final year of study. There's one time we went to Sunway Putra Mall and there's a booth promoting Sunway Lagoon. They have package for unlimited access to Sunway Lagoon for the price RM150/6 months or RM200/year. The difference was just RM50 but since we're finishing our studies in less than a year, and we're students which technically means we're also broke, we decided to take the 6 months package only. 

ANDDDDD it was the best decision ever! Why no one told me Sunway Lagoon was so nice?! It's sad that I only went there in my final year. If I discovered the package earlier, I probably will went there like everyday. The ticket itself costed RM100++ so if you bought the package and went twice, it's nice already. But I went there, 6 TIMES! Hahahaha. Twice with friends, twice alone just because I wanted to ride the roller coaster and another two times I couldn't remember. 

My favourites were (so hard to describe, I went to the website to find the names) the Vuvuezela, the Spongebob Monsoon 360, the flying fox, the pirate ship, the roller coaster ride & the ferris wheel.

Hopefully one day I can bring my family here like I used to promise before.

Thank you Sunway for being a part of me for 4 years :)

Read more about my life in Sunway during foundation and degree here

Till then,